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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No One Shows Up At WCBOE Meeting Last Night For Public Comment

So it was all talk and no one showed up for the WCBOE Meeting Tuesday night. I just couldn't resist heading out there to see if anyone would show up and when Robin Holloway brought up Public Comments at the beginning of the meeting, not one hand went up.

The way I see it is, chalk one up for the Board of Ed & Obama! Parents are all talk and no action, once again. My guess is, this Post will now go quiet with the tough guy Parents and they'll send their kids off to School in their Sunday's Finest. I can see the high waters now with a polyester suit, white socks with stripes and a clip on tie! Take lots of pictures, they'll last longer.


Two Sentz said...

Typical Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of the parents actually got some sense and decided that it might not bbe such a bad thing to at least acknowledge the historic nature of this event, whether you voted for Obama or not! It really is going to be a beautiful event, I hope people don't let their political feelings get in the way and cause them to miss watching something this cool.

Anonymous said...

People are intimidated by WCBOE. They have and will pick on the kids of parents who speak out. If anybody stood up to them they would declared racist and no longer would be given any help if anything arose. They have unchecked power to mess with you and your children.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Two Sentz, I don't think it is typical Salisbury but it is human nature when it comes to issues related to race. This is not simply about supporting or not supporting the new president, it is about black vs white. Speaking out agaisnt black leaders such as at the BOE will bring unpleasant ramifications on both parents and their children. I think people are just scared anymore to do anything, no tolerance, the people who stand up for themselves get the worst of it.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in Wicomico or my butt would have been right there. As far as them picking at my child for voicing my opinion I am sure a lwayer would have a field day with that one. My children have both been principal honor roll students since starting school with no negative markings, so if they became a target it would no question it was backlash for me speaking my mind. Grow a backbone people!

Anonymous said...

The truth of the matter was that there was nothing to complain about.

The kids aren't being forced to do anything and all the loud mouths whinning on this site knew it.

As for the statement that the WCBOE would pick on the kids of the people who complain, please spare us the garbage.

Anonymous said...

9:01 a.m., we hear the same thing about retaliation with the City of Salisbury.

On the other hand, when are people going to start standing up for what they believe in? And publicly for the local candidates they believe in who are sticking their necks out to fight the system?

As for the BOE-inauguration thing, keep your kid home in protest if you are that mad. My kids are not being MADE to do anything and they are having fun and learning.

Having fun and learning -- try it, you'll like it!

Anonymous said...

I really wanted to go, but i have 3 small kids and my husband was working last night :( i really thinking alot of parents would have gone. But you know, my child is staying who cares what they do

Anonymous said...

From today's Daily Times: "Barack Obama's election "speaks volumes about how far this country has come when it comes to race relations" and said he felt privileged to have a front-row seat for this historic inauguration."

The person quoted?
President George W Bush. So all of you who voted (twice) for Bush might want to stop and think--if he can acknowledge the historic nature of this event, why can't you?

Anonymous said...

Who cares I'm just going to keep my kids home that day and if you can't do that tell the teacher that you want your child to be excused to the media center or gym.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:08am

Truth of the matter is that this has nothing to do with race.

You either feel strongly about something of you don't. Most of the parents who complained would rather take their kids out of school than actually do a lttle work.

I for one, don't think this is a big deal anyway. Heaven forbid that the kids would actually have to learn something.

Anonymous said...

You are right 9:38 this did not start out about race, but that is what is has turned into. If this was a white president, I strongly believe we would not be having this discussion.

Anonymous said...

I got smart and pulled my child out of the Wicomico County Institutions of Lower Learning for a private school. Folks, I know things are tight but you have only one chance to get a good education for your child . You have little hope of this in the county schools.
Bite the bullet and request financial aid. You will not be sorry.

Anonymous said...

The kids will be learning that WCBOE is run by racist liberals. Would WCBOE made the same hoopla for Sarah Palin? I certainly doubt it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure pulling kids out of school because they have to pay attention to what is going on around them will make them better people.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:43pm

Since Palin hasn't won anything this election cycle, we will never know. I happen to think that yes they would be doing the exact same thing.

But that would be fine and dandy with some of you, huh?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I only heard about this meeting late yesterday afternoon. I am a single parent; there was no time to arrange for babysitters, and I had one sick child as well. Otherwise, I would have been there. We're all not just talk and no action.

