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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Letter To The Editor


Would like to know others' views on this issue:

Last evening, my child (1st grade) came home and said to my wife and I:

"You shouldn't have voted for McCain". We asked why and the reply was, "Because he won't give any money to the poor".

When I asked where that came from, the answer was "________, the librarian at school" (name being withheld, for now)

This didn't set well with me. I don't feel teachers should be indoctrinating students this young with their own political opinions.

How do the rest of you feel?"


Two Sentz said...

Not helping the poor? Hmmmm... I can't agree with that. Must be the Christian in me.

Anonymous said...

I remember in Civic's class and Current events we were allowed to voice our own opinions and encouraged. As to whether the students got that info from a teacher would be different. The concept is to teach the children they have the right to their opinion and to vocally participate, not the teacher's ideals.

Anonymous said...

Well, my kid came home from school during the election season and reported that his history teacher repeatedly called Obama a Muslim and a socialist. So if you think that the teachers here have been neutral or all pro-Obama, you are simply wrong.

Anonymous said...

Liberal brainwashing. Sheeple at work.

Anonymous said...

How cool is it to call somebody a "sheep" in 2009... when the term was worn out in 2005? Maybe you CON-servatives can come up with something else this year?

Anonymous said...

That librarian is brain dead. Facts were not looked into when he/she made that statement. the McCains have made a second career of giving money away and doing charitable works. Obama and Biden barely gave a pitance away to charities.

Anonymous said...

How can you assure charitable contributions when they can be made anonomously? There is no fact check that can declare being 100% right on the issue of contributions.

Fact check all you want, I'll take good common sense anyday.

Anonymous said...

Biden is the only one who reported only $4000 to charity in the last 3 or 4 years with a 6 figure income. Obama, MCCain and most of our elected representatives give generously to charities of their choice. It's wrong for the librarian to say such an uninformed and biased statement to anyone. It's also wrong for teachers to repeat lies to their students (Obama is a muslim). What happened to accountablity and judgement in our schools?

Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem helping the poor, it's the lazy I have trouble with. read 2Thess. 3:6-15, in laymans terms, "If a man refuses to work, he doesn't get to eat."

Anonymous said...

My children came home last night telling me that their teachers at Beaver Run School told them to wear an Obama souvenir bracelet that all the students in the school will be given. They will also be doing Obama activities and getting the souvenirs to comemorate their childhood.

Does anyone else have a problem with this?

Anonymous said...

Oh Anon 950, don't be so naive. A politician giving a charitable contribution anonomously! Hell would freeze over first.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Well, my kid came home from school during the election season and reported that his history teacher repeatedly called Obama a Muslim and a socialist. So if you think that the teachers here have been neutral or all pro-Obama, you are simply wrong.

8:59 AM

I feel compelled to call you a liar on this one. After seeing all the anonymous comments from a few teachers that are afraid to speak out about their conservative feelings I think you are lying to persuade the readers. The entire school system and BOE is liberal so why would a conservative educator risk their career to go against the system by making that comment.

Anonymous said...

How about the teacher in one of the High Schools in Wicomico Co. have Obama paintedon his face. What would have happened if it was McCain?

We need to suport the New President and pray he will lead the nation into better times.

Anonymous said...

my child came home with the same letter from beaver run I returned it with a question... why was this not done with the previous election

Anonymous said...

Jan 20, you might get a bigger show than you think...

Anonymous said...

8:59 here,
Thanks for calling me a liar, but you are wrong. James M. Bennett high school. It happened not once, but several times. An English teacher also made similar pronouncements. there was also a case of a teacher in Virginia's Eastern Shore that got in trouble because she repeatedly told her students that Obama was a Muslim. You can look that one up since you think I'm such a liar. I don't know why it would surprise you that people born, bred, and taught on the Eastern Shore might be conservative.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the poor people? They should get jobs like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

12:08PM - My son attends James M Bennett High and he told me about the English teacher as well. It's not a lie!

Anonymous said...

ANON 12;08

I assume from your statement that you are not a native of the shore. If that is true and you dont like the way the natives do things why dont you just take whatever means of tranportation that brought you here and return whereever you came from, it will not hurt our feelings to have one less liberal living here.

Anonymous said...

Okay now. Let's do the math. How many teachers are there in this county? And how many have voiced their political opionions to students? Maybe 5 mentioned on this site. A VERY SMALL percentage. Quit grouping teachers all into one catagory! So complain about those teachers to their administration, keep the rest of us out of it.

Chimera said...

Regardless of my own political leanings, I would be LIVID if this happened to my kid.The personal political beliefs of school faculty are just that-personal.

Anonymous said...

