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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

A Call To Revolution By Constitution

“The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself, or be ruled by a small elite.” - Thomas Jefferson

Our founding fathers gave us the Constitution of the United States of America. A great document chocked full of protection of the peoples’ rights under a government meant to serve the people. Yet everyday we watch politicians in Washington ignore, usurp, circumvent by legislation, disregard and shred our Constitution for their own power, profit and benefit. All the while we the people sit back and watch, with a helpless feeling. WE ARE NOT HELPLESS!!!

Under the 1st Amendment ‘we the people’ can petition the government fro a redress of grievances. Many people will tell you it doesn’t work, they won’t listen, etc. Yes they will! It amazes me that a million people will scream loud when “Facebook” takes away their right to content and privacy. But will sit by idol and do nothing when the government takes more and more of your rights everyday.

Why is that? Are they scared? They should be, of what the tyrannical government is doing and not what will happen if ‘we the people’ act as ‘we the people’. Stand up and shout loud, let them know how you feel. Meet together, stand together, protest together. Call the politicians out for what they are doing to ‘we the people’. We all may not agree about everything, but we all agree that they are out of control, and no longer represent ‘we the people’.

How much longer will we put off overthrowing this screwed up system just to work towards temporary solutions to the problems it causes? Let’s cut to the root of the matter right now!!

Wanted, full time constitutional revolutionaries! Not armchair revolutionaries, not ivory tower revolutionaries. Not “professional” revolutionaries, either, rather then making a business out of constitutional revolution, make constitution revolution your business. Men and women who will not allow their efforts to win back their freedom to become just another job or fad. Men and women who are ready to live according to their desires around the clock.

“Government is instituted fro the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.” - John Adams

Let’s take back our country!! Let’s take back our constitution!! Let’s make this nation great again. Make them listen and effect real change for the people they were elected to serve.

We all know what the politicians are doing to the constitution is wrong but we don’t speak up. Many say, “I’m unsure, I’m afraid and I don’t really know if this is the right thing to do….”

But I tell you this: THE SILENCE ENDS HERE AND NOW!!!

Sic Semper Tyrannis


Anonymous said...

This winds up and then falls flat. Is the poster/writer suggesting we do anything besides stand up?? Is this about the eastern shore militia? Is this about the tea partys occuring around the nation? There is another tea party being coordinated for April 11th...maybe we here on the shore should participate and get a group going. I'll be there if there are five, a hundred or a thousand.

Anonymous said...


Anyone interested needs to meet face to face and discuss what this means and what it will take to be effective. We need to choose people to meet with elected officials and lay out specifically what we want changed and the direction we want things to go - you know, like REAL representation rather than self-serving back door b/s elected officials. We should start with our LOCAL representatives first. Meet with them and tell them the we are a local militia that represents the people the way they were supposed to do when they were elected. Start locally, gain support. Meet with other local militias (of which there are many) and unify to spread out. Then meet with elected officials higher up on the food chain spreading the message. Let them know that we are NOT about blowing up buildings and that we want to exercise every available possibility of bringing our Consitution back to being the law of the land peacefully and the NO level of Govt. has the authority to legislate away that which has been endowed upon us by our creator.

Americans are pissed. They've had enough. This energy can be channelled and effective steps can be taken to peacefully take our govt. back. We The People need to do this as a sign of solidarity. We need to stick together. Govt. has managed to fracture us along racial lines, along Party lines and along economic lines. They have effectively divided us. Remember a basic rule of battle strategy - divide and conquer. They have divided us and the efforts to conquer are well under way. We can still get it back but it will take a CONCERTED effort. We must stick together. We can no longer allow ourselves to be divided by such a small number. Remember, we're AMERICANS! Children of Liberty and Freedom! Born of the toils of self sacrifice and hard work! Diverse yet one! Remember "E Pluribus Unum" - Of many, one. These are the Americans that will turn this around.

Our Grandparents left us a nation of opportunity and look what we've allowed to happen. What will YOU leave YOUR grandchildren?

Anonymous said...

Don't think it's a coincidence that this militia rehtoric is being turned up as the first black president takes office.

BTW -where were these weekend warriors as Bush and company shedded the bill of rights and the constitution.

Anonymous said...

Stupid rednecks.

Anonymous said...

"BTW -where were these weekend warriors as Bush and company shedded the bill of rights and the constitution."

