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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wicomico River Press Conference

Mayoral Candidate Ireton to address Waverly Outfall Pipes, the Health of the Wicomico River, and His Cleanup Plan "Wicomico River Project" Saturday

Salisbury—Salisbury Mayoral candidate Jim Ireton will speak at and about the Wicomico River on Saturday January 17, 2008 at 10:00 AM. Ireton will be at the base of Waverly Drive (on the Market Street side) . to discuss the new 72 inch outfall pipe being installed to drain, unfiltered, hundreds of acres of Salisbury into the Wicomico River. Ireton, who supported plans to alleviate drainage problems for Camden Neighborhood residents, but not the dumping of unfiltered runoff into the Wicomico River said, "The moral imperative that is the clean-up of the Wicomico River begins with my plan, The Wicomico River Project. This construction negates any claim to environmentalism by either the current city administration or Gary Comegys."

Ireton will also discuss the dangerous levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Wicomico, the continued threat of overflow sewage, and the plans to construct another 72 inch outfall pipe in Newtown, one that will run unfiltered runoff into the North Prong of the Wicomico River.

"Help Is On the Way"


Anonymous said...


The City has done much to "fix" its contribution to the problem.
Ireton should focus on the real problems that city residents face, and that is not one of them.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ireton:

Be sure to tell us where we could get the money to do it the way you want. And "grants" is not an acceptable answer.

Anonymous said...

Where is Ireton getting all of this statistical information? Does anyone know, or guess????

joe albero said...

I beg to differ Lynn,

The River is one of the main issues the City should be focusing on. I know you want to defend Gary Comegys on this issue because he claimed he's an environmentalist, yet he voted for these pipes to pollute the river.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that the city had to go through the MDE to get a permit for an outfall of that magnitude. The runoff from that pipe would take 10 years to pollute as much a one sewage spill.

Anonymous said...

Fire Paul Wilber, Pam Oland, John Pick and Lore Chambers. Their combined annual salaries is more than enough to pay for filtration on both pipes.

Anonymous said...


If your 1:16 rejoinder is aimed at my earlier comment, FYI -- I'm not "Lynn" and I don't defent or support Comegys. My point is that Mr. Ireton is simply rabble rousing about something that is not really significant, and as another has asked, how does he plan to pay the price for doing the drainage differently.

Also, doesn't much of the water already go into the river by different drainage routes?

And hasn't the Maryland DNR and environmental office approved the drainage system that's being installed? Does Mr. Ireton have any knowledge that they don't have?

It seems like he is always objecting and criticizing but has no realistic answers or solutions.

joe albero said...

Man, is the current Tilghman Administrastion in damage control mode, or what!

Anonymous said...

This drainage system has been approved by the MDE and EPA. Upon contacting the MDE and EPA concerning the lack of filtration their reply was "we are not enforcing that at this time, it will come in the future". Therefore, isn't it wiser to install the filtration while installing the larger outfall pipes? Isn't this an economically sound method of construction? Isn't it plain old horse sense to do the job right the first time? I know this isn't how things are done at any level of government but there is always a first time for everything. Just because it is approved doesn't mean it is right.

The government approved Hep B live virus vaccine, was that right?

Anonymous said...

I so glad to hear this. This river is not just this cities problem, it's our responsibility! It's gotten so toxic in the last cpl years. Only a very few species of fish left there now, waterfowl numbers are far less, dead heron and carmaran can be found everywhere the first few miles from town {I've seen alot these past cpl mnths as cooler weather they dont decompose as fast and their numbers increase as they migrate threw} It wont be long before what ever toxins are killing them become overbearing in our drinking water. The trash and floatables line the banks on both sides of the river for miles, deep as trash piles above the tide line, caused by storm water. Our cities river is destroying the Bay as well. These are nonrenewable resources!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you go to the press conference and ask Mr Ireton how he would pay for it instead of assuming he doesn't have any idea how to pay for it? If you don't think this is a problem, talk to the watermen and the thousands of other people who rely on the rivers and the Chesapeake Bay for a living and recreation.

Anonymous said...

Perchin is good right now in the Wicomico.

joe albero said...

anonymous 1:56 said...

"Why don't you go to the press conference and ask Mr Ireton how he would pay for it instead of assuming he doesn't have any idea how to pay for it?"

I'll tell you why. Because this is the Mayor's group or Comegys group trying to once again use this Blog to stir the pot. They have no intention of being there. I'll tell you what. Why don't you ask Comegys why he supported it and voted for it? Then ask him how he can claim to be such an environmentalist.

I'll top that! Why did Comegys bury the Sludge Pit at the WWTP? How about all the violations from the MDE at the WWTP too? To top that off, ask Comegys why they tried to bury the illegal pipes dumping into the River at the Zoo that the MDE had to cap because Jim Rapp opened the valve again after the MDE left! Ask Comegys why they didn't terminate Rapp immediately after he viollated a direct order from the MDE. Let's not forget about all the human waste that was running into the River from the Zoo and the MDE forced the City to put in a reverse valve to make sure it didn't happen again. Shall I continue?

Anonymous said...

Well, Mr Ireton it seems as though you have the 3 Stooges all in a snit.

From the first several comments on this post it appears you already know more then they do and have a plan to fix it.

Gary "I want to be Mayor" Louise "Ms Attitude" and Shaney "Wake me up when this is over" are petrified of anyone with any intelligence.