Anonymous said...


I hear that they may give the city and county employees another paid day off on Jan 20 -- any info on that?

Anonymous said...

The county is working on Jan 20th, the 19th is already off MLK jr Day.

As for the parents not showing up, my kids are at Mardela and we received no letter, otherwise I would have considered going to the meeting. It depends on who's posting and where their kids actually attend. It would have been a waste of my time to show up.
Minion is the word verification, how appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:53

I don't know about giving them the day off, but I have a friend who works in Social Services for child support. She says they MIGHT have to go to Washington for 3 days to lend a hand in some areas. She's not looking forward to it and considered taking one of her furlow days that day.

Anonymous said...

It's this type of apathy that has gotten our country in the shape it's in.

Anonymous said...

I had a feeling this is what it would turn out to be.
Alleged parents get on here and act all concerned about their kids and something affecting them and then do nothing.
This is what a majority of today's parents are like....all talk and no action. That is why a lot of today's youth is out of control because when it comes to discipline, these parents are the same way...all talk and no action.
My kids are grown so this issue didn't affect me directly but you can bet if it did, and I was upset about it, I would have had my butt in one of those chairs at the meeting! That is the way I was bringing up my kids. Also called Tough Love Mom.

Anonymous said...

She can't take a furlow day, because there is no such thing. Perhaps "furlough" though. And state and federal employees are not allowed to take furlough days during this event, already got the memo.

Secondly, there was only so much publicity due to a few fake letters sent into this blog. I am personally responsible for 3 letters that were totally falsified with fictitious quotes. I wrote in as a teacher once and as a concerned parent twice, and each one got printed. Goes to show what type of reporting goes on here.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:25...Wishy wash?

You would have been there because you were upset about it and now you say "who cares what they do"?

Stand up for what you believe in and stop caving in. You could have taken the kids with you, couldn't you?

You didn't want to go in the first place I'll bet. Bet you're one of the ones who kept blasting on this blog knowing you wouldn't show up at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

racists are scared fools... HENCE THE WHITE HOODS!

Anonymous said...

10:32 who are you? That is what is wrong with our area.People like you
have ruined the local area.I hope the lord will bless this area with new elected leaders with intigrity.

Anonymous said...

so all that talk on here the last couple days was blowing smoke

Anonymous said...

How much advance notice was sent?

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope more people show up for the revolution.

Anonymous said...

The BOE called that meeting because they know what Mrs Handy and others have done is wrong. They admitted it wasnt from them, they dont want to be liable. I think if they allow the mandate to continue...they are in fact liable. I think Mrs Handy's letter should be retracted and a public apology{to every citizen of this co.} from her and the BOE. It's easy enough to file 2 discrimination suits. Personally I think she should be fired, I dont see where parents or the BOE could trust her. I'm certain, with a few depositions, we will all be surprised just how bias she's been to several white teachers. I honestly think there needs to be an example made, that political and racial bias isnt going to be tolerated in our school system.

Anonymous said...

yay 10:32. finally someone tells the truth. it all sounds crazy. but its sad that with all that dissention, no one showed up to back up the talk. try to remember when people dont have to use their names, as i am not, they feel more empowered to say almost anything. when you have to back it up, no show. keep your kids home if you want, they would probably be a distraction to everyone interested. by the way, he is the first black president so that what makes it historical

Anonymous said...

10:32, Your the idiot, and a liar. Work on that man.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just not such a big deal in the real world.

Anonymous said...

Public Official said...

Is this the guy that made threats against you.

Anonymous said...

Real world hasnt showed up yet, but it will.

Anonymous said...

My children came home last night telling me that their teachers at Beaver Run School told them to wear an Obama souvenir bracelet that all the students in the school will be given. They will also be doing Obama activities and getting the souvenirs to comemorate their childhood.

Does anyone else have a problem with this?

Anonymous said...

