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Thursday, January 29, 2009

PETA Ad Banned From The Super Bowl

NBC has informed PETA that their Super Bowl ad was too sexy and rejected. GO HERE to see some of the other Ads rejected by the Network Hosts in previous years.


Anonymous said...

I'm not much for censorship, but after watching that video I think the right call was made. I don't really need to watch women have "relations" with vegetables at any time. And knowing that my kids will be in the room while the game is on makes me even happier that ad won't be on.

Dave C said...

I guess that the "sexy ad" is supposed to make me think twice about making and eating my reknowned deer chilli? or perhaps force me to throw away my friend's homemade brats? Of course we'll have veggies at our party- like the lettuce in the chicken taco dip covered, the fajita steak in our nachos, and celery with our wings.

PETA can kiss my carnivorous a$$!

Anonymous said...

This was a brilliant move on PETA's part. They knew darn right well, this commerical wouldn't make it on network television. So now instead of paying millions for a one time view during the superbowl, it is being played for free on cable news shows and the internet.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the National Cattlemen's Beef Association had done this same type of ad, it probably would've been yanked too, so I guess what's fair is fair.

Anonymous said...

I think this ad should have been pulled. The Superbowl is for families and friends. I know I wouldn't want a young child seeing that imagery on t.v. We keep the kids into watching the game by playing a game. There is a red cup that is passed around during each play. Every time the cup is passed you put a quarter in the cup. If a team scores a touchdown, then whoever is holding the cup gets the money in the cup. It gets the kids really into the game. They get more excited about the game sometimes than the adults. So I know the kids would have been watching intently if this stupid ad had been aired. At least there is some sort of decency left in someone to have yanked it. The kids love to watch the commercials too and their cheer at their favorite ones and boo the ones they don't like. All in all it is a fun filled family evening with lots of food and fun for all.

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that no vvegetables were harmed in the filming of this commercial!!!!!AWESOME!!!!

Anonymous said...

The women are hot...but what does licking a dam pumpkin got to do with it? And who sits in the living room with veggies? Who the heck holds broc by their vaginas? I bet these chicks have the bird flu, sarrs and the herps.

Anonymous said...

In about 2 years everyone will be
begging for a fur coat . We will be reverting back to nature and trying to find warmth anyway we can. Looking forward to it!
See you in the woods!

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad they left out mashed potatoes, corn and peas! At least I won't have a visual reminder when I eat them with my meat as a side dish from now on!

Anonymous said...

anon 1:53i think youre on to something there....look how much publicity its getting......its all a stunt...more bang for the buck.

Anonymous said...

PETA= People Eatin Tasty Animals.

Go hug some trees and let the rest of the normal folks be.