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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Monday Nights City Council Meeting

One reason I strongly encourage Citizens to actually attend City Council Meetings is for the following reason. You see, Monday night Lynn Cathcart was one of the first people to arrive. Bob Taylor was one of the last.

However, when it came to speaking, it seems Louise Smith has a convenient system set up with those in which she'd like to have the most impact, speaking last. Even though Lynn was there first, Louise Smith asked Bob Taylor to speak first, then conveniently allowed Lynn to speak last, attacking Bloggers and never once using her gavel to strike her down when she attacked others, only when it's her, Comegys or the Mayor.

Being there allows you to see these kind of things in which you won't pick up on PAC 14.

Anyhow, I just found that quite interesting and wanted to hear your thoughts on the matter.


Anonymous said...

That little tag-team duo of Louise/Lynn was a prearranged maneuver.

Anonymous said...

Whenever and wherever she whines, Cathcart is asinine.

In this case, it's the pot calling kettle black after all the personal attacks she has made on Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and many citizens both during and after her one term on the Council.

I particularly recall her lashing out at Tim Chaney at a Council meeting, and also when she told those students from Parkside not to complain about that dump of a school because "it's always been like that."

She's the epitome of a sore loser, and no doubt was part of the group that got Brushmiller to declare for Ms. Campbell's seat on the Council.

Anonymous said...

can somebody go up there and see if they can find my shoe?

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right, have been there and seen it for myself. Lynn Cathcart is the epitome of ignorance plus.