Before calling parents cowards, lets see if we can get some data on absenteeism for the 20th first. Severla parents have said they will not send thier kids to school, myself included. I WAS THERE LAST NIGHT AND I DID SPEAK UP, (although I was a there for a different semi related issue) I did know of these concerns and complaints and even made a comment or two of my own yesterday on these blogs. PLease see this 9:34 pm comment to the 10:26 am Yesterdays post, copied here as follows:
I was in attendance. No one said a thing except for me. I was there for an indirect issue, but was aware of all of the discussions over these issues, so I asked.I was there basically asking about WCBOE's long term goals of cleaning up the county dress code for other reasons. The Board asked if anyone had questions in reference to the inauguration issues. I have never been to one and may have missed the part where I was suppose to fill out a form so they know in advance that someone will want the floor. I did get there in time to hear the President say that no one had requested to have the floor or speak. I didn't know that was part of the process, now I know. Anyway, they asked if anyone had questions about it so I asked if the classroom assigments and dress codes were direct mandates from the Board and they did reply "no". They said that the dress codes and classroom assigments were solely school and individual teachers choices to do so. I find this a little on the false side. What the Superintendant did say was the following "there will be alternate assignments for those who do not wish to participate in inauguration activities as we respect their wishes" He did say that they have to do something and doing nothing will have an adverse or negative effect on their grade. I would suggest that any parent that doesn't agree with any of the issues with the inauguration to send a letter or conact your childs teacher(s) and asked if they will have alternate assigments on the 20th. If they do maybe you can opt to have your child do that,If the teacher says no they wont have alternate assigments I believe someone, somewhere is lying. Is the Board afraid to admit that someone at the board has mandated? or are teachers making this crap up? There have been a few teachers post or comment today, so read up and you will get your answer. I smell a rat. Guess who was not present (M. Handy), maybe she isn't important enough to be there anyway, I have no idea, again I was really there for an indirect issue. Well there you have it.

9:34 PM

I was in attendance. No one said a thing except for me. I was there for an indirect issue, but was aware of all of the discussions over these issues, so I asked.I was there basically asking about WCBOE's long term goals of cleaning up the county dress code for other reasons. The Board asked if anyone had questions in reference to the inauguration issues. I have never been to one and may have missed the part where I was suppose to fill out a form so they know in advance that someone will want the floor. I did get there in time to hear the President say that no one had requested to have the floor or speak. I didn't know that was part of the process, now I know. Anyway, they asked if anyone had questions about it so I asked if the classroom assigments and dress codes were direct mandates from the Board and they did reply "no". They said that the dress codes and classroom assigments were solely school and individual teachers choices to do so. I find this a little on the false side. What the Superintendant did say was the following "there will be alternate assignments for those who do not wish to participate in inauguration activities as we respect their wishes" He did say that they have to do something and doing nothing will have an adverse or negative effect on their grade. I would suggest that any parent that doesn't agree with any of the issues with the inauguration to send a letter or conact your childs teacher(s) and asked if they will have alternate assigments on the 20th. If they do maybe you can opt to have your child do that,If the teacher says no they wont have alternate assigments I believe someone, somewhere is lying. Is the Board afraid to admit that someone at the board has mandated? or are teachers making this crap up? There have been a few teachers post or comment today, so read up and you will get your answer. I smell a rat. Guess who was not present (M. Handy), maybe she isn't important enough to be there anyway, I have no idea, again I was really there for an indirect issue. Well there you have it.

9:34 PM

Anonymous said...

We'll see how many kids are absent that day. And == in my son's school, they are being very covert. Nothing has been sent home about it, but the teachers have been told to have students watch the swearing in and the speech. My guess = some parents don't even know.

Anonymous said...

Parents, I agree with Anon 2:50, Parents don't really know what is going on, So find out now if alternate work will be given out, instead of sending them to school on the 20th and finding out that they didn't (which in turn will mean that the board lied, I can't imagine that though-yeah right!)This way you will know up front what is going on. If the teachers don't know anything about alternate assignemnts we have have found the rat (the board). Be a Jehova that day, they have special privelages, the board doesn't discriminate and they aren't going to call you on the carpet to see if you really are, are they? I wouldn't put it past them though!

Anonymous said...

Margo Handy told all elementary vice principals that lesson plans were to be collected from teachers to show what the teachers were doing for the Inauguration and that central office personnel would be coming to the schools that day to check that proper attention was being given to the historic event. If that's not from the Board, I don't know what is. Telling the public that this is an individual school matter is a lie. Ask any elementary vp who attended the meeting (and who is brave enough to tell the truth).

