This just in from a viewer.
SALISBURY — Alarm Engineering Inc. is warning people of reports of fake alarm salespeople who have allegedly been going door-to-door.
Some have allegedly implied or led customers to believe they are from Alarm Engineering and/or GE Security, and are visiting customer's homes to install their "free alarm system upgrade."
These people do not work for either company.
Still, the alleged scammers have attempted to get customers to sign contracts and reveal account passwords, ID numbers, and social security numbers.
Alarm Engineering has found that the company these people work for is not licensed in his jurisdiction.
Law enforcement officials are asking anyone who may have come in contact with these people to call them immediately.
Also, do not give them any personal information. Ask for credentials and identification.
For more information, call your local Alarm Engineering office.
They've been to my house. Told me I needed the system and how they'd let me have it for free if I'd allow them to put the sign out front and to let several of them come in for a few days to install it. The guy said since all my neighbors seem to know me I'd be their advertisement. I told the guy that my dogs are my security system since the one jumps up on everyone who walks in needing to see you eye-to-eye. Some say I need to correct that problem, I don't think so. After my run in with the kid in November I prefer to feel safe.
Absolute Security
Does anybody know which company is going door to door and misrepresenting themselves?
Kimmie, the same guy came to my front door and said the same thing. As soon as he said the word "free" I told him to go away. nothing is free.
They were on Russell Avenue in Salisbury last week. A young guy dressed nicely and clean cut approx. 5'-10" thin build and light brown hair.
I'm not surprised at all. I think Salisbury and Wicomico County are getting reputation for being easy targets for burglary. The police don't really do much for a burglary. They don't care. Remember all the burglaries in the Hebron/Mardela area last month? The police didn't even want to take fingerprints. Another lady who lives out there had an issue recently. A big seafood truck pulled up in her driveway. They rang the front doorbell. She didn't answer. They went around back and tried her back door. She asked them what they were doing. The guy said, "I didn't think you were home. Your regular car was not here. Want to buy some seafood?" (If he thought she wasn't home, why did he try to back door?) She called the police. They didn't want the tag number, description, or anything. They told her that some companies had a license to do this. (I'm assuming the license is to sell door to door, not to try to break in your back door and rob you blind.)
They were at my house in Delmar on the 4th of July. No one works door to door on a holiday, except for the pizza man. Wanted to place systems at the corner houses on our street.
Representatives from ADT came to the house earlier this spring, but I thought they were legitimate since they left literature and a business card.
Delmar must sorely need security systems.
Flower bowl neighborhood (Honeysuckle Dr.) was saturated last week. Bunch of young men, one is about 8 feet tall, and they have backpacks on stuffed with alarm equipment. They got my grandfather to sign a contract for 5 years and pay 45 a month in monitoring fees. When I found out I was upset and tried to cancel the contract. They give a three day grace period and you can only cancel by sending a telegram and a letter. A telegram?? Yeah, what a joke they are....Vector Security.
And the blacktop gypsies are here too. Knock on your door with a deal from a job around the corner. No license, no insurance and a guarantee that last a lifetime or until the check clears the bank which ever comes first.
Came to my house on College Avenue (sounds like the same guy who was on Russell). He said he was from "Vector Alarms," had a shirt with a company logo embroidered on it and an official looking advertisement. I asked for a card (said he didn't carry them) and for them to just send me something in the mail (said they don't do that because it would cause them to lose the sale). Glad I didn't invite him inside or give him any info, but this is a little scary!
Laurel had it to on July 4th. Again, the my big brown dog is my alarm system.
Dont come on my property un-invited or you might get shot.
Vector was at my house, felt it was a bogus company so i didnt sign up plus i already have absolute security as my alarm system, and they are a local company
ADT all the way baby!
I'd call the Dog, Guard Dog!
VECTOR came to our house and when he said free except for placing an ad sign in the front yard.
More ?,s and there was a 5 yr contract involved for 45$ amonth. Well we refused to listen anymore and said discussion is over. Bruce was his first name and clean cut young man. The very next day another different company came to the house and he didint get off the front steps.Given their apperances and demeanors I never gave a thought about a scam.
also had some bogus jack leg tree guys trying to muster up some work... no lisence no insurance, no thank you!!! i don't need to save money that bad. ashoul've seen the way they left the neighbor's yard.. tore all to pieces. NICE!
2:37 ---
Telegrams were discontinued by Western Union back in January, 2006.
Anyone who suggests that method of communication is stuck in the last century, and is not to be trusted.
Same guy came to my home on Calvin Dr. in Salis. on the 1st. Said his name was Victor Wilson. Talked to him for a while, he didn't have a card and couldn't leave me a brochure (said it was his last one).
