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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

American Militia Documentary Part 1/3 ( Missouri 51st Civilian Militia )


Anonymous said...

Treason. An excuse to dress up and act like a hero. Pure bunk.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:54

Idiot Victimized Subject. An exuse to call American Patriots traitors.

Anonymous said...

you don't even know the meaning of treason. Got you pegged , never been in the military , never had to work for living and have always ki$$ed a$$ to get anything and you are one scared individual.

Anonymous said...

American Patriots? Pick up a gun and stand a post in Iraq or Afghanistan. Don't play toy soldier supremist on the weekends. Better yet, why not parade down Main Street in you costume and hood. Be proud of yourself. That would take the balls you dont have.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...disloyalty or treachery to ones country or governnment. Ya know just like forming and belonging to a militia that is anti-government. Get it?

BTW your peg couldn't be more wrong.

Anonymous said...

Militia 101.
(no alcohol,no drugs).

Anonymous said...

That's right 2:23

No Alcohol, No Drugs,and No Hate. It's time we do this. 12:52 this is not about race.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for appearing so creepy that even WE are starting to get band chicks as groupies!!

Anonymous said...

I see no problem with it. I think every county should have an organized civilian militia.

Anonymous said...

What a video! The text at the beginning and the words can be paraphrased:

We're not really crazy, just a few of us are. Really.
We don't really intend to kill anyone.
The guns are mostly for show.
The last election really emasculated us.
We just want you all to know we're really fed up.
Shooting guns lets us pretend we still have our balls.
See. blam blam blam blam... etc.
If we're really really patriotic in our hearts, then it isn't treason.
Watch out for us. We might get more angry... Really!
Oh please believe us. We really can be dangerous.

Anonymous said...

I can't see the video, but I am a member of a militia unit. I don't know anything about the Missouri 51st Civilian Militia, but I set up the website for Virginia at

I'd like to address the terms "treason" and "patriot". One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

So our government's invasion of Iraq was based on lies and conniving. We now know that Bush wanted an excuse to invade Iraq even before 9/11. Then he tried desperately to tie Saddam to 9/11. People like most of you were in such an emotional frenzy that you just wanted to see "Ay-rab" blood flowing in the streets as "payback."

Is that patriotism? No! Everyone in the military takes an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution--not the government--of the United States. I know this will astound many here, but there is a difference.

Justification for the Iraq invasion drifted here and there...9/11, al Qaeda working with Saddam (bin Laden despised Saddam and vice versa), WMD, UN resolutions. Now the U.S. government, that shining pillar of justice and liberty, is telling other sovereign nations what they may and may not do--something we would not tolerate here but expect others to accept gratefully--terrorizing innocent people in foreign lands and at home, and torturing innocent people in our own gulag archipelago.

Those of you who think it patriotic to support these things need to get rid of your TeeVees. You're the very ones who will be raising your stiff right arms and shouting "Hail our glorious leader" when this country completes is abandonement of our Constitution to become globocop around the world and a police state at home.

I find the level of patriotism between those in the militia and those serving in our nation's military to be do vastly different as to not be comparable at all. Those in the militia see the writing on the wall, flawed though we may be. Those in the military are carried along by all the pompaganda and circumstance bloviating forth from government mouthpieces and being regurgitated on our boobtubes.

The U.S. government has become one big PSYOP, and you've all bought it hook, line, and sinker. That's okay, though, because this country is due for a serious whippin' to knock us off our high horse.

And it's coming, too, thanks to the Fed printing money out of thin air, giving it to the well connected, and expecting you, your children, and your grandchildren to pay it back at interest. But you don't care as long as you are "free" to buy beer and watch football on the TeeVee. Our currency will be so devalued as a result that we're headed for something far worse than the Great Depression.

Anonymous said...

In the beginning of change the patriot is a scarce man; brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. -- Mark Twain