The Daily Times featured John Robinson this weekend in their newspaper boasting about all these new business ventures he and his Wife have been getting into. One of them is a new indoor skate park. Another Blogger was kind enough to apparently provide photos of the newly renovated building and an outdoor skating area that WAS fenced in, until today.
It seems the wide spread attention brought forth the head Inspector for Wicomico County in which Robinson once again didn't file for permits and broke several laws. One of which was the new fencing he had just installed without permission.
Word has it he is outside right now screaming and yelling, throwing fits and demolishing the brand new fence as the County demanded it come down immediate. Why the urgency, it turns out Robinson blocked off the Fire Lane access to the back of the building and if there was a fire, no one would have been able to get to the rear of the building.
I'm sorry Folks but this Idiot never ceases to crack me up to no end. Karma John Robinson, Karma! ROTFLMAO! We'll have an update of violations tomorrow some time. For once I'm actually pleased at the Daily Times work. John, "YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!"

Is he the first IDIOT of the week???
That guy is the worlds biggest chucklehead!
There is not a legit bone in JR body. That chump is always bending the rules.
Keep up the good work joe. I wonder how long he has gotten away with stuff and what other stuff has he done.
WTF. this turkey is always up to something. Those business all just opened within 2 months. Lets look him up in a year and see what happens! Total puff piece in the daily slime.
I guess the free advertising in the daily times and on the gelatinous blob's blog wasn't so free lol
I work at the court plaza john has cameras pointed in all directions but claims he is trying to keep a positive attitude paranoia sets in with no permits or correct insurance to run a skate park. you never put the wagon before the Horse you will lose every time.
Mamma said stupid is as stupid does isn't that wright JR Gump
There was a stagaring drunk guy at the court plaza today and robinson said I know that guy he's okay. just what we need around kids ,ha John?
Letter to the editor,
I just looked at that other blog and saw a pic of another blogger walking a certain council woman out. I then went to the chat box and wrote "seriously why are you stalking Council person(name deleted)? Immediately a pop up came up and read:
The page at says:
You have been banned from Whoville by a community monitor.
Then you have to click ok to get out of there.
I have written numerous positive comments about that council person, the county sheriff, the new mayor and the most popular blogger and none get posted. This is censoring at its best. I have posted many postive comments and I am confident many others have. He is only posting the negative comments by a few haters who are on a mission to smear the above mentioned. I also noticed the the the blogger is posting many of his own anonymous comment as well to make it look like these people are hated by everyone.
If I remember correctly the past Mare publicly stated that the citizens shouldn't read those "mean spirited blogs"(referring to the most popular one)
Well folks what you have is the same Mare, Michael Dumb, Bubba Comagees, Lynn Fatfart and Louweasel Smith creating and controlling the worst blog ever.
Joe, please post this letter to warn the good citizens of this city and county that the monster is out there lurking and they will smear anyone that associates with the good people mentioned above. I would greatly appreciate it if you allowed articles to get the public help in shutting this fraud down. The more you put out there sooner or later we will win again.
Sperry van ness thought that Mr Robinson had his ducks in a row or they would have never gave him permission to go ahead with his skate park . it is what it is Bart Miller.
I feel sorry for the retailers at the court plaza looks like john is taking advantage of the parking lot.
looks like robinson has one more truck to go to his antarage of keeping up with the Albero's
Anonymous said...
Sperry van ness thought that Mr Robinson had his ducks in a row or they would have never gave him permission to go ahead with his skate park . it is what it is Bart Miller.
9:05 PM
It is the property owners responsibility to know that all there properties are code compliant both in the city and the county. They play stupid and then hope for leniency when the get caught.
Bart Miller as well as all the associates and employees of Sperry Van Ness are very well aware of this. The Mare and the lame ass county council members have have had these crooks in their pockets for many years now. It is time to put this crap to bed. It is also time to boot these dead beat council members.
They should go through all those stores to make sure they have a back door. Many of them do not. I thought that was a must in a business.
Joe, I have been reading your blog for over a year. In that time, John Robinson has had issues with sales tax collections and remittal to the State,expired business licenses,discharging a weapon inside his store(resulting in personal injury), accusations of harrassment by Mike Lewis and his deputies, bragging that he was "dean of students" at Bennett Middle School,expired tags on uninspected trucks, questionable break-ins at his businesses where only his business records were targeted,his gold buying without a precious metals license or pawn license, and now his blatant disregard of proper procedures in opening a new business. Oh, I almost forgot his highly rated radio show!!! Where does it end with this clown??? Does he think he is above the law??? Maybe the Daily Slimes will come do a follow-up on why permits were not obtained by this big time operator!! You can only claim ignorance for so long before people realize that you are what you are.
Sperry Van Ness does not care about the remaining retailers in Court Plaza. Since they took over management of the plaza there has been a mass exodus of long-time tenants. When Robinson blows smoke up their a$$ about what he plans to do, they look the other way. It is what it is. You would think they would be more diligent as far as making sure JR has the proper permits and liability insurance for his adolescent daycare.
Sperry Van Ness -- nuff said!
Let us not forget his undercover work with the DEA in Philly and his undercover work in a joint operation with the DEA and Coast Guard.
Do they still let him play with guns in a public setting?
One word - Moron.
What? No FIRE Exit? If someone crashed through the front door and the car caught on fire there would be no way out!
IRS audit
JR is above the law and will spin cycle anything to get his way.
Iv'e been told there is a investigation on JR and the bank had to give up john,s bank statements not john, the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget hes a semi-pro skater. He also owns part of the orioles. He has security clearance at the white house since he works on their clocks. In mid february the clock shop had already done 300k in sales from the start of 09
Anon 12:48 You have for sure talked to Johnny. Do you know how many times he told me he was buying the court plaza?-Under Cover Cop?-FBI security Clearance?-Friends with Tony Hawk?-Owns Property in OC?-Has a Target store across the bridge?-He has Millions works just to keep busy?-I can go on and on but I can't take it!
The spin doesn't stop with JR. Fart
King John's Court Plaza
Robinson is puting up a new Fence as we speak 5 gallon orange buckets filled with concrete split rail fence.The county will be back, phase 2maybe they will fine him this time.
JR fence up fence down fence up to be continued.
John Robinson has got to be the biggest a hole I have ever been in contact with in my whole life. He lies so much he believes what ever he is covering up at that moment. then goes on to the next lie. trys to cover that up. I would not want to be in his shoes, when he finally has to tell the truth. how bought it Johnny boy.
No plans ,no permits, no liability insurance, no brains!!!
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