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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

"Hope And Change"

Yes You Did!


Anonymous said...

It's incredibly naive to think that Obama in 1 month is responsible for the economic meltdown. It does however make for good fodder to feed the ever increasing ignorance of the ditto head nation.

Anonymous said...

Those glistening biceps make me want to faint....Of course Obama didn't cause the economy to fail, he's only been in office since Jan 20th and he did absolutely nothing in the Sentate as the rep from Illinois...this is all Bush's fault, wah wah wah!!!

hobie88 said...

I am a big Obama supporter...but that there is funny!

Anonymous said...

Naive? When will he be responbilble for anything that happens? I cannot wait until the day the Liberals cannot blame Bush! That day will come sooner than later,Maybe Nancy and the other left wing nuts won't give away all the farm by then!

Anonymous said...

Republicans and Democrats in Congress created the initial problem that caused the economy to start its downward turn while Bush was in office. Bush and party were happy to grow the economy, even if it was growing on a bubble inflated with bad loans and, as a result, over-inflated housing prices. Bush was more than happy to point out that more Americans "owned" a home than at any other time in history. Too bad many of those homes were bought on a foundation of TNT. The Democrats in Congress, wanting to show they were the party of the people, encouraged banks, Freddie and Fannie to ignore sound lending principles and make mortgages to people that had no possible way of ever being able to make 30 years of monthly payments on those mortgages. They were pandering to the poor, especially the urban poor. Their Socialist driven ideals wanted everyone to be able to share in the American dream, even if they didn’t work for it and couldn’t afford it.

Obama, the candidate of change, rides into Washington and instead of reducing expenses and expenditures, and focusing on bracing the housing and banking industries, joins with his liberal buddies and begins crafting the largest spending bill in the history of mankind, all in an attempt to again show they are the party of the people, especially people reliant on entitlement programs. To sell his programs, Obama instills fear into the hearts and minds of all Americans by saying if this massive spending bill isn't passed, we may reach a point in the economy where we never are able to recover. Even former President Bill Clinton has to suggest Obama tone down his gloom and doom predictions. Wall Street, a barometer of Obama's stimulus bill, doesn't like what it sees and as a result, the market has lost 20% of its value in February alone. Obama's fear mongering and the inept stimulus package, which proposes to fix a problem caused by bad debt by going even deeper into bad debt, is the reason those with money are sitting on their money instead of infusing it back into the economy.

So we have businesses, banks, investors, investment firms, and Wall Street all giving the stimulus bill a resounding thumbs down, but those that contribute nothing to the stimulative effort and effect of our economy giving it two thumbs up. And all the while we have to watch Nancy Pelosi smile like some kind of idiot while she repeatedly mouths the Democratic mantra of: Americans voted for change in the November election. Pssssst Nancy, we wanted ethical change, not a change of taking American down the path to Socialism. It was greed, pride and ego that got us to this place.

Anybody that can seriously say that Obama and the Democrats haven’t contributed to the further collapse of the economy is being disingenuous. I suspected nothing was going to change when Obama starting appointing people that didn’t pay substantial sums of taxes owed and then made excuses for these people. People he wanted us to believe were smart and ethical enough to make all our economic problems fade away. Sorry, so far I haven’t seen any change I can believe in.

Anonymous said...

This was put into motion during the Clinton administration.

Anonymous said...

He'll be responsible when his stimulus plan has a chance to be proven to work or not. It's amazing that all evidence of this meltdown points to greed and failed deregulation. The corner stones of the Bush economic policies. Any objective person with reasonable intellegence has to realize the "Paper Tiger" of wealth and prosperity for the past 8 years. The "strong" economy was a house of cards built on debt and deceit. That's the true fallacy behind the facade.

Anonymous said...

This is stupid. Blaming Obama for the wretched economy?

Kerry Nelson, blame the liberals all you want, but the fat cats of Wall Street aren't liberals. You been had! We all have.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 10:13 that this started with Bill Clinton. He de-regulated the utility companies and signed NAFTA which put us in the hole and cost millions of American jobs. He tried to destroy our military which opened the doors for 9/11. Many other reasons I can't remember as it's been so long since I had this discussion.
G.W. did nothing wrong but love this country; he did some stupid things along the way but they all do. I know G.W. didn't make 6 or 60 (cant remember but I think it's 60) million off the bad loans of Fannie Mae like Obama did; of course that was never mentioned by the news media!
This all boils down to the Mortgagors like Citi Financial and the above mentioned giving million dollar loans to people that make $50,000/year and now they have the nerve to ask for bailouts that we'll pay for the rest of our lives.
The "Messiah" has spent more in his 1st month as President than any other past President in American history and his 3.5 TRILLION (yes, I said TRILLION) dollar budget for this year is outrageous and will bankrupt this country!

You people wanted him...well you got him!

Reconciled1 said...

Well put ANON 10:11am. When will folks wake up and realize it's both parties fault? We point and Point but look at the last 4 terms and now this one. Each party wants the power, prove their better, bigger faster stronger like the 6million dollar man. Or in this case the 1 trillion $ man. All the while "we the people" pay the real cost for their arrogance. When you have the tax regulators on TV even as recent as yesterday, saying their going to get the frauds and users of the system all the while the owe 34k in taxes they have yet to pay? It is all about the double standards. Rob from we "Paul" to pay them"Peter". When will we wake up?

Anonymous said...

Sorry... "W" did that!

Anonymous said...

neither president did this. CONGRESS caused this. Now, I'll agree that Bush did practically nothing about it, save going along with the first bailout (which he should have vetoed out of priciple). And Obama is trying to fix it, but is making things worse. the only people who can fix this is US. get rid of EVERY congressman, repub and dem. ALL OF THEM. elect new faces, impose term limits, FORCE THEM TO SPEND LESS!!! we also need to ditch credit and debt from our personal lives and learn to live within our means. these are the only ways to fix things.

Anonymous said...

If Wall Street had confidence in Obama and his foolish spending, the market would respond favorably.
Obama was the third highest recepient of campaign/payoff donations from Fannie and Freddie(behind Dodd and Barney Frank).

If O wanted to rebound the economy, he would insist on a $15,000 tax credit for buyers of foreclosed houses. He didn't. That was removed from the Senate bill.

The market will not respond upward until the housing aspect is positively addressed.

Obama dosn't want improvemment since with fear, he can cram through more socialist spending and programs.

Elections have consequences.

Anonymous said...

10:11 you hit the nail on the head. Both parties have failed us and are continuing to do so. Remove every single one of them from office and start anew. THIS is the type of revolution we should start with.

Anonymous said...

I just dont understand how Hi lary Clinton can say we are going to give 290 million I beleive it is to Isreal? Where is this money coming from?

Anonymous said...

Its 900 million and its to the Palistian nation.