Incident: Theft Scheme
Date of Incident: 29 March 2009 to present
Location: Wicomico County
1. Brittany Nicole Harden, 20, unknown address
2. James Bryan Burke, 23, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 29 March 2009, the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office began an investigation into a theft scheme involving the selling of bogus magazine subscriptions. Complaints began coming to the Sheriff’s Office claiming an individual was going door to door in various locations in Wicomico County claiming to be selling magazines while participating in a sales contest for college students. Investigation revealed that not only were the individuals not college students, but the sales they made were not legitimate.
The subjects were positively identified when they attempted to cash checks made out to them for the sales of the magazines. The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office currently holds arrest warrants for both of the subjects, Brittany Harden and James Burke, but their current whereabouts are unknown,
Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Harden or Burke is asked to call the WCSO at 410-548-4890 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776. Also if you believe you may have been a victim of these alleged thieves you are asked to contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office.
Theft Scheme
Conspiracy to Commit Theft
UPDATE: We have arrested the two individuals for the theft scheme Brittany Harden and James Burke – However – If you would like to still cover the case we would ask that any members of the public with info about the case or who may have been victims should contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office
Joe-did you notice that the suspect in the Blockbuster robbery
resembles this Burke guy?
Man, that was quick!
Theres a new SHERRIFF in town. And his name is Mike Lewis.
I ordered $2,300 worth of magazines.
You mean they're not coming?
Doesn't Wicomico County have a law about solicitors where they have to register with the county and get a photo ID issued by the county before they can go out and sell door-to-door?
Webster didnt arrest this huy? lol, na hes on the third floor looking at you picture that has an x on it lol
The son of a bit__ was in Hebron Woods trying to sell us. He said he was a college student in a contest. When my wife politely said no he says "Have a blessed day".
Kudos sheriff
Anonymous said...
Theres a new SHERRIFF in town. And his name is Mike Lewis.
2:32 PM
Don't let the Green Mean Fat Man read this. He might attack our sheriff on his blog again.
I think that's the guy who was knocking on doors in Mill Pond Village.
nice moles on the moles
He was in my neighborhood near East Salisbury School. After telling him that I had several magazine subscriptions already, he said something along the lines of "that's okay, most people like you have been donating a subscription to go to a children's hospital." I said I was not interested and closed the door.
They are in custody. They were arrested minutes after the relese went out. Wow nice work W.C.S.O.
Great job Patrol Units.
He was in the Pineway neighborhood. Stopped by my house and said he was selling mags. and that some proceeds went to his tuition.
SPD bought $500 worth of magazines ROFLMAO
These two may have been caught, but there is another group out there. Just today, I was approached by a sleezy girl and young adult boy claiming to sell magazine subscriptions. I called the state police, but by the time they arrived they had gotten away in a gold Explorer with an out of state tag. The tag may have been a West Virginia tag. This happened in Somerset County. I am afraid they may return with more evil thoughts in mind as the area is a very remote area.
Many young adults who engage in selling magazines like this are actually victims of human trafficking. A national non-profit organization called Parent Watch has been helping pass legislation against this for years. I believe the website link is www.parentwatch.org they have worked with law enforcement to actually go after the magazine companies that basically enslave these young adults. It would be worthwhile to figure out if these two individuals are involved with these groups. There's a lot of violence, drugs, and abuse that goes on inside of this groups of magazine sales persons, so be cautious if they come to your door. Instead of buying their magazines or giving them money, tell them then can contact Parent Watch and they will be provided with a free ticket home to where they actually live. Parent Watch provides this service and so much more.
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