BRS Bracelet....
Once again, stupid parents...
The BRS letter states that parents are to RETURN the letter if they do not want their child to get an OBAMA bracelet... A red, white, and blue bracelet would be given instead (god forbid if children were not treated equal). Parents will find fault with everything teachers do/say/etc. Get a life. We are the ones raising your children! Events were done at BRS for the last election.

Anonymous said...

this isn't about BRACELETS!
stick to the issue!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
BRS Bracelet....
Once again, stupid parents...
The BRS letter states that parents are to RETURN the letter if they do not want their child to get an OBAMA bracelet... A red, white, and blue bracelet would be given instead (god forbid if children were not treated equal). Parents will find fault with everything teachers do/say/etc. Get a life. We are the ones raising your children! Events were done at BRS for the last election.

8:06 PM

This must be a post from one of the liberal Corrections Officers and the Kiddie Warehouse in Parsonsburg.I do have a life and I pay your salary. You are a typical public employee slopping at the government troughs. I bet you are also a card carrying member of the lawless teachers union.

Your statement about the Barrack bracelet and the Red, white and blue bracelet floors me. If the "Inauguration" was such a big deal then why not just have one bracelet, the red, white and blue bracelet?

By the way how much did those cheesy bracelets cost and who paid for them?

And another thing CREEP, you are not raising my children!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want one !

Anonymous said...

If people are sooo upset about the bracelets and want to know who pays for them, you should prob thank the teachers. They pay for so much out of their own pockets to better the education and to "raise" children. I know of teachers at BRS that have casual days to raise money to pay for items for kids that their dead-beat parents can't buy, ie. shoes, jackets, under garments, etc. Go to the thrift store for heaven sake! Teachers at BRS do a lot for "their" students/children. They keep them in their rooms trying to teach them social skills, manners, how to wash their hands,etc. (what should be taught at home!)while trying to teach what is shoved down their throats from the board. My child attends BRS and has a great teacher that puts up with a lot! I did not vote for Obama, but appreciate what my son's teacher/school is doing to support the day. The school is watching a pre-taped, short clip of Obama's swearing in, events of the inaug., and an inaugural ball....and getting a bracelet. Get a life...who's paying for the bracelets...go visit the schools or better yet, go visit BRS that day!

Chriso12385 said...

As far as the librarian voicing her opinion which as everybody knows opinions are like fecal openings everybody has one and some stink more than others. IN fact your democratic party are not for poor people either O'Malley Gave us a 6% sales tax now. Thanks! I just love paying more money for the same items because O'Malley could not control his spending. There are rumors going around that perdue is thinking of shutting down the salisbury plant because they cannot afford the increase in tax. Dont know if it is true or not. However If democrats are for lower taxes why when they get into power do they raise them. Between clinton in presidency and bush peoples incomes were taxed more with clinton in office then when bush took over. ill have to find the exact numbers but it was a proven fact that. Democrats are all for higher taxes

Chriso12385 said...

i understand it being the first black president and i think it would be appropriate for a history class to reflect on this matter. But i think it is very racial to force kids to do these activities. NEVER has this been enforced for another president. I mean we had the first father, son president that was never celebrated like this. We had an actor Ronald Regan make it as president that was never celebrated like this. Why now? why because a black man makes it a president? Dr Martin Luther King struggled for EQUAL rights for black people, not supperior rights. Is that not what the NAACP has struggled for? equality? so why are the wicomico teachers and BOE forcing this upon our children. lol i am starting the NAAWP joking! But this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed this is brainwashing our youth. Our kids minds are fragile and impressionable telling them ANYTHING about politics should not be done until high school when students can start making and understanding decisions. I am not being racist but i remember when i was in high school black history month kinda upset me because we were forced to write essays and about our favorite black leader in a black rights movement. I understand that blacks were opressed and treated very cruely in slavery times and still are discriminated against to this day, but so are other races. We should not still be stuck on slavery times and the past, it is time to move on stop using slavery and opession as a crutch for life. Its not cutting it anymore. If we now have a black man as president then it proves that any one of the black community can do it. Don't forget the past but we need to look twords the future and what you can make of yourself not what a teacher says that you can be or what society says you can be. Wake up people its only going to get worse if these actions and thoughts are continued. Schools are starting to remind me of the nazi military, forcing kids to wear, watch, say, and think what they are told to by a stronger mind/ higher power tells them to. its small right now but will grow.

Anonymous said...

It seems odd that the little ones who have very little concept of the federal government are being required to watch the inauguration, do crafts, dress in a certain way, have an inaugural ball, etc. Their activities have to be reported to Ms. Handy and their teachers are going to be visited by central office personnel. The high school kids who do have at least some idea of how the nation is governed are getting activities the teachers deem appropriate without being pressured by the central office. This makes no sense.