Here is a history of the funding provided to charitable and other groups by the City of Salisbury and for next year (FY10) the amount of the request by each and the decision by Barrie ("Mayor") in her proposed budget.
Apparently the "Main Street Program" is what Barrie proposed to be the successor to Urban Salisbury and that might be Mikey Dunn.
Pretty shocking, huh.
what's SWED?
That Biotch! I am so happy she is gone. She has always been a scam artist.
She is gone,but Jim cannot do a thing with those three sitting there Good luck Jim and many,many,many prayers as they are greatly needed.
Every dollar the City invests in Urban Salisbury brings a return of almost $8.00 according to Jim Ireton.
Over the last 2 years, Urban Salisbury has rebuilt itself, grown and are ready to begin a long-term program to recreate downtown. Council should give them the money to get started.
Let's hear Mr. Ireton itemize that rate of return -- it's mostly BS.
2:37 --
We've heard all that before, many times.
Did you not just ask if they should raise taxes this year in Salisbury?
This is the kind of stuff that most tax payer don not support.
There are somethings the tax payers do support,but i support none of these.
I would rather see it go to some people who are really struggling to make ends meet.
There is $193,ooo dollars they could cut.
Special interest of who's ?
2:37 --
why? -- the City has already "given them" more than $250,000.
SWED is Salisbury-Wicomico Economic Development.
Instead of Urban Salisbury Barrie wanted Gary & Mikey D to head up some scam to buy houses, fix them and flip them. Who was going to make money on that?
To those Tilghman Nay Sayers out there, let me ask you this.
While Barrie Tilghman was dumping $35,000.00 a year into the Marina where someone else was trying to run it for profit? Some years they even put $50,000.00 into it.
At least Urban Salisbury gives something back and encourages more business.
Shame there isn't anything being donated to the Salisbury Jaycees who put on the annual Christmas parade, struggle to find funding for the fireworks, Christmas Shopping Tour, for the needy, etc. At least those were some of the projects when I was a member years ago.
If Mikey Dunn is in any manner involved in anything, nix it--we've learned that he's trouble. He may try to say again: "it was for estate purposes"
Anonymous said...
Instead of Urban Salisbury Barrie wanted Gary & Mikey D to head up some scam to buy houses, fix them and flip them. Who was going to make money on that?
3:04 PM
That's a joke. When bubba was a volunteer farmin at station 2 he bought a junk house on the corner of Naylor Street and Brown Street to fix up and flip. Guess what? The lazy bum didn't do anything to the house and now the city owns it. It is a paved parking lot for the city now. Look into it if you don't believe me. Just the facts.
Why is PAC 14 getting so much money? How do you not give any money to the Child Advocacy Center? This city sucks!
Mikey Dung doesn't deserve anything from the city of Salisbury.
It's time to reduce the PAC 14 funding -- if politicians like Barrie and Louweasel want to have their own TV show, let it be their expense, not money from the City.
city of salisbury needs to put a stop light on route 50 where they built the new royal farms. Since
that is salisbury fire department district I assume it is considered part of salisbury. Has anyone tried to get in and out of the new store? They have already had several accidents there! Just think whats gonna happen when ocean city traffic really starts!
politics as usual. A tax hike of at least 2% to reach the prior proposals of 16%, annual sustainable salary increase for the mayor, water/sewer hike of 15%..and on & on.
What about some cuts this would be a good place to start...
Same old, same old, three to two...
let the "friends Of" anything take care of whatever.
scratch main street program. Give to the salvation army, institute for blind. ( wasn't there a battle about this in last years budget?)
Over 100 K for Pac 14??? Gimmee a break. It's not worth 1/2 that...
swed, 1/2 that proposal....CUT, CUT, CUT.. doesn't mean we can't be charitable. Strike all that which is NEW.
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