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Monday, April 06, 2009

Tea Party Update


As of last Friday, Tax Day Tea Party rallies have been scheduled in nearly 1,500 cities in all fifty states.

As more fed-up taxpayers learn about it, the event is shaping up to be a unique occurrence in American political history.

Help spread the word -- because of our biased media, many people still have not heard of the event.


Anonymous said...

What do the organizers of the Tea Party hope to achieve? The previous Republican administration started this bailout, and the Democrats have been more than happy to continue it. Does anyone seriously think that this gathering of the common man will unring the bailout bell? …. Not a snowball’s chance in you know where! The banks, insurance and auto industry, not to mention the unions, have a strangle hold on the campaign donations and money is power. Your protest will be powerless against such a well-oiled machine. The sad conundrum in all this, is that one of our nation’s true strengths is also one of it weakness…one man one vote. Everyone votes to best protect his or her own interest. The wealthy vote to hold on or increase what they have, and the poor vote to get more from the taxpayers because they fell powerless to help themselves and look to government to spread the money pie around, and right now their numbers are increasing. The guy in the middle has it taken away from both sides, until he becomes one of the have nots, and then he starts voting with them. You will become the very thing you bitch about…a liberal socialist. Sorry, but there is a reason that free enterprise democracy is the shortest-lived form of government. The key to holding on to some sanity and happiness in the midst of all this powerlessness, is to realize that family and core values of self worth do not come from material things or government. Live each day as if it is your last, because one day it will be.

Reese Bobby said...

I do not enjoy taxes. They make me sad.See?-See my tears. However, I become absolutely livid enough to go ripping the arms off Jawas {again} when I see a bunch of extremist "adults" who try to illicit pity for their obnoxious viewpoints by having toddlers/children hold dogmatic signs prepared by their idiot parents while they pose for a photo session. I pity this kid-and it has nothing to do with the politicians "shaping" his life. Don't worry kid, if I can find you in time-the live minnows and flounder rigs are on me!!

Anonymous said...

The first two comments:

Beither of you have a CLUE!!!!

Anonymous said...


I find your statement ignorant and dumbfounding. It is our kids who will have lower standards of living, and then their children with even a lower standard of living. If you do not care what happens to America, then maybe you should just not comment about what people who do care, attempt to do.

Anonymous said...

Your weak response, leaves me clueless as to what I said was untrue. You feel like you are getting screwed, well so do I. The difference is that I accept the futility of a Tea Party. I instead will take Reese’s advice and take my grandson fishing. I will assure you, that I will be a lot happier on April 15th. But go if you must, maybe next tax day you will have the wisdom to join us on the lake.
Anon 9:23

Anonymous said...

coming from an intelligent and family oriented family, Children sat at the table and were included in all topics . Weather, Politics and local community events. It's vital for children to become informed lifetime world guardians on earth.

Anonymous said...

Go back to bed Reese , or better yet , go play in a rice paddy , my hero.

Anonymous said...

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. A prayer best said while fishing.

Anonymous said...

Some lead, some follow, and some people do nothing but complain.

Reese Bobby said...

BTW...There is a difference between mentoring/educating your children; and using them as a sympathetic backdrop for whatever adult viewpoint is being proseletyzed. As I have time to do a little research, I will pass on this tidbit. The 3 Pittsburgh officers that died in a barrage of automatic weapons fire the other day left behind wives and children because some disgruntled wing-nut with a history of seeing imaginary socialist boogey-men trying to take his Constitution away strapped on body armor and an fired over 100 rounds off an AK- 47. He laid in wait for the first responders due to a domestic disturbance call he had with his own mother because she wanted him to clean up after his dog that urinated on her floor. Some role model and Constitutional scholar, huh?

You can send me to the rice paddy all you want-you know what you'll find?? Reese Bobby as a field trip chaperone with a couple dozen of your kids who are finally having some innocent playing frisbee golf or catching frogs; instead of hearing Crazy {"and mommy, does one of his eyes point in a different direction because his drinkin well is near where the WWTP run-off is dumped."} Uncle Calvin tell his story about FDR being a Socialist war criminal again.

Anonymous said...


The generations that suffer down the road will have people like you to thank. Sit on your hands and do nothing. Why act right? Why try to do something? Why be active? Maybe some of us care too much abotu those coming after us, about our own children, to sit and do nothing!!!

Anonymous said...

It is long past due that people start standing up for the Constitution. Some have to stand up and lead for others to follow. Not all of us have the guts to stand up to the politicians of today and the government that has become.

Reese Bobby said...

You are right. Someday I should take a few years to learn that confounded Constitution-PROPERLY. I would hate to think people like your kids {or YOU when you get into trouble} would have me to thank someday. Yuck. And God forbid they would learn to throw a curve ball instead of watching daddy listen to 25-hours per day about what Bill O'Reilly tells him to do. Just between you and me...I can't get enough joy out of the financial beating my own in-laws took by listening to chain-letter/verbal diarrhea like that non-sense. They wouldn't listen to me several years ago either-that is why I don't hesitate to site the lovely Barbara Billingsley from "Airplane" for the rest of you that sound you hear-that is the world's smallest violin playing for YOUR troubles amigo/a. Comprende??

Anonymous said...

