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Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Letter To Senator Mikulski to ask her to Vote NO on the Presidents Stimulus Package

Below is the letter which I sent to Senator Barbara Mikulski's Office this evening. Please write her and let her know how you feel. The Package is in the hands of Senate now and she has a strong voice.

Click Here To Send Senator Mikulski Your Own Letter

Dear Senator Mikulski,

It is with much grief and hopelessness that I am writing to you this evening after watching today's news and seeing that the House has passed our Presidents stimulus package.

I appeal to you as a daughter of parents and grandparents of the great depression to vote NO on this package.

Please take time to remember the stories of your parents and grandparents about the hyper-inflation that they experienced and, remember that throwing money at the problem didn't work. And as most economist of our day agree served but to only prolong one of America's most agonizing periods.

We need to stop the spending and stop the spending now, and let the cards fall where they may.
Allowing the first bailout package to be passed with zero oversight from Hank Paulson is likened to the fox guarding the hen house. I certainly don't think that Mr. Paulson is of ill-intent, but as the former CEO of one of the banks that was bailed I find, as do many Americans do to be absolutely appalling, as we believe he must have known something about what was going on.

Yes there will be much 'letting of blood' so to speak, but every trade organizations is filing into Washington this very moment with their hand out wanting a piece of this 'crumbling pie'.

I am especially troubled with ACORN who is under so very much suspicion and actual ongoing investigation on many different fronts including voter fraud, would even be considered for a handout.

Hearing Mr. Gieger talk about contracts for rebuilding of our infrastructure was even more troubling, when he stated... "White, middle class construction workers need not apply".

Dear Senator our infrastructure was built by highly skilled craftsmen, of masons and iron workers. My own Grandfather lost his eye building the Chesapeake Bay Bridge when a younger less experienced worker accidently shot him in eye with a hot rivet from a rivet gun.

My Grandfather never sued for workers compensation, nor did he go on disability. In fact, after his empty socket healed, he obtained a glass eye and went back to work. He walked the 'I' beams of some of our Eastern Seaboards highest buildings, and bridge spans all with one eye. He has never been a burden to society but instead an asset even with what would in today's world be written off immediately as a handicap, and another employer being sued.

Instead now, society is a burden to him. For all that he has saved; half has been lost over the last year, and his retirement dollar shrinks monthly through inflation.

He has forewarned me of this day my entire life, and tonight I ask you to remember the proud men and women who would rather work, than accept a hand out.

Printing more money will only serve to put us further into the abyss of debt that we even now do not know how to repay and devalue it to levels we haven't seen since the Great Depression.

You know as well as I do that so much of this stimulus money will only end up in pockets of people who are lobbying for the money but not actually doing the work.

Please Senator, stand up to your colleagues in the Senate and tell them why this won't work.

Additionally, if any of this bill does pass, please insist that the steel and concrete that we use to rebuild our bridges and roads is American Steel and not Chinese. Real economic stimulus will come from American companies being able to fill American needs with American Products made by American Workers.

You remember the prosperity in Baltimore when Bethlehem Steel was open. Let's pay back our loans to China with money that we have earned instead of buying their junk.


District Resident
Registered Voter


Anonymous said...

very interesting, as a single mother i do anticipate the stimulus check soon to be sent but i do strongly agree with what is being said in this letter.

Moon Willow said...

Well stated, wymzie. Great letter. Having written to Ms. Mikulski on several occasions myself, I can assure you that you will get a reply. Unfortunately, it will be a form letter sent by an assistant; Ms. Mikulski will never see your letter, and that's a shame.

Anonymous said...

crystal, according to an earlier post from the CBO-stimulus checks, if any, won't come out til the last half of the year...
As for anticipating a stimulus check, I think it's criminal that thay are in my pocket in the form of deductions before I even cash my paycheck and then tease me with some of my tax money back on April 15th. Now here's another teaser, a stimulus check that you'll get if you qualify. I am married with 4 kids, struggling to save for retirement only to lose 38% of what I put in in the last year.

Anonymous said...

grannydragon, I wrote a letter anyway...If enough of us write letters, maybe they will listen.

Anonymous said...

They dont care about your words or your worries. Were at war with our own people and words aint going to cut it. What we need is a middle class American march on Washington D.C. If that doesnt work well you know whats next.

Anonymous said...

9:43 is correct! I have my form letter from the Senator to prove it...She is not the same person she use to be. She doesn't seem to care about the people who voted her in. What a shame!!

Anonymous said...

It is what Democrats always do throughout history tax and spend. I was told there will be no stimulus checks just tax cuts etc.
also Obamas economic stimulus package sucks. All he does is spend more money he doesn't have and say it will create jobs. With people like Acorn getting money thats pay back for getting him elected. I say they should give the billions of dollars to the people if they want to stimulate the economy. Then they could pay their house payments not lose their houses and spend the money on things they need. NOW THAT WOULD STIMULATE THE ECONOMY. Instead they give it to banks and big business and they take extravagant vacations and big bonuses and we the people get nothing. Same old stuff so where is the change for the better. Obama my a*& !!!!!!!!!!