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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

OH, MY, MY, MY! Is Barrie Tilghman Trying To Scam The Taxpayers?

In the Post just below this one I question why they had cancelled the Work Session today and guess what, I now know why and I must inform you that Barrie Tilghman has been up to playing dirty pool and set herself up with fortunes after leaving the Mayor's Office. I mean, why stick around when you can leave and make millions off of every one's misfortunes, right?

If you click on the above memo you'll quickly see just why there's a slick involvement between the Dunn Family and Barrie Tilghman. Had this been in the works for all these years with this property and perhaps many others? Could this be why their original property was so favorably annexed at Sassafras Meadows? Check out the article I wrote on September 7, 2006 HERE. Look at my words in the very last paragraph!

Barrie had tried creating a non profit group way back when called a "CDC" Community Development Corporation whereas she wanted to use taxpayer money, file for grants, buy up these properties and resell them. It was reported she wanted to do this after she retired.

Could THIS be the very reason why NOTHING has happened with the old Fire Station 16? Is this another pet project for the former Mayor Tilghman?

The second image is a quote from Barrie Tilghman this past Sunday's Daily Times. It becomes VERY clear that Barrie has never given up on her quest to create a "CDC" and she'll do so by buying everything below the City's actual cost.

Taxpayers Beware, Barrie Tilghman knows where all of the deals are and it would appear she's going to use it to her advantage. Once again, investigative reporting and news you won't find in the Daily Times.


Anonymous said...

Thank God they did cancel the meeting. When this goes back on the agenda at least Terry and Debbie will be able to offer solid reasons why the city should not be in the real estate business.

After the display last night of Gary, rolling his eyes while Jim spoke and texting and the set up of Louise remaining as council pres they sent a clear message that absolutely nothing will change in this city unless they want it to. Then Louise puts this on the agenda. These people don't care what the citizens want, they only care what their special interest groups want.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to American politics.

Anonymous said...

I remember you beinging this up a few years back. This is highly suspicious. Hopefully by exposing this information she will walk away from any further exposure but my guess is she'll do everything under the umbrella of a LLC and FOB's.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps she will buy Shanie Shields's former dump and rehab it. She would have a long way to go, because the place is not fit for human habitation.

Anonymous said...

Your making something out of nothing and you know it. This is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I"ll say it again keep an eye on Oland...

Anonymous said...

explain why this is nothing?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

3:52, yes, do explain. These people and this property have already received special treatment.

Explain yourself.

Anonymous said...

Blogger boy has been kicked to the curb like a used condom. I have recieved 3 responces so far to reporting disability fraud, he'd like to divert that attention somewhere else.