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Saturday, February 21, 2009

CNBC's Rick Santelli Slams Obama On Economic Plan

Obama economic plan DESTROYED by CNBC's Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year" This is a MUST SEE video!


Anonymous said...

Yhis is not a slam of Obama, this is an idiot ranting after he and others like him created this mess.
Sort of yelling the cows are out, after you left the barn door open.
Give me a break.

joe albero said...

ROTFLMAO! This guy is so right on it isn't funny. YOU must be one of those dead beats who purchased a home you knew you couldn't afford and want guys like me paying your freakin mortgage.

joe albero said...

I should add, hence ANONYMOUS!

Anonymous said...

Get off it Joe. Imagine how things would be with John McSame running the show. You're still bitter you couldn't push the winner.

joe albero said...

I'll say this for the very last time, I hope.

Bush was a complete piece of garbage. ALL of the Presidential Candidates were crap as well.

Bush left this Country so far in debt, NO ONE REGULATES the Government and where ALL the money went. It would take a hundred years to investigate what and where Bush and Congress spent all that money.

We have been screwed by our own Government, democrats AND republicans.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:10 you are the most ignorant fool out there. Never, Never, Never in the course of American history has a bailout of this type worked!! what part of never don't you understand???? This fool of a president promised hope in his fraudulent campaign. where is the hope? where you dumbass. by coming out and saying this stimulus isn't enough. it may not work. You can't penalize the 92% because of the dumbass 8% who got a mortgage they couldnt afford. by the way, it was the liberals who rewrote mortgage policy 8-10 years ago to allow fewer and less stringent restrictions on mortgage seekers. but thats another topic for another day. Your hero Bill Clinton even admitted that his administration blocked efforts to reform. But anyway, Rick Santelli is correct, not a rant, but someone finally telling the emperor he has no clothes on.Go Rick! and p.s. quit bashing Bush. He didn't start this mess- I agree he contributed, and could have ended it but didn,t , but stop bashing Bush. Move on you whiners! And besides, when your neighbor defaults on his loan, your ass better be the first one over to "help" him out, or your just another panzy ass hypocrit like the rest of the liberal left that is steering this country ever so dangerously close to socialism. You think Bush was eroding your civil rights- you aint seen nothing until socialism kicks in.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:10 you are the most ignorant fool out there. Never, Never, Never in the course of American history has a bailout of this type worked!! what part of never don't you understand???? This fool of a president promised hope in his fraudulent campaign. where is the hope? where you dumbass. by coming out and saying this stimulus isn't enough. it may not work. You can't penalize the 92% because of the dumba$$ 8% who got a mortgage they couldnt afford. by the way, it was the liberals who rewrote mortgage policy 8-10 years ago to allow fewer and less stringent restrictions on mortgage seekers. but thats another topic for another day. Your hero Bill Clinton even admitted that his administration blocked efforts to reform. But anyway, Rick Santelli is correct, not a rant, but someone finally telling the emperor he has no clothes on.Go Rick! and p.s. quit bashing Bush. He didn't start this mess- I agree he contributed, and could have ended it but didn,t , but stop bashing Bush. Move on you whiners! And besides, when your neighbor defaults on his loan, your a$$ better be the first one over to "help" him out, or your just another panzy a$$ hypocrit like the rest of the liberal left that is steering this country ever so dangerously close to socialism. You think Bush was eroding your civil rights- you aint seen nothing until socialism kicks in.

joe albero said...

anonymous 3:31,

I feel your pain but let me assure you, Bush IS a part of the financial crisis we're currently in. He was a dip stick with no brians in office and never understodd what Congress was doing. Nor did he probably care. Bush walked out of that Office a forever rich man and the taxpayers will never know just how much he and the VP earned while in office. To deny that just makes you a fool.

Anonymous said...

Clinton helped this mess to.

Anonymous said...

