Besides last night's accident involving a Salisbury Fire Truck there was yet another trying issue at hand. Engine 210 was taken out of service until further notice due to the accident.
During the heavy storm several stop lights went out which is not an unusual thing. However, the stop lights at both the Parsons Rd., Nanticoke Rd. and the Parsons Rd., Pemberton Dr. intersections both went out. A Salisbury Police officer arrived at the Pemberton location to assist with traffic because it was a city problem. A Wicomico County Sheriff's deputy arrived at the Nanticoke location and radioed in saying that it was a state problem, but he would remain on scene and assist with traffic until someone else showed up (which is nice of him, I thought).
Dispatch called the deputy back shortly thereafter and advised him that state denied responsibility of the lights and to call city. Well, city denied responsibility and said that it belonged to state. Wicomico made another call to state just to verify and they ADAMANTLY stated that it was not their responsibility. The deputy asked dispatch if they could ask the city police officer if they could block traffic from coming down that short stretch of road until they figured out the situation and the deputy would block traffic for him.
Apparently the state had contacted city and got into a shouting match with them because city REFUSED to assist county in any way!!! So who's problem is it and why can't we all just get along???
One more reason for the Mayor to consider a Task Force of Citizen volunteers.
That's why it takes so long to get help when you really NEED it! They argue over whose jurisdiction it is all the time.
Good question!
and how do you know this?
what else did any of them have to do at that time that they just didn't say whoever was closest could take care of it? its not like there was so much crime happening at the time that they didnt have any spare officers
Ego is a dangerous thing.
It was just 2 blocks from headquarters. They can't spare any desk jockies to direct traffic? It's surely not in Websters contract.
Certainly covers SPD's unwillingness to work with other departments as a team.
The answer to this is easy. Nanticoke Road is a state maintained road. It has a state highway designation of Rt 349. Therefore, this is absolutely the jurisdiction of the state or MSP's responsibility.
Parsons Road & Pemberton Drive have green street signs. This designates city streets. Therefore, this intersection is absolutely the city's jurisdiction and their responsibility.
Both intersections are located within the county. It wouldn't hurt the county to lend a hand until the jurisdictions responsible arrived on scene.
Problem solved. Where is my million dollars?
Problem is they would rather rant, rave and argue among themselves about whose jurisdiction it is rather than get the problem corrected. This is so maddening about this city, county, state.
Hey 10:16...under that reasoning, Rt 50 at Main Street, Rt 13 at E. Carrol Street or Rt 13 at Isabella would be the state's responsibility because they are state highways. That's just not the case. It is based on annexation. The McDonald's on Rt 349 and the Pecan Square are annexed into the city. They also annexed some roadways. It's actually strange how it works. The Centre at Salisbury, Best Buy, Wal Mart north and the Salisbury State Police Barrack are in the city limits. But...the neighborhoods around Deer's Head Hospital, Cherry Way, Pine Way and the Salisbury Mobile Home Park by the Centre are not in the city. Everything deals with what is annexed into the city. Hope that helps to explain things. It's not about ego's. It's more about jurisdictional boundaries and accurate reporting of incidents within those boundaries. Not to mention the tax issue. People paying city taxes receive city police service.
The root of the problem is with Barrie Tilghman, Gary Comegys, John Pick and the Developers and their desire to annex everything in the county. They want to annex everything out of greed, but they refuse to take in the roads. This problem with annexation is very dangerous and needs to stop. Dissolve the city charter and make everything the County. Problem solved.
Heres a concept: how about getting off of your butt and contribute to society by doing your job.
1:14 Let me give you an analogy that may help. Lets say you work at McDonald's. One night you decide to stop at Burger King to get a bite to eat. When you walk in, you see they are extremely busy with a long line of customers. Are you going to walk behind the counter and start taking orders just because you work in fast food too? If your answer is "no", well, why not? Because they are a differnet company? Because they have different rules and regulations? Because it's just not right to impose yourself on them in their place of work?
i don't understand why salisbury floods like that. I live in easton, right by the water and...nothing. what is the problrm with your streets?
By the way, it is Salisbury City's responsibility as it is in their jurisdiction. End of story.
I alway thought that was County and that it didn't turn into state until further down naticoke rd.
Just to let everyone know the traffic lights were working. The problem was the fire enigine, even though they were on an emergency call, did go through the intersection on a red light and should have slowed down and possbily stopped if necessary. My daughter was driving the Yukon and was on a green light. When she saw the fire engine she hit the brakes but it wasn't enough. Thankfully no one was hurt.
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