The Daily Times has finally come up with a partial article, (brief as it may be) on the Salisbury WWTP. However, commenters are HOT. Their story says:
SALISBURY: City hires new consultant for WWTP, expects delays
Salisbury — Mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman announced today the city has entered into contract with a new consultant for the completion of the Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrade and is requesting a permit extension from Maryland Department of the Environment.
Tilghman said certain filters within the system that drive the Biological Nutrient Removal process have slowed in efficiency and have delayed the testing of another new component.
See the full story in The Daily Times on Tuesday.
Here's ONE of the comments......
FriendWhosADem wrote:
Don't you people at the Daily Times realize how ridiculous your "slant" on these issues is? It can't be accidental that EVERY time these "leaders" screw up you choose to soft-pedal the situation....you cannot still believe that you have any credibility at all with the public, or that you're anything except a joke. I cancelled my subscription because of bad service a couple of years ago, and have since been trying to follow local issues online thru your website....the absolute mess that has been made of the city and the wasteful use of tax money should have been HONESTLY reported, instead you're just printing press releases issues from the foxes who are in the henhouse.
This is the last straw for me. You NEED to go out of business. I just feel sorry for some of your loyal employees, who have no control over your editorial position. Maybe their next employers will know the truth when they trip over it. You don't.
GO HERE to see more.
They blocked my comment, and my password. I can't comment unless I sign in under a different email account. Anyone else having this problem?
You know the reason why they had the press conference is because you exposed them in the first place. We would have never known if it wasn't for your blog!!
You should make a post out of the comment from a ways down the page where the guy wrote an article for consideration by the Daily Times. Pure comedy.
BPT was red in the face and as far as the camera went. She should be! Was this in the contract she offered to Salisbury when she ran the first time?
You bet the citizens of Salisbury are mad she has made everyone look like fools! And she has the nerve to try and lie and blame others for HER mismanagement! Salisbury is a joke and she is the Cause of it. Ask yourself what else is she Hiding??????????????
Reconciled1, no, now that's not entirely true. Barrie admitted at her press conference that she intended to inform the public all along. She was planning to do it the first week of April. Hmmm, would that be before or after the election?
OK Anon 6:37 so he forced their hand.
Gannett is forcing its employees to take another week of unpaid leave before July. It won't be long before all print newspapers will be gone.
6:24, I sure am!!! I discovered it in the wee hours this morning.
That redness you noticed in BPT's face is called alcohol flush. She has probably been hitting the bottle since 9:10 this morning. She was still flushed during the council meeting.
Okay, I just tried to sign up using a different username and password to the DT so I could comment, and they did not send me the promised confirming email. I guess they are not accepting any more commenters, since all the comments they are receiving are against the mayor, Comegys, and Shields.
Is anyone else having trouble commenting on the DT pages???
I just tried to post this comment on the DT site.
This would have remained a secret if Comegys was elected. I could tell the minute I saw her flushed cheeks on PAC 14 that she was lying. Her lips were moving.
This is what came up after I clicked submit. Looks like they blocked everyone to protect the Wicked Bi@#h
User not allowed to execute command. Anonymous user does not have privileges to execute this command. - CommentOnExternalResource
8:09, Yup, same here, and I was shown as signed in! Can you spell "Damage Control"? "Oh, the DT experienced a computer glitch last night and was not able to..." is tomorrow's story, I'm sure. Watch the DT's "lips move" tomorrow!
Give it up, DT, you can't run a print version, and you can't run an online version. Time to shutter the doors. I'm ashamed to know you are part of a company my sister tries so hard to make a good, profitable company. You are truly pathetic.
Now, I have been blocked completely. I WAS logged on automatically every time I went to the site, but now, I'm not. My new signup is still not accepted. Cogratulations, Joe, and happy f__king birthday! You have succeeded in SHUTTING DOWN the Daily Times!!!!!!!!
I'm MAD AS HELL and I'm not going to take it anyMORE!
Need to do a Salisbury You Tube Joe using that same line like in the video you posted not long ago. I'd love to do it but don't know how.
Barrie looked a little more red in the nose than usual, too, didn't she? Or do I have to adjust my set?
6:37 PM said:
"Reconciled1, no, now that's not entirely true. Barrie admitted at her press conference that she intended to inform the public all along. She was planning to do it the first week of April. Hmmm, would that be before or after the election?"
Good catch! So she was going to tell the public the first week of April, eh? Did Barrie know she was slipping up when she said that?
That ONE comment alone screams volumes.
Dumb question here. If council people weren't supposed to talk about it because of litigation or whatever, why did she "plan" to blab the first week of April?
Something smells really bad here. And Comegys knew there were problems but is holding it up as one of his biggest accomplishments? Talk about dishonest. Just 4 more years of the same b.s. if that guy gets elected.
Good observation there 9:44PM~!
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