Keep at them Jim and keep letting us know your plans when you are elected Mayor.

Anonymous said...

You got it, Joe! Comegys basically copied Ireton's website on the environmental issues, but he has zero knowledge and a lousy voting record. This isn't tree-hugging stuff, folks, it about our way of life! Between this and what Joe found at the WWTP, we should all be disgusted. We can do better than this.

Anonymous said...

Watch Comegys' website after Jim's press conference. If Jim lists any specific solutions, count on them being stolen and put on Comegys' website a.s.a.p. He's already done that with Jim's platform.

Anonymous said...

Remember a few years ago when Dunn promised the woman off camden ave with the big hole in her back yard that would flood during heavy rain that the city would buy her house to get her out of the problem? Did this happen? Is that property a big reason this pipe is being installed? Wouldn't a pipe that big need a gate at the end of it to keep the trash out of the river? Who is going to keep it cleaned out if it gets one? Give you one guess. What ever happened to the boat with the arms on it that used to keep the river trash picked up? We buying anouther one now? I know for a fact the old one the city had could have been repaired at a low price instead of going to the auction. I know the person that wanted to fix it. Ansewrs please....

tedh said...

The skimmer was bought by a private individual and it resides in Whitehaven to date. I'm sure I the individual would sell it back at a fair price.

Anonymous said...

With any luck at all the primary will knock Gary Comegys out and there will finally, for the first time in a very long time be a campaign that is not run on lies and deceit. It will finally be about what we all care about...the issues.

Anonymous said...

He might want to watch out, that river ruined the election for Duke Shannahan!! That was the start of Dinglebarries reign of terror with the assistance of the Daily Rag!

Chimera said...

That house sitting in the side of a sinkhole should have probably never been built there if you look at it from a logistical point of view.Natural "basins" throughout the Chesapeake watershed are being developed and that also contributes to the pollution problem.If water was actually allowed to drain via soil drip,naturally,most of the nitrogen would be absorbed.

mommaneedswine said...

The "river" that ruined Duke Shannahan's campaign was actually Johnson's Pond, on which he posted a "No swimming, water polluted" that he made up himself. Johnson's Pond is a no swimming pond because of the dam and a pipeline that runs under the water. Shannahan even mailed out postcards with the picture, which was a total lie.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see the same expectations that farmers face being asked not to grow or fertilize 100 yards from any tributary of the bay.

Developers should be asked to do the same, placing fine houses close to the river with golf course like quality lawns requiring a lot of nitrogen fertilizer. No developement 100 yards from a tribtary and that includes septic tanks and drain fields.

Don't blame it all on farmers, we all have role to play in this.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm sure that the city had to go through the MDE to get a permit for an outfall of that magnitude. The runoff from that pipe would take 10 years to pollute as much a one sewage spill.

1:20 PM

Since you seem to be such an expert can you please cite your credible source.

At least you are intelligent enough to admit that the run off is pollution.

You must be a FOB!

Anonymous said...

joealbero said...
Man, is the current Tilghman Administrastion in damage control mode, or what!

1:43 PM

Good point Joe, I agree with you on this comment 100%.

Looks like Dinglebarrie and Bubba are running scared.

Anonymous said...

mommaneedswine said...
The "river" that ruined Duke Shannahan's campaign was actually Johnson's Pond, on which he posted a "No swimming, water polluted" that he made up himself. Johnson's Pond is a no swimming pond because of the dam and a pipeline that runs under the water. Shannahan even mailed out postcards with the picture, which was a total lie.

7:49 PM

Joe, Dinglebarries friends are at it again with damage control. Calling Duke Shannahan a liar and all he did with the picture was try to prove a point. Typical of attacks by the left wing liberals.

Anonymous said...


There is something you probably don’t know. There are no urban storm drainage system anywhere in the United States that I know of that have any form of treatment upstream of the point of outfall.

Sand Box John

Anonymous said...

dinglebarrie has friends? more like leaches feeding on the politically oozing puss

Anonymous said...

Why is this debate a free for all?
Why are events of years ago brought up as though they are relevant? Photos of the river that was not the river? Excuse me, who would care? the point is, that the huge pipes (and I have seen them) are for the purpose (so it has been said) of taking storm water and dumping it into the river.

It appears that there is no method at present to "filter" that storm water, No grates, no debris catchers. Storm water carries alot of garbage. We have all seen the river clogging up with debris that is disgusting, throughout the length of the river here in the county. To add to it seems counter productive, and short sighted.

Having an open debate, presenting solutions,one by one, is the way to solve problems, Mr. Ireton obviously wants to start a debate, whats to offer solutions, and wants to get the public involved in protecting the quality of the river. Hurray...good for him...

Citizens have gone to the city council and of course the bobble heads have
"blown off" any citizen imput or any citizen concern. Good for Mr. Ireton, he is taking the debate to the public. One cannot get anywhere at the council meetings, it is as though there are no citizens and Mr. Comegys and Shaney Shields are a detriment and have caused more damage than can be repaired anytime soon.

On with the public debate, great thanks Mr. Ireton.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:52 PM - No FOB here. Must protect myself as my industry is directly affected by the local Government. More than likely it is not changing what is dumping into the river already but I do admit that it would be an improvement if they filtered it. Underground storm water management is very expensive.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
dinglebarrie has friends? more like leaches feeding on the politically oozing puss

5:12 AM

LMAO... I'm usually smarter than that. You are right, dinglebarrie doesn't have any friends.