Anonymous said...

wishy washy? no, i have an infant and small children and wouldn't even think of taking them! u must not have children....
Im keeping mine home, so MY problem is solved for now. Maybe next time u could sit for me :)

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher and don't know if it has been mandated by the board or not. We did not get that email at our school or get anything in writing. However, we did have to respond to the administration who then forwarded our activites for 1/20 on to the BOE. Most elementary schools are being equipped so that the swearing in ceremnony can be televised. The schools are being pressured to mark this historical day- a biracial president being sworn into office. Whether you voted for Obama or MCain, if you are black or white, it is still history along with all of the other elections. I do not, along with MOST teachers voice our political opinions in the classroom so please do not loop all teachers in with the few who have given thier opinions.
By the way, Margo Handy is not even in town.

Anonymous said...

I guess these parents who claim they did not know about the BOE meeting last night don't pay attention to all the papers that come home from school. There was a calender sent home at the begining of the school year with these dates listed on them. Each month a monthly newletter comes home with these dates on them as well. Goes to show how much these parents really pay attention to what is going on at the BOE.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that want-to-be parents don't have to apply for licenses before having children. Those who won't send their children to school because of a Presidential Inauguration should not even be parents. They display an ignorance that, unfortunately, they don't even realize that they have. As a former (now retied) teacher, I had parents like that. It was impossible to talk any sense into them.

Anonymous said...

because we don't agree with you doesn't make us bad parents. I'm sure there are choices you have made that others would perceive as bad parenting. I don't agree with treating president elect Obama as a "God" as so many are. People are making over him like he is a god.I don't want my child tangled up in this "worship service" they are taking it too far. Just maybe, you are the ignorant one?

Anonymous said...

I can tell you that there is no requirement on high school teachers in Wicomico concerning showing the inauguration. The schedule is being adjusted slightly so teachers can show it if they wish, with lesson plans developed by other teachers. But teachers at the HS level are NOT being told they must show it.

Chimera said...

Wow...I actually thought it would be standing room only up in there...color me shocked.

Anonymous said...


YOU ARE WRONG! I was at the VP meeting and we were NOT told to collect lesson plans. We were told to collect a list of activities that grade levels may do but we did not have to collect teacher's daily plans for this day.

Anonymous said...

Parents don't know what is going on because they choose not to. They send their kids to school, expect them not only to be educated but for schools to give them meals, health care, and manners as well. They will complain in forums such as this but when push comes to shove and there is a parent conference or PTA meeting they are no where to be found. Then they give excuses - I didn't know I could speak, I am a single parents, I didn't know about the meeting - those meetings are published on the BOE web site and in the calendar the parents get in September! Give me a break!

For the record - I am a teacher in the county. I agree with teaching the children about the election process and that includes the historical significance of this one. But I don't agree that it has become a priority over what is our job every day -to educate our children in all areas! The parades, the celebrations, they are just not necessary!

Anonymous said...

I have a novel idea for those of you that are concerned about any nefarious activities that you believe are taking place at school on January 20th...go join your children! Make it a point that day to go to the school and spend some time actually seeing for yourselves what is going on. My guess is that you'd get more out of that experience than venting on this blog.

If you have questions or are concerned about what you've heard or read, talk with your school principal to find out what is actually planned for that day. Different schools have different plans.

These suggestions apply to anything that you are concerned about. You have a right as a parent, dare I say an obligation, to ask questions about things that concern you when it comes to your children.

Anonymous said...

I've made a decision. I am going to scroll past all "Anonymous" comments, and only read those with familiar pen names. It seems to me after reading 10:32 and seeing the meeting through your camera, that no other comments hold water. Sorry, "Anonymous'", but your time is up with me.

Anonymous said...

Just a couple of things to say on all of this. One, it is truly amazing of the hype on this event and the manner in which the schools, church's, the local deli, the local markets etc. are jumping out of no where to jump on the band wagon - no different than those 'now' Eagle fans! I am now in my 40's having been through obviously a number of historic events, and I can say I have never seen anything like this. Especially as schools and church's jump in on these types of mandates-make no mistake on this as it was/is a mandate though individual schools offer alternatives to the mandate on how they will execute the 'rule for the day.' I don't see this as a racial thing, as remember Obama though african american, was raised by caucasian. Can't our children just go to school and learn, and if possible be allowed the opportunity to see the swearing in portion? Let's use all of this energy on this topic and focus it on the real problems of our school system perhaps getting it into the 20th century standards.....we are way behind....hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Didn't Mrs. Handy say central office personnel would be in the schools checking on what the teachers are doing on Inauguration Day?

