Hello Joe.
I work for Sam's Club Corporate Communications and your concern over the pharmacy using prescription pill bottles to pass out candy was brought to my attention. We learned about this on Tuesday 6/23. We have determined that this is an isolated incident and that the practice was immediately stopped. We have also shared with all of our pharmacy departments that this is an unacceptable practice and should not be repeated.
At Sam's Club we always have the health and welfare of our customers and members in mind with everything we do and we deeply regret that this incident occurred. I did try and post a comment to consumerist but it has not appeared yet. FYI and if you need to speak with me pls. let me know.
This email is privileged and confidential
Susan Koehler Senior Manager,
Corporate Communications Sam's Club
Public Relations
Phone: 479-277-8066
Editors Note: Now this is what I'm talking about! A mistake was made by a large Corporation and rather than running and hiding, they OWNED UP TO IT and my hat is tipped to Sam's Club for being accountable.
Perhaps the people on the Salisbury City Council can learn a thing or two about being accountable and doing the right thing because this is top shelf in the corporate world.
Thank You Susan. I have been a Sam's Club Corporate Member ever since you swung the doors in your Annapolis, Maryland Store. I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars there as well as Salisbury, Maryland over the years and this is one of the reasons I choose to shop there and continue as a member.
In fact, (for what it's worth) on our last trip in our Motor Coach, we stopped in every City/Town along the way to Orlando, Florida to purchase ALL of our gas when needed. That puppy takes 100 gallons of gas and as many know they don't get very good gas mileage.
To Blognetnews, That's Influential!
Great news, Joe! I kind of figured corporate didn't know about this--it just seemed like such a bad idea to begin with.
Thanks for the update. I've updated our story on it and added a link back to the update on your site.
Best regards,
Wow, the power of the press!! Thank you Joe! And yes, because I think your blog is a service to this community in providing up-to-date and useful information to our community.
Ahhhh!! Accountability. The shore needs more of it. Ppl here do whatever they want and the good ol boy network allows it. Good to see someone with some pride(another personality trait lacking here).
Were SORRY, for putting so many local family run businesses in the toilet.
Were SORRY we only pay our employs enough to live like migrants.
Were SORRY we put nearly nothing back into your community.
Were SORRY we push all these China made crappollas on the public.
Were SORRY that our owners have to live behind the walls of a BUNKER to seperate themselves from the average AMERICAN.
Take you SORRY and shove it where the sun dont shine sweet heart.
I guess you just ignored the 'privileged and confidential' instructions?
Better lawyer up dude.
10:42, I bet not!
Job well done!
Sam's Club just like WalMart says they only care for the welfare of their members & associates. That is a real crock. If you work there, do not get hurt on the job. If you do you'll find out the hard way just how much they care. NOT!!
Been there.
So get a better job. Problem solved.
Im happy I sent the tip to the people over at Consumerist. They usually get results when things like this are brought to their attention and they didn't disappoint this time either.
I do not know who you are and really do not care. Why do you live on the Eastern Shore if things are so "backwards", and people do not have pride?
I have lived on the Eastern Shore all of my 52 years. I have raised a family, with two children who are very successful adults and contributed to our community as a teacher. What do you do for our communities? Run them down. Whay are you here? There must be some reason.....why not disclose it.
I take great offense to your comment about the lack of "pride" on the Eastern Shore. Perhaps you do not know the definintion of "pride", as I do not know anyone who is a native of the Eastern Shore of Maryland who is not proud of themselves and where they are from. Perhaps, you are to "GOOD" go live here.
Be gone with you!!!
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