9 months old, female Jack Russell Terrier, white and black, only has one eye (right), about 7 lbs. Last seen 1/21/09, needs her medication,
Please call 410-900-3052, 410-493-0897 or 443-365-0315 if you have seen her or have any information.
What is the location/area in delmar that the dog is missing from?
Where in Delmar was it lost?
The puppy is missing from East Pine Street, near the railroad tracks.
sorry, it was Pine Street
I would recommend walking the RR tracks, and checking for groundhog holes. I own two Jacks, and they will instinctly go under ground after quarry. Some have been known to stay in for days, these little guys are very tenacious. Call in every hole you see, and listen for the dog working. If you hear Piper, you are probably in for a lot of digging.
I posted a flyer at Healing Hands Animal Hospital, we hope you find her soon!
i am sure i will get yelled at for posting this statement, but did this pup have a collar with his name and phone number to call? Also get your dog micro-chipped.
Piper had just had a bath and got out before her collar was put back on. The microchipping had not been done yet either. There was report that she was seen on East Chestnut St. headed towards State St. yesterday around 1pm, but no luck in the search for her so far. She is extremely missed and needs her medication, if you have her please return her to 11 East Pine St. There is a reward for her return!
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