Anonymous said...

It is absolutely true that high school teachers are being given a choice about what they do with the Inauguration. The Director of Secondary Education, Kim Miles, did not ask for activities to be sent to her, and she did not state that central office staff would be checking on the high school teachers. At the WCBOE, Ms. Malone is the director in charge of curriculum and instruction, and Mrs. Bock is the K-12 supervisor of social studies. Mrs. Handy is not in charge of any instruction.

Droford said...

Sixteen years ago I actually went to DC for Clinton's first Inauguration because my mother was a huge Clinton supporter. I was happy to go because I was 10 and I got a day out of school. I didn't really care one bit about the President or anything that was happening. I have a feeling that most of the kids today don't care either, if the inauguration gets them out of doing actual school work then they'll be all for it.

Anonymous said...

Lisa at 6:43 PM...

This is an EXCELLENT suggestion. Call me crazy, but I'm a high school teacher who LOVES when parents come to school. When a student is shown there are caring adults who want to help him or her succeed, it really puts the burden on them to shape up. And the parents can see that (most) teachers ARE trying to help. My problem is, the parents I usually see at PTA aren't the ones I need to see - they're the parents of kids doing extremely well. Obviously, most parents' work schedules wouldn't permit it, but I'd love to see every student's parent(s) at least once a school year, and not just when their kids' cell phones have been confiscated for the 4th time...

Anonymous said...

Seems to have worked, thanks Joe!!

Whether it was the public outcry on here, water cooler talk among parents, calls to the schools or calls to the BOE something worked. Just today some of the schools made an amendment to their original message during their afternoon announcements telling the kids they DID have an option of what to do and what to wear on the 20th.

They may try to say this was their intention all along but the teachers, parents and students know better. I guess good ol' Margo Handy had to give in a little. Either that or the schools themselves said enough is enough!

All together now, let's hear it...YES WE CAN!!!

Anonymous said...

How foolish you squawking parents must feel. You have cried, said you were going to do this and that and now the whole that stirred you all up has melted away. Your kids will do as they are asked at school and celebrate the historic inauguration as the individual schools and teachers have planned it. So take a break- bake a cake, go shopping, take a walk in the park, etc. and let the schools educate your children. Half of you don't understand what is going on and the other half doesn't know the truth from false info.So I await for the next chapter in the Albero blog that will stir people up and mouths will fly. Follow the pied piper fools.

Anonymous said...

I was not even aware of this meeting otherwise I would
have been there. I am a single mother, with one child in the public schools here in Salisbury. Unfortunately, I HAVE to work for a living and I will be working on Monday for MLK day and even harder on Tuesday so I will NOT be tuned into the inauguration. There are those of US who HAVE to work for a living!
My son will not be dressed in his Sundays' best and not wearing Red, White and Blue that day when he goes off to school!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Unlike most Obama supporters we have jobs that we had to be at and we actually take care of our families at night spending quality time with them. If we did attend we would have been chastised that we weren't home helping our kids with their homework.

Anonymous said...

I was talking to one of my VERY liberal associates and I told him I would NOT be tuned into the TV next Tuesday as I do HAVE to work that day. His response was this "Well, I feel sorry for you. This is history in the making"! Can you believe he had the NERVE to say that? HE even told me I could turn on the TV that evening because it will be on EVERY station because it is such a historical moment! Sorry, I have more important things in life to do that - like making a living and paying the bills! I also will be doing the same thing on Monday - going to work and putting a twelve hour day. I am not fortunate enough to have a day off with pay!

Anonymous said...

After kvetching like little hens for days that this was the worst thing to happen to children since Michael Jackson pajama parties...Nobody shows up. Bunch of maries!!! This topic thread just hasn't smelled right from the start. Bad ground on which to fight-even if the original grievance is from an actual parent. It's cold outside; many of you need to go watch Gran Torino-and learn how you can evolve into a tolerant human {it is never too late}being and still have an American flag and rifle proudly at your house.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:58 AM

A decent amount of Americans voted Obama into office. Are you saying they are all out of work?

Isn't that way of thinking just a little bit silly?

Your candidate lost, you can try again in 2012. Grow up please.