I had him write down his name and number and told him I would call him after I had thought about it. Saw him the next day down the street, he got an elderly woman to sign up.
Called the Sheriff's Office today, told me to call back if I see him in the neighborhood. Like he'll be back.... That's some shoddy police work I tell you.
They were in Fruitland last Thursday..must be making their rounds. Dressed professional, but they were walking around town..I did not see a car.
The same young man described by the Russel Ave. resident knocked on my door on Camden Ave. a couple of nights ago. Since it was almost dark, I thought that was strange. He fit the same description: young, fairly tall, very clean-cut (an enterprising college student look), and personable. He had a sign already to put into my yard and was eager to sign me up. He certainly didn't fit the mold of a scam artist.
We just called the cops on them--police came out and chased them out of the neighborhood. They couldn't charge them with anything yet, but because they did not have a permit to solicit in Salisbury, they were told they must leave the city. Please tell all of your neighbors about this scam, they are preying on the vulnerable! Thanks, Joe for the forum on this--you and all of the readers here have definitely saved some people from these criminals!
9:27, good info. Roger (2:37) maybe you can cancel that contract if you can prove they were soliciting without proper licensing.
You can also check with the Wicomico Electrical Board to see if the company holds a current Electrical license, required by the County.
Note: The city of Salisbury defers electrical licensing and permits to Wicomico county.
A young man with short blonde hair about 6 ft tall Khaki pants and white polo t-shirt that said ge security embroidered on it. Also had a name tag with ge security and picture on it. Had all the makings of a true salesman. Was very curious in the recent break in's and my current alarm system. Wanted to install a cell phone behind my current alarm system. Came into my home and used our phone to call corp. we were really falling for this, he is good. Then they told us our credit was not good enough but we didn't even give him any social security numbers or nothing just our names. Glad we got rid of him. He wrote his name and number on a piece of paper, but my butt threw it away the next day, cause we were not interested. Hope they get caught.
Great idea,Daddio-if they are not licensed contractors the contract is null and void.
Vector Security was in Fruitland area last week and yes,used the same sales pitch.."you can have it for free..we will just use you as our advertising..." After some prying, because this seemed too good to be true,the salesman did admit to a $45/month fee to "cover the fire/police/emt fees"(whatever)he is afterall a salesman and they do lie to make a sale. We DID get the security system instlled,alarms on each door with a voice message telling you which door is open,a fire alarm if your house reaches a high temp.,a glass shattering alarm if someone tries to break a window, and a motion dectector--all FREE.Yes, we still have to pay the $45/mo. "service fee" or whatever sales pitch he uses. I did some research of my own when my neighbors informed me of the "scam." I have to admit,I was a little worried with all the talk about the SCAM,especially since our salesman told us to contact him "anytime" and gave us a 1-800 number to the main branch,instead of a direct line. Here is what I found out: these men are in fact legitimate salesmen for a company called AMP Security,LLC who sells their business to Vector,kinda like a local car dealer selling Toyota vehicles for the larger company. They do use all different types of sales pitches to get you to buy,and yes even saying that it is free. There is a Vector website that tells you all info about the company products. Also, if you need to contact AMP Security,the office where these salesmen are working out of the no. is 1-800-877-2606. This is just for those people working for Vector. They will have the shirt on with the logo, and yes, one of them is almost 7 feet tall. Don't believe the guy when he tells you it is free,it isnt! only the equipment and installation are free. It is still a really good deal for $45/mo. and it does work. The guy I spoke with from AMP assured us that company isn't a fraud and that the men were "unfortunately using bad sales tactics and misrepresenting the company by not explaining to customers what IS free and what IS NOT." I hope this clears up some skeptisism. No,Nothing is free.
Fair enough, 10:50. Now my question is this:
Who is their license holder? I have already posted the link to the electrical board which has a listing of all electrical license holders in the county.
The next questions are:
What is the electrical permit number for your job? When was it inspected?
If they didn't obtain a permit and inspection on the installation, then your job is illegal.
If you wanted to, you could have any contract with them nullified if those procedures were not followed.
my big brown .44 is the only alarm I need.
I'm sorry to say you really were taken by a scam. You can buy motion detectors at Wal-Mart for cheap--do you really think anyone is monitoring your alarms on teh other end? Check out the Better Business Bureau files on these guys--it is a scam. They are operating without a permit. They have no business cards. And what legit alarm company goes door-to-door on foot soliciting customers? You are paying $45 a month for equipment you could have purchased for $50. It is a scam, believe me.
Here's further evidence it was a scam: they told my neighbors that a family just signed up for the service--little did the scam artist know that my friends knew this family, and so they called them up to ask them if they really had signed up. Turns out they hadn't. They are liars. Please, if you have friends or family in the area, warn them about these guys! You will pay a bunch of money for a false sense of security.
