CEO of a METROPOLITAN fire department? When did Salisbury become a metropolitan area? This isn't Norfolk or Baltimore. Apparently he hasn't heard the concerns or issues involving the Salisbury Fire Department other than "new toyz for big boyz". His retention rate is nothing to write home about and the fact that he has stated repeatedly his disdain for volunteer fire fighters, he has got to be delusional. Is he the only one petitioning for this seat? Are there no other, more qualified people to represent the Eastern division?
My name is David B. See and I am seeking your support in my bid for re-election to the position of Director-at-Large on the IAFC Volunteer and Combination Officers Section Board of Directors. I have served in this position since August 2006 making significant contributions to the continued success of VCOS, promoting the section and upholding its reputation as the largest and one of the most active and progressive sections of the IAFC.
I have met many of you in my travels across the country, through calls or e-mails, and have heard your concerns and issues that you deal with in your respective departments. They are the same nationwide: personnel safety, funding, personnel qualifications, recruitment and retention, and even the “two-hatter” issue. As the CEO of a metropolitan municipal combination department in Salisbury, Maryland I dealt with each of them and more on a daily basis. I continue to deal with them as I serve in my hometown’s combination department (Delmar, Delaware).
The VCOS mission is to assist volunteer and combination fire service leaders in dealing with the multi-faceted issues that face them now and well into the future. The section’s core mission and subsequent projects impact everyone in the nation’s fire service. During my tenure as a Director I have worked with my colleagues, and many of you, on numerous projects that have dealt with those issues and those projects continue to pave a positive path for the future of the fire service nationwide. Each of us is proud of those accomplishments and I am hopeful that I will be selected to serve on the Board for another term. Thank you in advance for your continued support as each of you participates in this election process. Please cast your vote for me and always remember - Everyone Goes Home!
Why dont you go home.
salisbury is the secod largest to baltimore in md, not counting DC in both population and size, many live around annapolis, frederick but city is smaller, so SMALLISBURY isnt so small!
Chris Laramore, OCVFD
What can be called metropolitan is debatable. For someone from Snow Hill or Crisfield, Salisbury IS the "big city!" For years before the north end mall was built people would come to the plaza to shop. It was a big deal.
Delusional is too kind. This amn and his friends Gordy and Hoppes are trying to take the Volunteers for one last ride on their money. They are demanding money from the Volunteers to have a retirement party for See. The Volunteers are asked to pay $38 for each of his VCOS buddies to come and put on a show. Nobody is interested in a party for him and wouldn't come if they have to pay for it out of their pocket. This is just one more example of the wild spending that has gone on for years.
Ocean City doesn't use the V anymore. It is OCFD.
Someone should contact the staff at the IAFC and let them know David See doesn't qualify for the election and he is lying in his biography. He isn't even a chief officer in the Delmar Fire Department.
The Delmar Fire Department isn't even considered a combination fire department. They have a few paid paramedics that are really their custodians. If you don't believe me check out every want add posted for the position. They are paid to clean up the station for the volunteers and take a few ambulance calls as they come in. What a joke!
well...well..well. This smells of career versus volunteer. Honestly we need both to protect our communities. As a small supporter by the way of taxes, I feel we need both. Thankyou all for your efforts. We can t afford an all paid fire department. So please quit the belly aching and please get along...Thank you
Why would the volunteers be expected to pay for a party for a man that makes no bones about hateing volunteers? The volunteers should take the money and throw a good riddance party for themselves and not invite Gordy and his crew. Let Bill Gordy foot the bill he has plenty of money.
Let Gordy pay the bill since it is his party and he is demanding that the Volunteers pay $1600 per each station. We have been told that the volunteers have to pay $1600 from all 3 stations, but only 20 volunteers are allowed to go and they have to pay $35 more for each one. They want the volunteers to pay $4800 for that party? Where is that money coming from? Does Mayor Ireton know that?
Metropolitan Definition
met·ro·pol·i·tan (mtr-pl-tn)
a. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a major city: crowded metropolitan streets; a metropolitan newspaper.
b. Of or constituting a large city or urbanized area, including adjacent suburbs and towns: the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area; a metropolitan county.
We are glad he is gone! Now we need to get rid of Hoppes and Gordy.
The Salisbury Metropolitan Statistical Area was designated by the US Census Bureau in 2000. It includes Delmar and Fruitland.
We are #41540
Aren't we glad that we have a fancy designation!
Hey Strom Thurmond I thought you were dead?
To the Strom Thurmond wannabe, there is a difference between the Salisbury Metropolitan Statiscal Area and claiming to be a big time chief of a Metropolitan Fire Department.
In case you aren't aware:
The Salisbury Metropolitan Statistical Area, as defined by the United States Census Bureau, is an area consisting of two counties on Maryland's Eastern Shore, anchored by the city of Salisbury. As of the 2000 census, the MSA had a population of 109,391 (though a July 1, 2007 estimate placed the population at 119,616).
As you can see that has nothing to do with the Salisbury Fire department and it's coverage area. Get a grip BOZO!!
I agree with Anon 2:21 PM. We are ALL glad that he is gone and now we want to get rid of Hoppes, Gordy and Tull. Help is on the Way. We are still hoping.
Regarding your 10:45 comment your 100% right, even as a IAFF member, our Chief has worked wonders, and thats what VCOS is all about. I am not following the rest of the comments, the post is about See's re-election, yet severial talk about a party, please explain.
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