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Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Daily Times Continues To Milk The Sheriff Bobby Jones Case

While I am personally grateful the Daily Times is finally giving their FULL attention towards the alleged hit & run case against Sheriff Bobby Jones, they're milking it like there's no tomorrow.

For four days in a row this has been front page news, yet they were 5 or 6 days late bringing it to light to start with. OK, we get it, thank you Daily Times. I'm now confident there is enough media attention placed on this matter and perhaps they'll consider waiting until Tuesday before they announce, (for selfish reasons on their own behalf) again that 911 refuses to give them the tapes for the call Mrs. Pusey made to them. Here's a little more help Daily Times. There wasn't just ONE call to 911, there was at least TWO! Better be careful which one you ask for or they'll send you the ONE that they want.

You can GO HERE to see the 4th article on this matter, if you like. Salisbury News will once again be at the Court House for this hearing, unlike the Daily Times who has yet to make the first two hearings.

Once again Somerset County Nay Sayers, what say you now? Still think Mrs. Pusey was in the wrong? You see, you guys talk the big talk and try to scare people with intimidation. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Someone is going down and the sound of that thump from a Judge's Gavel will be heard around the entire Eastern Shore. The games are over!

By the way Daily Times, it sure would have been nice for you to say, "This story broke several days ago on Salisbury News." A link to our article would have been nice too. I wonder why they refuse to do that as we always provide a link to their work. ;-)


Anonymous said...

I hope they don't go out of business. I don't keep paper bags in the house. I bring home the papers at the end of the week that we get from work and use it for other things. Cleaning windows with newspapers won't leave smudge marks and no lint. They also are great for under a bird cage. And last but not least, it is wonderful for packing fragil things like glassware when moving.

Anonymous said...

Joe, are you factually stating that copies of recordings requested from the 911 call center by The Daily Times were denied? Or could it quite possibly be the agency receiving the request from The Times has 30 days to fulfill or deny that request, and thus the reason The Times hasn't received the requested information? On that subject, since you were all over this case, why is it The Daily times, with their late entry into this race, beat you to the punch in requesting those documents and/or recordings? If I recall, there was a comment posted on your blog by someone writing this would be the course of action taken by prudent and competent investigators/reporters.

joe albero said...


I have never stated I was a Reporter or Journalist, NEVER.

Secondly, I happen to believe Mrs. Pusey and her witnesses. Like I have stated in another Post. If the truth lies half way in the middle, Bobby Jones needs to go, period.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you have beaten this story to death too. What is amazing to me is how there are all of these conspiracy theories, but I never see the same diligence in exposing the accused (not convicted) and the victim. You had two pieces on the poor girl who was KILLED in Delmar the other week, and none on the suspects. I do think this woman was probably hit, but she doesn't have even a broken bone. If you are going to be fair, be fair. If this was a hit and run and peace order with anyone but an elected official it might get one mention from you and maybe a note in the Times.

Anonymous said...

So what happened today we need more update!!! lolthanks for keeping us informed Joe.