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Friday, April 24, 2009

Delaware State Police Press Release

Graffiti Suspect Charged with Felony Level Offense

Location of Incident:
Smith and Solomon, 217 Lisa Drive, New Castle, Delaware (February 13th, 2009)
Henry’s Exxon, 3830 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, Delaware (February 16th, 2009)

Date and Time of Occurrence: See above

Suspect(s): Luis Velez, 19, of Cedar Avenue in Wilmington, Delaware

Resume: Troop 6 patrol officers have made a significant stride in the fight against graffiti with the arrest today of Luis Velez.

Investigators were able to implicate Mr. Velez into two graffiti incidents in February. The first incident occurred on February 13th at Smith and Solomon on Lisa Drive in New Castle. In this case, Troopers believe Velez spray painted eight tractor trailers and three school buses. The total damage was estimated in excess of $10,000.00.

The second incident occurred at Henry’s Exxon on February 16th in which Velez and another unnamed subject are believed to have spray painted the building. The damage was estimated at about $500.00.

A break in the case came when Velez was stopped as an occupant in a suspicious vehicle on March 20th. Investigative measures stemming from this contact led to the subsequent arrest warrant for the aforementioned incidents. Velez also acknowledged being a part of a group named “Public Terrorists” whose insignia “PT” has been located alongside various acts of graffiti in New Castle County.

Valez was charged with Graffiti (felony, Graffiti (misdemeanor) and Conspiracy 3rd (misdemeanor).

This investigation is continuing as does the battle against graffiti.

Luis Velez

1 comment:

007 said...

That boy has some serious D.S.L's lol