I felt like doing some math this morning, so here we go....
Our good friend Cheif Webster apparently lives in WESTOVER and drives his precious take-home CITY OF SALISBURY Crown Vic Police Interceptor approximately 19.6 miles to and from work. That is a 39.2 mile round trip and assuming that he works 5 days a week that would add up to 196 miles a week and 10,192 miles a year! According to the 2009 Ford CVPI specs (not sure what year Webby's is, but I'm sure that the MPG is as good or worse than the 2009 model) he should be getting 23 MPG highway and 15 MPH City. I'll average the two and we'll estimate his fuel economy at 19 MPH (That also assumes that he can keep his foot in check and drive like a civilize human being). We'll use 2008's average fuel cost in MD as a standard, $3.18/gal.
So according to my calculations...
we, the tax payers, paid $1,705.81 for good ole Webster to drive to and from work last year. Remember, this is just one round trip per day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. This does not include additional trips to and from Court, special events, meetings, grocery shopping, joyriding with the wifey, and other unneccessary trips.
Let's also not forget, that's 10,192 miles per year off the life of the vehicle!!!!!!!!!!! Police vehicles rack up mileage quick, and now we allow Webster to expedite the death of our city vehicles...RIDICULOUS!
Take a tip Chiefy, quit spending our money! Maybe if you had to dodge some of the bullets flying in Salisbury then you would realize that the safety here has gone down the toilet and you'd actually do something about this crime wave! Maybe if you were actually active in our community like Mike Lewis has been then good folks like Mr. Shea wouldn't be sitting in the Hospital with 8 bullets in him!
Work where you live-so buy a house in Salisbury or get a job in Westover, I prefer the latter!
That's chump change.
Thanks Joe!
Does working only a half day every Friday except Salisbury Festival weekend count?
9:55 I thought the same thing at first, but if you add in the wear and tear on the vehicle and the cost to morale of having a chief that even after moving from the beach area didn't choose to live in Salisbury, it does exact wuite a price.
"We'll use 2008's average fuel cost in MD as a standard, $3.18/gal"
I am assuming that is a typo. If you are paying 3.18 per gallon in Maryland, I have a bridge to sell you too.
I dont know how I feel about this yet.
Still part of our chump change though
Don't forget the golf trips to OC during working hours
read it again...its about what is HAS cost us....."we, the tax payers, PAID $1,705.81 for good ole Webster to drive to and from work LAST YEAR."
Has he even visited Mr Shea in the hospital?
ANON 10:17 AM,
Drive4success read it right, I used last year's average gas price for MD to show what we have already paid for this non-sense. Obviously this year might be slightly cheaper on our wallets due to lower gas prices, but it is still an unneccessary cost to us. But then again, gas prices are on the rise so it may be about the same this year...
Yes, 9:55 and your obviously the chump!!
Just why is it that Webster is not reqiured to live in the town in which he works? Seems logical to me, plus he could be on call faster.
Dont be a hater this is a Benefit of the job for whoever is our chief. Even though I agree with your views on the chieg
Dave you haven't figured in his daily cruise around the City. This is where he looks for Joe and pimps around in his Vic. He wouldn't get involved in stopping a crime if it happened right in front of him. Have you ever seen him involved in any scene ? Mike Lewis sure does.
I don't live in Salisbury, and don't know much about Webster, but is it possible that he lived in Salisbury when he first began his job as Chief & then moved to Westover after that?
Melissa, NO, he lived in Ocean City. He has never lived anywhere near Salisbury. His original Contract stated he had to live in Salisbury but the Council changed it because he claims he couldn't find a home that satisfied him in Salisbury.
it would be one thing if he responded to major calls from home like dykes did. but i don't think he has ever taken a call for service or went to a major crime scene to back the department up
Joe, why Can't we replace him if he is costing us money, crime is rising and public opinion for him is zero. Could we combine the county and city police forces
Lets not forget Bill Holland who lived out of state and drove his city SUV back and forth. Show me when he ever had to respond from home at all.
1219 Comment
Webster works directly for the Mayor and can only be dismissed by her.
So having said that it should be obvious, even to a blind person, that those two birds of a feather flock togeather.
He does NOT live in Westover....according to real estate transaction records (public records)he bought a house at Colbourne Creek,which is a high end waterfront development in MARION,which is several miles even further south from Salisbury.More taxpayer gas.And by the way,it is not a low rent neighborhood he is in either, people.Didnt realize SPD paid so well.Or do they?
9:55 AM
Yes, this particular dollar amount might be 'chump change'; however, when you beging to string together all the little bits of chump change here and there, it is possible to add up to a significant amount. That is why the LINE ITEM budget was beneficial. More oversight on spending, with less chance to hide stuff. Additionally, this type of waste that starts at the top has a trickle down effect, and becomes a norm, over time. Greed, and wasteful spending has been business as usual in our society, and you can see where it has gotten us. Time to get back to common sense, and accountability. Get rid of the pork, stop the waste. Get rid of the people who cannot do their jobs.
AND if the chief of police could not find a home to his liking in Salisbury--what the hell was he looking for?
Tehe mayor owes him, he "didn't see" her daughter hit somone, so her daughter was saved, so now is he. Not for long chief....
Plus he never responds to anything.
lol you think thats bad what about every state trooper in the state of maryland what do you think their gas bill is? also within the state the other several hundred non law enforcement employees who have take home vehicles. they are allowed to use these vehicles on and off duty as long as they do not leave the state. so just one persons gas expense doesnt really matter to me.
Chief Webster lives in Marion,Md. in a development called Evans Drive last I heard. Thats farther south than Westover.
1:35 Can't we start a petition to have the chief removed?
add that one person's expenses for the year and multiply it by the number of people who have take home cars and what the round trip milage is for each one and see if it matters. I bet the cumulative sum would matter---not even counting the non work related milage that gets put on these vehicles. Then add the mileage, wear and tear, etc. The number starts to become significant.
he lives in crisfield
The justfication for having police officers with taxpayer-funded cars is the proactive, preventive effect of having law enforcement cars visible in the community. Why would the city of Salisbury taxpayers care if Webster's community in Westover has such protection? He doesn't respond to calls when he is on duty, so how are we citizens helped by a car that's not even in our county? Why should we pay for the chief's lie about not seeing Casey Tilghman acting the way she acts?
Webster is a boob. I hear and see more of Webster on this site than I see him at SPD, AND I WORK THERE! I see him pull in to his front parking spot, get out with his jacket in hand, walk to the elevator and dissapears to the third floor. I might see him around 3:45 pm when hes leaving for the day in his patrol car. WEBSTER,,,LEAVE AND DONT COME BACK!
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