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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A Message Worth Repeating

"Campbell's candidacy for second term applauded

The Daily Times (Salisbury, MD)-November 13, 2008

I would like to thank Salisbury City Councilwoman Deborah Campbell for continuing to fight for a change in Salisbury. Her announcement has made a lot of people very happy to know that the voice they count on to fight for them isn't going anywhere.

When it comes to Salisbury, Campbell always has our best interests in mind.

Jonathan Taylor


Anonymous said...

This is intended to be sarcastic. Right?

Joanie said...

Get over it JT.

joealbero said...

No, this was the actual letter Jonathan sent into the Daily Times. He was a Mole for Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegys. A scumbag. A scam artist. A con man.

Anonymous said...

Now that is funny! He is such a nut, he has gone off the deep end in his hatred for Debbie. JT, since we all know you are reading this, just let it go! You will be a happier person if you just try to focus on the positives in life rather than spending your time personally attacking people, like your bizarre move last week trying to identify Ireton campaign workers. They never did anything to you, and yet you put out a call to identify them. Just leave people alone.

joealbero said...

anonymous 8:46, he can't, just like JR can't either.

The two of them are so obsessed with wanting to be Joe Albero, heck, after Robinson came to my home and saw all my cars, the next thing we knew he was buying vehicles like there was no tomorrow because he just had to be the next Joe Albero. He even went so far as to purchase the exact same vehicle, (color and all) as my Wife drives. He's that obsessed.

The two of them have serious mental issues. Jonathan was snagged red handed going through Debbie's personal files and items and Jonathan was FIRED on the spot. He is so riddled with guilt, Debbie wouldn't speak to him and refused to forgive him because she put her faith and trust in him and Jonathan, (being guilty) cannot let it go.

Even Jonathan's wife has been seen giving people the middle finger for absolutely no reason. She has even lost it mentally. She has no class but then again she's from Crisfield.

dinosaur said...

You must not be planning to go to the Tawes Crabfeast this year !!

Anonymous said...

I have tried commenting on JT blog and even tried chatting with him about his stance with Debbie. He has not responded and now has blocked me from chatting. What is he hiding?

Anonymous said...

He's a panty sniffer.

Anonymous said...

Then Taylor posted on the DT:

Debbie Campbell is the worst thing to happen to this city since the great fire destroyed downtown. She is also very unpopular..we have 12,000 registered voters and only 1,500 voted for I said small crowd that actually like her.
7/7/2009 11:15:09 AM

Taylor is obviously an obsessive personality who failed at math and logic. That 1500-plus votes Campbell got represented a nearly 2 to 1 trouncing of her opponent and 2/3 of the VOTERS who voted.

Registered don't mean squat if they don't turn out to vote. By Taylor's limp logic, that's even more people who don't like his buddy Muir Boda.

In my opinion, the man is disturbed. People with a lick of sense will avoid someone like him.

Watergirl said...

Hey Joe, what do you have against Crisfield ? There's plenty good old boys that could kick your NewYork a$$ without even breaking a sweat and my husband is one of them.

Retired Auction Man said...

In reference to John's BMW. To set you straight. It is his Daughters car and he bought it at my auction when his Dad was alive over 6 years ago! He has been fixing it up. I even have the pics of what it looked like then. He put a motor in it and a hood and redid the inside, It was a Junker bought at OC Police Auction!
I KNOW I SOLD IT TO HIM AND TOWED IT TO HIS DADS IN MARION! I even remeber we stored it in an old chicken house that John had a bunch of cars in.
Now at least I know who is the liar. And to think, I used to believe you.