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Friday, May 22, 2009


Well, Danke Derek Wu, actually participated in the decision, as the current "Student Member" of the Maryland State Board of Education. Last week that body denied the request by Wicomico County for a waiver of the "maintenance of effort" requirement, so that the $2 Million reduction in funding for the school system proposed for the FY2010 County budget by County Exec. Rick Pollitt could be made without resulting in forfeiture of a considerably greater amount of state aid for education. Mr. Wu is a senior at James M. Bennett High School in Wicomico County. He serves as president of school’s Student Government Association (SGA) and as a member of the Maryland Association of Student Councils.

Unfortunately, if Mr. Wu’s goal was to make sure that Wicomico County did not shortchange the school system, he may be disappointed. The County is now touting a plan in which various funds in accounts of the Board of Education would be transferred to the County, which would then add that money to the budget appropriation, and it could be put back in those accounts, but only after counting against the maintenance of effort requirement as part of the "appropriation" in the budget.

Mr. Wu: can you say "scam?"


Anonymous said...


Beaucoup kudos to Mr. Wu, and also to you for another interesting true story that we will never see in the Daily Times (unless it decises to publish a reasonable facsimile thereof).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mr. Wu. I am one proud taxpayer.

I want to say something else. The Federal Judicial system should take-up investigation into the BOE and Wicomico County if this proposed budgetary process is allowed to succeed. It is a Ponzi scheme it is allowed to be pulled off.

Anonymous said...

I understand the Council funded the Bd. at a level $700,000 above the amount required for Maintenance of Effort. The school year is ending in two weeks. If the $700,000 was needed, why hasn't it been used? If it was not needed, why did it go to Bd of Ed instead of to roads or the sheriff or something that did need it ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mr. Wu knows the county needs to do its share like other counties in this state. By the way, Mr. Wu is smarter than all of us on this blog! He is heading to Princeton next year and is one tremendous individual. I guess Wicomico County Schools can have some success stories.
Good point, this little factoid would not appear anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wu is also one of the members of the JMB "It's Academic" Team. They finished 2nd in the state. It will be aired at a later date. Another positive! Congrats and good luck with your future outside of sby.