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Friday, February 13, 2009

Trillion Dollar Spending Bill!!!!!!!

Every American Better View This Right Now!


Anonymous said...

The Devil is in the details, 1100 pgs of them.

Anonymous said...

Boehner is a PUTZ. They have had two week to read the bill. What do you think the Right Wing Radio Wingnuts have been parroting for the last two weeks. Yes it's a spending bill....spending is was is required to restart the economy. These clowns have no ideas or answers of their own.

joe albero said...

The democratic spin machine. When you get legal documents, 1,100 pages of them, do you just agree and trust that nothing has changed from within in 10 hours? They need to read the entire Bill.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 5:48 You don't seem to be a Putz so why don't you enlighten us of what's in the package, don't forgetthe details now, it wouldn't be fair otherwise;)

UwillTapout said...

The bill was presented in print last night at 11pm. How about the Train from Disney in Cali to Vegas? This thing is full of is so full of pork they ought to call it the bacon bill. Whats the rush anyway? Are you telling me this couldn't be analyzed by all Americans for at least 30 days?

Anonymous said...

What do you expect?Look who is president.Arrogance at its best,and performance at its worst.

Two Sentz said...

Boehner is a boner.

Reconciled1 said...

Thanks for calling it what it is A spending bill not a stimulus bill. If thats what they want then cut out the crap for special interest and ask for what will work. Cut the free money to special interest like ACORN etc.
The reason they're pushing it through so fast is to get it done before someone does read it. Once its done its done

Anonymous said...

Guess what? It was written by people who wanted change in this country. All congressmen have staff that can read and certainly could have assign parts of this document and reported what they have found. How did they find out about the mice in the salt march that needs all that money. Enough with the posturing!!!! A fan

Anonymous said...

u r the putz. for the last 2 wks, work on the bill has expanded it to more than 1000 pages. late in the week it was "only" 500 & some pages.

Anonymous said...

"Suppose you were an idiot. Then suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
Mark Twain.

Anonymous said...

My objections to the spending include the cuts made to the Pentagon and defense spending. (More than likely what we need the most.) Nevermind the money to acorn, 500 thou executive pay limits except for athletes and entertainers, (yes Hollywood gets a big chunk, as if they can make something decent that hasn't been done before. BTW, they got a chunk from the other bailout, as well.)
More companies will move overseas as execs can make more what they're worth & there will be lower taxes. More jobs lost, and on & on.
But I did say "nevermind." Isn't that what the dems want?

Anonymous said...

It seems thick enough to stop a bullet???

Reconciled1 said...

Bait and switch Why would they want to read something that will effect us and and our great grandchildren???? Change??? BLAH BLAH BLAH Different people same results OOPS wait a minute not different people, CLinton people...
CHANGE with we can live???? I don't think so

Anonymous said...

And what was Bush's 700 billion bill?
O thats right BONUS MONEY!
Atleast the BLACK PRESIDENT plans to put Billions into action not just let the STUPID RICH GET RICHER!
All these people are giving Ob 10 million pounds of crap about his spending but W could do what he wanted and did what he wanted just like he did for 8 years.

Anonymous said...

Then Republican answer to everything is tax cuts. No matter what the question or problem they say the same thing. Notice how well that has worked out for us.

Anonymous said...

Party first, country last. That is the Republican way.

Anonymous said...

Did you see Beck on O Rielly last night, "Depression and Revolution", at least he has the guts to say it.

Anonymous said...

What did the Republicans fight to cut from this bill? All spending for Veterans Affairs and military construction. Way to take care of our boys.

UwillTapout said...

Some are only thinking about a bigger block of cheese, more on their independence card, and me,me,me.
You are a ignoramus 9:07, and a racist. Yes a RACIST, because you feel the need to insert HALF of Barack's color. The white president before him dealt with the worst attack on American soil, and people of your ilk find it easy to forget. His stimulus package was indeed flawed and there needs to be accountability. How much easier is it for Barack to have had someone ahead of him make mistakes. Let's see if he and his administration are smart enough to learn from other people's mistakes. That is certainly an easier way.

Anonymous said...

It doesnt matter if it works some or not at all, the next generations of kids have already lost.

Chimera said...

I am disturbed by the focus on more "freebies" in this bill.Medicaid and food stamps?For who?And how will givign out more entitlements help our economy? Somebody is paying for all this crap-me and you!The people who qualify for it already get their share,you can be sure.The working class will just work more hours for less net pay and struggle to pay for all this crap that they do not benefit from.I am all for extending unemployment benefits to those who qualify but enough entitlements!If they were stricter about who they gave food stamps and medical cards to and actually checked up on these people,they would know they do not need to spend more money on these programs!!!!!The children in those "poor" families are all wearing Baby Phat clothes while I shop at Kmart and Sears for my kid.Enough is enough.Let them economize for a change.Sorry to beat a dead horse but if I hear one more liberal politician whining about taking more from one segment of society to give it to another class of people,I will stroke out.