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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wall Street Is Big Donor to Obama's Inauguration

Wall Street employees, as a group, have been the biggest single source of these private donations, according to the analysis. Much of their donations -- $5.7 million total -- has been channeled through financial-services executives who each have bundled together donations worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

For details, including names of the heavy-hitters, see:


Here's a brief bite:

"Lou Susman, a Chicago-based managing director for Citigroup, bundled $265,000 in inaugural donations for Mr. Obama, including $50,000 donated personally and $50,000 more from the firm’s employees. Goldman provided at least $175,000 in donations, primary through bundling activities by Jennifer Scully and Bruce Heyman, two banking executives there. Ms. Scully raised $100,000, but didn’t make any large donations personally; Mr. Heyman bundled $50,000 in donations, including a $10,000 contribution he made himself. Another Goldman executive, David Heller, donated $25,000."


Anonymous said...

So how much did Wall Street support Bush's two inaugurations? this is not unusual at all.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again with the "Bush did it too" How about talking about how much Bush has done for Africa? He has provided more food and medicine than Clinton ever did yet you democrats never want to say anything positive about Bush. How about those cabinet appointees of your Messiah? Pay to play Richardson, Four years of back taxes for the treasury secretary nominee, Eric Holder for Attorney General who stinks of corruption, Hillary who helped Bill get donations from our enemies--the list goes on and on.

Anonymous said...


But Obama promised "change" -- have you noticed that it isn't happening?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So how much did Wall Street support Bush's two inaugurations? this is not unusual at all.

11:58 AM

Really? Can you prove that?

My bet is that you are a typical Kool Aid drinker that heard someone else say that.

Anonymous said...

Mr./Ms. 11:58

So, after bashing everything Bush did in order to get Obama elected, you now justify what he is doing by agruing that Bush did it too -- that's brilliant (not).

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:16. If Obama really was going to bring "change" than he wouldn't be accepting all of these donations from lobbyists.

Anonymous said...

Obama is an elitist with Ivy League affiliation -- his kids are not going to the local public schools, but to an exclusive private academy, he has already migrated from the ordinary folks who elected him to the wealthy and superstars -- attending a dinner at George Will's 19 Million Dollar home, etc.

If you voted for Mr. O, you've been snookered big time!

Anonymous said...

By dining at George Will's house with William Kristol, David Brooks, and Charles Krauthammer, he's single-handedly revived these guys' careers.

Anonymous said...

Will's house (it's a dump) ain't worth that much -- here's the insider skinny:

The PEOTUS departed Hay-Adams at 6:17 p.m. and at arrived at 6:34 p.m. at [address redacted]. Thanks to the good work of Hans Nichols (of Bloomberg and “Daily Show” fame), Montgomery County property tax records showed this is the home of conservative columnist George Will (valued at $1.9 million, according to the 2008 levy).

PS -- PEOTUS=President-elect of the United States

Anonymous said...

So you cry babies would rather that the taxpayer foot the bill? Or because your guy lost, maybe there shouldn't be an inauguration this year? Hypocrites. I don't hear you all talking about Obama's massive TAX CUT that he has proposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful that Barack & Michelle refuse to expose their kids to the progeny of the unwashed masses who attend what passes for public schools in the nation's capital.

Sasha, 7, a second-grader, will attend Sidwell’s lower school in Bethesda, Md. Annual tuition for the lower school is $28,442

Her sister Malia, 10, a fifth-grader, will enroll in Sidwell’s middle school on the campus in Northwest Washington where the annual tuition is $29,442.

Daniel H. Mudd, the former CEO and president of Fannie Mae, is a Sidwell graduate and member of the school’s board of trustees.

Maxine Isaacs, a former aide to Walter Mondale when he was a senator and when he was vice president, is also on the Sidwell board.

She’s married to James Johnson, another former Fannie Mae chairman who briefly served as one of the leaders of Obama’s vice-presidential search team. He left the post after his former connection to Fannie Mae became controversial.

Anonymous said...


This year -- given the circumstances -- is the perfect time to scale back on the extravaganza promoted by wealthy donors in order to obtain "clout" in the White House. Obama is simply more of the same-old, same-old, despite all that rhetoric about change and his & Biden's ties to ordinary Americans.

A much smaller and simpler inaugration day -- as was the case for much of U. S. history -- is adequate and appropriate in these times.

Anonymous said...


Another great post & good comments' too -- we don't get this kind of stuff in the Daily Slime or on the local TV "news" programs.

Anonymous said...

According to the Times of London Obamas inauguration is presently at a cost of $100 million pounds (150 MILLION DOLLARS) Bushs 2004 inauguration cost was $40 million dollars for which the associated press wrote columns critisizing spending that amount of money on an inauguration and analyzing what it could have been better used for. This time for the chosen one who is spending almost four times as much not a peep from the A.P. Then again he is the chosen one.

Anonymous said...

2:23 --

Welcome to the Obamanation.

The only part of your wealth (i.e., taxes) that he will spread or share with others will be what's left after he takes his "cut" off the top and his fat cat friends get theirs.

Anonymous said...

Come on and admit it! Most of you are just jealous.

I can guarantee that if your candidate won there would be no discussion. So you pick on Obama.

Anonymous said...

How can Wall Street be giving so much in donations when they have had to have a major bail out by the American taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

Someone tell me - is there a president in the history of the USA that has had such a SCANDALOUS inauguration? And, all the scandalous people he's put in and around his cabinet? We're headed for destruction.

Anonymous said...

1:59 - the news is that the "tax cut" has actually been CUT. You've been suckered! That's what you idiots get for electing a smooth talking liar.

Anonymous said...

I have hears that obama has stated that if congress dosnt give him the rest of the bail out money he will veto their decision?

Does that mean he will take our money if congress does not give it to him ?

Now how much more proof does America need ? Can the president take what he wants ? Even if congress says no ? What is to come of America now that we have elected a theif to office ?

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe , are you following any of the corruption being disclosed about obamas cabinet picks ? The Tresurer, or the Attorny General? Whats up with that ? Or is it just Fox News hear say ?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:27pm

Do you even know how this country is run?

Please educate yourself on the roles of congress and the president. Maybe then you will understand the how a veto works.