Ricky Bobby:

Please shut up, you sound more ignorant with each cvomment. just sit on your couch and let the world pass you by...........

You obviously have nothign to offer!!!

Reese Bobby said...

Ricky Bobby is that no good 'alleged' son of mine. But you are right, that little dipstick does have nothign {sic} to offer. I told him at Show and Tell/Career Day if he wasn't first; he was last. That type of black and white thinkin' is how we roll in these parts, right?? And his little demon kids threw their grand-daddy's Silver Star from the Chosin Reservoir into the Nanticoke River just out of meanness.

Chriso12385 said...

anon 5:28 at least he posts his name why are you hiding? And i agree with him. I hate to see children that have no idea of what they are supporting are forced to wear signs like that. If you must be 18 to vote then you must be 18 to protest. That picture is an irresponsible parent being selfish to their kid

Anonymous said...

If you gi=uys really loved children, you would stand up against what is going on. if not, do not speak to us who are trying to do something. Just writing a post does nothing......... it is easy to criticize what others are doing while you do NOTHING...........

joealbero said...

Why are some of you so against this thing. More importantly, it's a free country, so let these people do what they enjoy and believe in. IF you don't like it, shut up and stay away from any involvement.

Anonymous said...

There seem to be a lot of people who are trying to keep people from voiceing their opinion and ideals....

Anonymous said...

Chris, As a friend and a neighbor....protesting is a first amendment freedom. Constitutional rights are the birth rights of American Citizens. The constitution doesn't give us the right to free speech, it recognizes it. The picture you see is that of a child being placed into debt by stupid politicians implementing unworkable fiscal policy against the will of most Americans. My mother and two of my Aunts voted for Obama but strongly disagree with the bail outs he is carrying out. It seems to cross party lines.

Reese Bobby said...

To be candid, I am not so much against it, but embarassed by it, because I think it is not only a tremendous waste of valuable time {I can't lay claim to this actual quote-but in one of these recent related posts someone referred to this exercise of ultimate futility as a "galactic waste of time."- I strongly concur..though it is actually probably an inter-galactic waste of time}.

For gods sake, baseball season just started and if you read local blogs AND paper resources you wouldn't even know it.

Regarding my shutting up-if this was just about us adults that is different; although no real legal oaths/duties are involved {unless I am wearing certain hats at certain times}-I do feel a civic/community responsibility to speak up when CHILDREN are used in what I consider to be a "diversion issue" {i.e. meant to distract you from local daily armed muggings, rivers that contain three-eyed carp and street-side pharmaceutical consultants on Maryland Ave and such}.

I don't give a fig about what you consenting adults do behind closed doors as long as a pistol or a hostage isn't involved; but stop trying to seize your holy high ground by using kids as billboards. If you want to keep it real-I've seen underground {some isn't even underground-Google it and watch it yourself} video footage of Klan rallies where the kids are made to participate in something so revolting.

And take pictures {wide-angle of the Tea Party}. The pictures I see daily here to support vital, local, timely issues is usually only 5-8 people. Maybe this firecracker will explode after all. But, as Judge Judy would say; don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.

The Learned Mr. Hand said...

Aloha. I am glad to see some of you could attend my class today. "The Constitution doesn't give us the right to free speech. Are of you on dope?????? { BTW your First Amendment protest voice is a right too Mr. Wiggum}

{At this point a combination of pre-existing coronary artery disease due to [thrice] daily bacon cheeseburger-waffle fry combos; and just general shock and disbelief regarding current societal malaise, took this beloved educator away from us}.

Aloha also means goodbye-Mr. Hand. Godspeed.

Anonymous said...

America was created, has prospered and been defended by the brave few who understood a bigger purpose than themselves. This next period of time wil also bring those curageous few to the forefront, to lead those who know what America is, to recapture it. For all others, you get what you deserve!

Lucy Bobby (Nee Cohen) said...

I don't know what has done gone wrong with Reese today. You people have also been very hurtful. That wonderful man has spent the better part of two decades taking down asbestos and lead ensconsed debris from condemned construction sites, drinking from local water fountains, and celebrating rare perch nite from the lokal river {type thing over there}. Several of his most recent head injuries did not even result in a concussion.

I know sometimes he is snippy enough to make you all as crazy as a woodpecker in a petrified forest, but I love him dearly, even though our children tend to glow a bit due to Reeses family property under the power lines. Funny thing is we have been popping corn in our microwave for seven years and when I was using my new Sham-Wow today, I noticed that dang-ole thing ain't even been plugged in yet.

But I digress. Somebody on one of these voodoo computer thingees has done made Reese flip out and he was last seen driving our riding mower up I-97 {and his hair was perfect}. He mentioned something about assembling his own "Mountain-Yard" army in Garrett County to fight for the Constitution, but that sumbirtch took his fishing rod, tackle box, golf clubs, darts and bowling ball.

Please be on the look-out for him. If you are baiting traps, he loves that NC vinegar based BBQ marinade, Sam Adams beer {he thinks it makes him more patriotic, and at domestic prices}, and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with whipped cream served while watching midnight screanings of "Blue Crush."

His last words, according to Washington zoo officials who attempted to sedate him were.....please vote tomorrow please vote please vote; and help me-the ninjas and my in-laws are coming to get me....please help...oh please-hey, is that a waffle cone??