To answer your question they were developing. An election was on the horizon and people hoped that the promised change would work. It appears that the promised change was the same old stuff in a different wrapper. It isn't working and it won't work. Should we all just wait until a substantial part of our population is eating out of trash cans?

This has nothing to do with race but it isn't surprising that some people out there would try to make it that way. Just like the other commentor said, divide and conquer. That's the pit you're falling into. It doesn't matter what color you are. This is hurting us all.

I'm up to the challenge to change our country back to the basics. Where do we meet and where do I sign?

Anonymous said...

Can you post more info on the miltia?
I'm very interested in what this is all about.

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this?

Anonymous said...

Master comprehending "The {My} Pet Goat," and then work your way up to butchering framers intent behind the Constitution. And before THE SILENCE ENDS, why don't one of you nice boys fetch me a BLT and an iced tea??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Jefferson Davis said...

Stupid rednecks.

9:39 AM

No thanks Davis, we're not interested in joining your "stupid rednecks club"

Anonymous said...

If they put Federal troops on state ground thats exactly what it will be.

Anonymous said...

2nd Division / 38th infantry/ Reconn . I'm there!

Anonymous said...

12:11. Please also post us some photos of you holding your modified shotguns, machine gun and illegal ammo/explosives cache. It saves a little time/taxpayer expense with that whole "obtaining a warrant" thing.

Anonymous said...


You're too smart by half.

Anonymous said...

Ouch-a-rooni, daddio. "You're too smart by half." Where did you get that snappy comeback from, the "Big Book of Calvin Coolidge Zingers?"

Anonymous said...

Take off the camo Reese.

Anonymous said...

I am somewhat un-nerved and sad at hearing of men and women so upset with our attempts at unity and preservation of our union in these trying times that they would want more guns and isolationism. Maybe it is just because I had a bad night at the theater once. Well, two if you count the time the Mrs. made me go see that dreadful "The English Patient." I thought the film would last longer than that dreadful war did.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, dude-"went cowboy" under my political ghillie suit today. Little too cold for streaking today. I can't wait until later when I can get into my nice, flannel Ronald Reagan jammies instead. Nice call on the cue ball on the other post-bring some cues to the "party" too {the chalk isn't really necessary;)}.

Anonymous said...

Theres the Reese I have come to admire. Dont forget your G.W. slippers or that pretty lace thing Rush sent you last year on your birthday.

Anonymous said...

Gus, I mean Kenneth, the weapons you ask to see are most likely legal. There shouldn't be a "legal" or "illegal" firearm. The fact that those terms exist is another example of a flagrant violation of the 10th and 2nd Amendments.

Anonymous said...

3:50. Google my tongue in cheek 'nom de plume' {Mr. Magisono.} You may be surprised to find that, in fact, there IS such a thing as an illegal firearm. Many of us are NRA/2nd Amendment supporters, legal firearm owners, mentors of gun safety to our youngsters. We play Risk/chess/horseshoes with our neighbors, our dogs play together, we familiarize each other with each other weapons on the range. But then we play darts, go bowling, take a bike ride, or even better hide from or wives for 4-6 hours with nothing but the firepower of a set of golf clubs {honestly, I believe I have caused more property damage/instilled more pure human terror with those confounded clubs than with any firearm}. Then, if we observe suspicious activity when we know or neighbors are clearly out of town-we dial 911 {for military vets-just let "artie" do the work}.Go to Gander mountain and embrace the wall of long guns if you need a little love. Use the internet to order firearm accessories and bulk ammo from on-line dealors. But no, I don't want some of you twitchy, paranoid amateur Tackleberrys firing those assault-type weapons with high velocity/exploding/armor piercing ammo in the confines of a small city/rural county. In my experience, there is always one jive turkey like this that walks around the range/picnic with a hot weapon with the safety off. When you confront this "adult" about proper basic gun safety procedures, and your preference that you and your family not be shot by his careless gung-ho-ness, he {never met a she that did this yet}will inevitably hold out his trigger finger and say "this is MY safety." No thanks-we ain't making a Tom Sizemore movie here. You guys need to worry more about the money the government takes/wastes out of your pockets on an outlandish daily, perpetual basis in tax revenue, rather than them taking away your guns. {BTW-free advice...a zen master once told me never answer a question about fish/firearms by saying they "are MOST LIKELY legal"}

Anonymous said...