Sorry, one more thing: good luck getting your money back. You can try to "nullify" the contract all you want, that money is gone.
Some guy named "Dustin" with "Ge security" came to my house in Delmar last Friday and tried to pull the same scam. He left his phone number - an 801 area code.
I had my Vector system pulled today. If you are not satisfied call the number they left with you. It will be pulled.
Delmar-I sympathize with everyone who has been lied to about their security system. I do know though that Vector is a real security service. I have had this service now since Oct.2007 and our business has the same system. We have never had a problem with Vector and in fact one of our neighbors friends accidentally busted their neighbors kitchen window with a baseball and the police were called. The fact of the matter is, if you believe you are being scammed, then you probably are. Most security systems cost about $150-$350 just for installation and then you do have to pay monthly fees. Some counties also require a permit for hook-up. Ours cost $99 for installation(a so-called fall special)and we pay $48.99 each mo.(residence)Just remember,salesmen will say whatever they want to make a sale! It is also a good idea to check out other security systems and their prices.
Why is nobody calling ADT, a nationally recognized company (or even Alarm Engineering) if they want and alarm system? I know ADT offers deals (just look in that coupon mailer that comes every month). Our bill is $38/month and we get calls when our alarm is acting up (low batteries) or if it is tripped by anything. Why go with a no name company like Vector that you aren't sure of? It just doesn't make any sense... It's probably a scam and you are paying more per month for what?
Sales is what it is... a method of presenting a product to appeal to potential customers. I had a Vector alarm installed from the 7 foot guy named Cliff. He was a very professional young man and was clear about the entire deal. The alarm works.. my wife feels safe.. I feel safe! And I feel that 45 dollars a month is worth my family's safety. I did look up Vector with the BBB and found out that they have an office in Columbia with an A+ rating and have been there for 35 years. I did this before I had signed anything. All of you who are claiming scam might want to do a little research before getting in such a mob. Also, please notice the article above is sponsored by Alarm Engineering... They even mention themselves and the contact to ask any questions. Is there anyone else that thinks that any feedback that you would get from a local competitor might contain even the slightest bit of bias?
I worked in the biz for over 7 years for ADT Security, they are the most worst company you can go with. We knocked on doors every Tuesday and we looked for area's that were broken into.( just like every secuity company ) sold cheap systmes for $99.00 or $49.00 or if we were not getting any apts we would give them away and tell the people it was a mangers special. If ADT were so great they would not hire people every other week because all the good ones are gone. Oh and they charge $42.99 a month. Call Alarm Engineering they are locally owned and way less then any other company out there. Take it from 5 people who not only left ADT because of the lack of concern for the customer after the sale but all the lies they made us tell. Find the facts. They are big not better.
Funny, I also worked for ADT us and half of the world. This company is hands down the worst one out there. They teach every sales rep the same "MODEL SALES CALL" which is ADT's way of making sure everyone says and does the same thing when entering someones home. The managers are a joke, just call and ask to speak to the residential manager if you understand one word of what he is saying you will be the first. The facts are, the local office is a joke for lack of a better word the sales people are like robots. Oh and they are not allowed to leave your home with out calling the almighty Tracey ( the sales manager)so he can find out why you are not buying today and then offer you a 10% discount all done thru the robots themsleves. I agree with the post above find out the facts and go or call to speak with the local manager and see first hand what is in that office you will understand the need to find a good company.
Good Luck and stay safe.
My name is Chelsey Ellison, I am the Customer Advocate for AMP Security, one of the alarm companies mentioned above. I would like to clear up any misconceptions or concerns you may have about our company. AMP Security LLC. is in fact a legitimate company. Our headquarters are stationed in Orem, Utah, with smaller offices across the nation. We do sell security systems across the nation for larger companies such as Guardian Protection Services and Vector Security. These are both very reputable monitoring companies that provide 24-hour home monitoring. We do not condone misleading sales tactics. The free system is referring the equipment that is installed in the home. There is a monthly monitoring fee to connect to the monitoring station, we apologize if this was not clearly communicated in the discussion of the system. I do want to offer some advice to keep you and your families safe and comfortable when approached by a door to door sales representative. Door to door representatives should be wearing Identification that indicates their name, a photo ID and the company they are representing. If you still have concerns about the legitimacy of the representative call the company, they will be able to confirm that they are indeed an authorized representative. Secondly, read the documentation before signing. Make sure you read and agree to everything that is on any agreement you sign. If you have any further questions that you would like me to address please feel free to e-mail me at chelsey.ellison@ampsecurity.com or you can contact me directly at 801-854-9214.
Thank you,
Chelsey Ellison
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