Joe- this is 3:31- I'm on your side, but your facts are wrong. I agree bush was a part of the problem, not THE problem. And besides, do you think the Dem's would have stuck it to the terrorists like Bush? or just sat on their ass and wait for the freakin UN to step in. Bush was smarter than you think while in office. Besides, both Bush and Cheney were rich well before coming to office. But, while in office, their personal money is handled through blind trusts. They have no idea what happens to their money until their out of office. And who really cares?? The point is, the continued taxation of America's wealthy only encourages them to disinvest themselves in American interests. New York mayor Bloomberg releases a report the other day that only 1% of New YOrkers pay 90% of the tax bill. Is that fair? What happens when they finally pull up stakes and leave the city?? New York will just blow away. Thats why guys like Rick Santelli should be encouraged to get the word out. The continued taxation of Americans, both wealthy and not, is a certain path to destruction for this great nation. This stimulus package perpretated by the "Messiah" is pure hoax- a tool to bring America to its socialists knees.

Tidewaterbound said...

Obama can't fix this, Bush didn't help it, and Clinton STARTED it.

What a bunch of IDIOTS we elected.

Honestly, it wouldn't matter a hill of beans WHO won the presidential election, they can't FIX this mess that many in America, their greed, created and now want the rest of us to fix.

If you make 30K a year, why did you sign on the dotted line for a half a million dollar mortgage interest only loan?

And so many did making even LESS!

Um, what I wanna know is...WHO got all the $$, because they DID, and why aren't they required to give it BACK?

Those who knowingly sold bad loans and took the bonus money need to be held accountable.

Those in the public that snapped up the loans they knew they couldn't afford deserve to lose those homes. Find something more affordable, anything.

I know many who are moving in together, extended families, just to cope. That's happening a lot, because it's time to get back to basics.

Anonymous said...

Santelli is shouting in a room of people who themselves just excepted a bailout by the American taxpayer. So now they are against regular people receiving help.

The second they return that money is the second people should listen to them.

Otherwise they are hypocrites.

joe albero said...

anonymous 5:09,


There is NO accountability, period.

VOTE OUT EVERY CONGRESSMAN and start all over again. I said that months ago. Anyone who has been in Congress for more than 4 years, throw them out. If ANY American wants to get back on the right track, that's the only place to start and finish. Shut down our Government for two years. Put a freeze on every department and stop growing our Government. Put an immediate halt to ALL PORK!

Our Government was better run when the Mafia was still in full force, seriously.

Anonymous said...

Joe, Joe, Joe! If Government werE to shut down for 3 years we would have all the money we make to support everything that would be needed in our own communities, and have money left over to provide jobs to thosE dislocated government workers!
And we would have "change" left over.

joe albero said...

GOOD! Look at all the people going bankrupt and foreclosing on their homes. They're shutting down, why not the entire Government. If we do not do something drastic, someone is going to over take America, you wait and see. This is NOT a game, it's reality. I don't think certain parts of our Government should shut down. I'm saying, freeze hiring. Freeze ALL new programs. Only keep those divisions completely necessary open. Shut down Congress. Start over before the Citizens revolt. Our Government is preparing for this right now as we speak, seriously. Ask anyone in the National Guard what they've been training for. We're in deep crap right now and we could lose everything.

Anonymous said...

when bush spent billions, a war was fostered. bho spends billions + without anything...

Anonymous said...

The world must be coming to an end!....I agree completely with Joe!

Anonymous said...

Please find me a clip of Rick Santelli railing against the government's bailout of the banks. You won't find one.

Anonymous said...

There is a big difference between politicians making mistakes, or beign "dumb", or being "stupid", or "doing the wrong thing" - and politicians acting on behalf of their masters. The difference becomes one of accountability. Our politicians are NOT dumb, stupid, or ignorant. They are CRIMINALS.

When American people understand the difference they will change this government. Until then, we will be governed. We serve our government, not the other way around. Pay your taxes, vote for one of the choices, and keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, wake up!

Whatever, you do, remain anonymous. Why? Fear these people!