Doug. In order for me to be true to my core values, I re-gifted the G.W. and Rush gifts during a Donnie and Marie Osmond pre-concert tail-gate party {boy, there are five hours of my life I'll never get back.} I couldn't resist keeping the crimson velvet "Long Dong Silver" robe {and medallions} box set given by a devoted fan from an address that only says: LL Jus'Cool CT-One First St; N.E. Washington, D.C. 20543. It will look good on me later when Don Cornelius and Shaka Khan stop over for Mojitos and Robo-boogie.

Anonymous said...

Gus/kenneth my point was that the term "illegal firearms" implies that the govt. has the right to declare specific firearms illegal. The second amendment didn't say "......the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed....except semi-automatics that have a magazine capacity of more than twenty or has a pistol grip that extends beneath the trigger group." These rights cannot be infringed upon. It doesn't get any clearer than that. The tenth amendment says
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." By those words alone the ATF is an illegal entity.

I think any militia is wasting it's time if it doesn't make every effort to rally troops to vote socialist minded politicians out of office at the ballot box. I mean really organize people. But it is very likely that there will come a day when there will be no one to protect us BUT us. A militia wasn't meant to terrorize neighbors or shoot the neighbors kid who serves in the Guard. I don't know where he got that from.

I recall a militia type group from Virginia who were called in to help search for an elderly man with Alzheimers Disease who wandered away from a nursing home in Hebron. They furnished their own four wheelers, Their own fuel, their own communications, and they were instrumental in finding this man - alive.

Additionally, all ranges should be operated with a "hot line" rule. For those that don't know, weapons shall not be loaded or charged until the shooter is on the firing line. The safety should always be engaged and the finger kept out of the trigger guard until ready to fire. The barrel should always be pointed in a safe direction such as down range or in the air, or kept in it's holster. Anyone who can't comply with those rules should be asked to leave the range or "picnic" as you so eloquently put it.

I've been to many ranges and actually competed in a U.S.
Secret Service Pistol Tournament by invitation. I've never seen anyone behaving in the manner you describe. I'm not suggesting that you are lying. I'm saying that the behavior of which you speak is an exception rather than a rule. I don't know any of the "twitchy, paranoid amateur Tackleberrys" of whom you spoke. The people who I know that go to the range and would be interested in organizing to change the way our govt. does business and stop put an end to the "money the government takes/wastes out of your pockets on an outlandish daily, perpetual basis in tax revenue" don't remotely resemble the twitchy people mentioned above. They are more like the other people you mentioned when you described yourself...."Many of us are NRA/2nd Amendment supporters, legal firearm owners, mentors of gun safety to our youngsters. We play Risk/chess/horseshoes with our neighbors, our dogs play together, we familiarize each other with each other weapons on the range. But then we play darts, go bowling, take a bike ride, or even better hide from or wives for 4-6 hours with nothing but the firepower of a set of golf clubs"

Revolution doesn't mean killing and blowing things up. It means bringing about change. Change must be brought about now. Before there is nothing left of what our forefathers fought and died for.

Anonymous said...

C'mon man-you are talking to a history buff, Constitution buff and common sense street guy who can counter-punch extremist malarkey like a Kevin Rooney era Mike Tyson. Plus, unless I am mistaken, the US gov't DOES have the authority to declare certain machine guns/shortened shotguns/and "over-the-top" ammo illegal {these products don't add to the size of your [ego] just a life sentence to your jacket...BTW.} If you genuinely want CHANGE start with the polling place where there was, like what, 1 in 6 Salisbury voters who actually gave a fudge. With a little more cohesiveness and education; you could have avoided what looks to be a very ugly 6 weeks or so by knocking out the incumbent-but you couldn't even understand those simple suggestions. Stop making our forefathers spin in their graves with your fanatic guano and perversion of their quotes from a time when a pre-loaded revolver was a terrorist weapon. You are doing more harm, than good, to your own "cause."

Anonymous said...


What ever you want to think of yourself is fine. But if you're the buff you claim to be, how can you not see that certain actions by our govt. blatantly violate the constitution? You said that unless your mistaken "the US gov't DOES have the authority to declare certain machine guns/shortened shotguns/and "over-the-top" ammo illegal" That's my whole point. They have the authority pursuant to laws THEY passed which are contrary to the 2nd and 10th amendments. Think about this Reese. More than 200 years ago this was written. If the govt. had rifles and the people were only permitted by the govt. to have "preloaded pistols" would that have been OK with our forefathers? I think not! Now the Govt. has fully automatic weapons (among other things) and the people are only permitted to have semi-auto's and nothing more. That's different? You apparently view the U.S. Constitution as a living document that is always subject to change by our govt. to benefit the govt. I see it as a document that MUST remain the solid foundation of our country in order to remain a nation ruled by the people. The fundamental rights of American citizens have become so watered down that they are barely recognizeable.

The only guano causing our forefathers to spin in their graves is that being slung by you as you profess to be a constitution buff while at the same time telling everyone that the govt. has the right to create and enforce laws which are contrary to that which is written in the U.S.Constitution.

Anonymous said...

9:17. Woo-Daddy. Actually, I DO view the Constitution as a "living document" now that you opened the door, conceptually. Wow-Look at the big brain on "Mr. Anon" for acknowledging such an enlightened concept, even though he can't board the progressive thought train himself. While you are quoting John Adams/Thomas Jefferson out of context, why don't you also project their cardiac arrest/level of shock, and tell me if he would stick to 1760 rules, upon also seeing an airplane, penicillin, late-night Cinemax features and the internet {that President Gore invented}. Also YOU are on your own if you want to fight Uncle Sugar in that fashion-I would like to go on record as saying although I have constructive criticism and there is much room for improvement, I have much love and trust for my country ultimately pulling out of our flat-spin....the one thing you can't say is you weren't warned.

Anonymous said...

It also gives me quite a throbbing migraine when people try to play up to traditional American values by waving a flag in one hand; and subsequently end their post by jumping to the stage shouting "Sic Semper Tyrannis." Again...please refer to my terribly dreadful evening at the theater.

Anonymous said...

Guns are merely the "insurance Policy" guaranteed by Our Constitution, when Tyrannical Governments Infringe on Our Creator Given Rights. You don't have to use a gun to effect change, you only need people. People that aren't too lazy to get off their Fat butts and contribute to the process!! Talk to friends and Neighbors, Invite Like minded people to help, post flyers in your neighborhood, etc., etc.. This isn't a "party" problem, it's a problem for ALL OF US!

Find out who you're local representatives are and How they vote. "Make them Famous" for all their Hypocrisy.

I think it's funny that the "anonymous" posters are too afraid to stand behind what they write, or they would use their names. Might as well throw those posts in the Trash.

Anonymous said...

Reese said "Wow-Look at the big brain on "Mr. Anon" for acknowledging such an enlightened concept, even though he can't board the progressive thought train himself."

Progressive thought train......mmmmmm.

If what this country is going through is your idea of "progress", you can ride that train to the end. I fear the end is in sight for that type of progress. Remember this. To the British, Jefferson was a traitor. As was Franklin and Washington. Now we honor these men as patriots. If these men had been caprured by the British they would have been hanged for treason and they knew it going into it. That cannot be made more clear than when Benjamin Franklin stated “We must all hang together or most assuredly we will all hang separately.”

We'll just have to see, Reese, as your "progressive train" derails.

Anonymous said...

11:42. I have tried simple reason with you-but all you do is counter by going to your coffeetable "Founding Father Fortune Cookie Quote of the Day"; I also have a ball-perhaps you would like to bounce it instead of having an intelligent conversation?? {and it should say CLEARLY on your script bottle not to take those pills with grapefruit juice..bad things man}

Anonymous said...

Here Here! Its about time some since was stated hear. It has nothing to do with pulling the congressmen into the streets beheading them and burning down govern. buildings. Our founding fathers gave us this document to reafirm what god gave us.

Under the Patriot Act all us patriots and our founding fathers are "Terrorists"

thats because we won't agree with them and walk their party line.

Since when do we do as we are told? Are we slaves? or are we free men?

Peaceful revolution before violent revolution!

Will B.

Anonymous said...

Will B.

I agree with you 100%. It is I who have trid to reason simply with Reese. It is apparent that Reese is perfectly happy being a "subject" rather than a citizen with rights. To reduce the written sentiments of our founding fathers, our first patriots, to rubbish by referring to them as "coffe table quotes" proves without question that you have little regard for Declaration of Independence OR the U.S. Constitution. Both of which are the collective work of these fine men and many others. Are these documents no more than just additional examples of coffee table quotes to you? Perhaps you, being the self proclaimed buff you are, have just decided that they really didn't mean what they wrote. Perhaps they meant something so abstract that only YOU can decipher these documents. Maybe you should write a book Reese. You can call it "The Code of the Founding Fathers". Held deep within it's sacred bindings you could explain, word for word, what the framers truly meant. You could lay it out in the most basic vocabulary possible so that even Obama would understand it.