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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mayor Tilghman & Chief Webster Better Read This Post Quick

Thanks to an anonymous comment, Salisbury News has come to learn of a very interesting Website referencing the town of Elkton pulling the same crap on the Homeless and it cost the $7,500.00 per person in settlements. Here's the comment with the link to their Site.

"The Mayor of Elkton, Joe Fisona, did something similar. He sent the police in to break up the settlement and they lost whatever personal belongings they had. The ACLU got hold of it and the town, rather than have it go to court, gave each of the homeless a $7,500 settlement.

There's a new blog that just got launched that's talking about the situation in Elkton.


Looks like Mayor Tilghman and Chief Webster may end their careers in Salisbury on a pretty crappy note. We've brought you the information, now it's your turn to follow it up.


Anonymous said...

I know it's not much but I will donate a $100 to the ACLU to get the ball rolling against the MARE and CHIEF... This Has Been a BAD TRIP for all these years... ENOUGH ALREADY... GET OUT ... GET OUT... GET OUT...

Anonymous said...

Although I feel that Del. Smigel is a Royal A$$hole, kudos to him for his head on approach to the mare of an up and coming crime ridden city.

Maybe if our local Delegation would/would have stepped up to the plate then our city wouldn't be in such bad shape. But then again we are talking about the worst of the criminals, Norman Conway. He has become a career politcian and doesn't know when to retire.

Anonymous said...

Oh I think alot of people would be happy to donate a little toward getting the ball rolling on this. Where do we send donations to?

Anonymous said...

The only bad thing about it is we'd just be sueing ourselves, the city. Be nice to see her strapped with the cuffs and hauled away. They better run to Gander Mountain and spend a lot of taxpayer dollars for this blunder. Shame on them they should have been handing out food, blankets, sleeping bags and offering help. What kind of people are they?

Anonymous said...

A lot of those people aren't bums per say, many are mentaly ill and have fallen through the cracks in the system.

One has family here in town that helps take care of him but he choses to live that way. He doesn't beg for money or steal. Why hassle him?

Barry, Chiefy and Bubba the Three Scrooges

Anonymous said...

While we all sit here and type on our computers in our warm houses, these people are out in the cold. There has to be a place in the city they could go. How about using the OLD fire station. I wish I had all the answers but I don't> Maybe if we all put our heads together we can come up with a temporary shelter for these people to go to when it gets cold.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm city attorney, working with miles and stockbridge, getting paid by the city and same firm doing the law suits. looks the they have a city tri-fecta when it comes to taxpayer dollars. Making it coming and going.

Anonymous said...

Why don't they put that damned civic center to good use. They could house plenty of homeless people in that big room or any of the rooms. Let the county split the bill with the city for opening it up on these drastically cold nights.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:21 seems to have hit the "nail on the head." Addressing the high rate of mental illness on the Eastern Shore would be a reasonable start to combating chronic homelessness. Anyone out there have any constructive ideas as to approaching this issue?

Anonymous said...

Have fallen through the cracks ? How bout this notion? Most homeless are exactly where they have tried to be. They don't have property taxes, don't have income taxes, and don't contribute to our society as a whole ! They refuse to be apart of our society by their own choice. It is a trade off that they have made. They have chosen where their worries are to be spent. Instead of being concerned how they are going to pay for things they have no control over they would rather only be concerned with their own well being, of which they are not doing a very good job at might I add. Feel pity on these self centered folks, I think not. Because they decide to take the easy way and have nothing is a choice they have made. If any of them would put forth the effort any one of them could at the very least could have a place in society . I feel they are the leeches of society that cost our goernment a whole lot of money because they refuse to contribute to it themselves. I for one would rather contribute to a person that is productive instead of destructive to our way of life here in the good old u.s.a. I say this to all the "Bums" and yes I called them exactly what they are.I say , Get your lazy azzes up and help out with the community you have chose to squat on, and do something , I mean any thing that could help promote our society. Because of all you bleeding heart people out there, we have what we got here today. Always concerned for the weak after most of you have gotten strong by taking advantage of these very people. Hippocrates...You got yours and now try to ease your own consceince by giving a bum a dollar. What a laugh. If your a wolf , don't put on a sheeps clothes to make yourself feel better. Its like trying to shine a peice of shit. You just can't do that. If these bums didn't want to be bums then they wouldn't. Don't let this injustice continue by aiding them in their ouw quest to not contribute to our society. They should not be rewarded for the crime against society each one of them are committing. Now blog bash me for writing what most of you are truly feeling, I for one have big shoulders.

Anonymous said...

There are numerous vacant facilities though out the city that could be used to house these under privileged individuals.It is obvious that folks on Delmarva are willing to extend a helping hand, look at what WBOC and the Salvation Army were able to collect even during these hard times.But don't count on the mayor or her monkeys to participate !!!!

Anonymous said...


She plans to present Webster with a certificate of appreciation at the next Council meeting for his stalwart action against the destitute and downtrodden.

And on her next show on PAC14 she will tell us how great she for doing this outrageous stuff.

Barrie & Bubba gotta go!

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention the Civic Center. Stop and think about that for a moment - We have got to keep that space heated during the winter and there is plenty of space there where you could house the homeless.If you think about it,it really wouldn't really cost the tax payer very much more to house them there.Reality is though in this area the feeling most folks have is lets sweep this under the rug and forget about it. Ask yourself some questions- WHAT IF THAT WERE ME HAVING TO LIVE ON THE STREET? WOULD I WANT TO BE TREATED THE WAY THESE HUMAN BEINGS ARE BEING TREATED? Yes some of these people want to live that way and some are stuck in a rut they are unable to get out of . For what ever reason they are there and we should be more mindful of them. Is it all that much of a chore to care about them? To all of the people setting behind your computer reading this in your heated home please remember these folks need love and support as much as you do. Instead of pushing them aside how about asking one of the churches or shelters if you can help out in some way. Believe me if you spent a day or two helping in a shelter or on one of the teams that feed these folks in the streets your outlook about them will change if you have any kind of heart at all!

Anonymous said...

DO NOT donate to the ACLU!! They are single handily responsible for educating pedophiles i.e. NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) on how to lure children under the “freedom of speech” banner. A couple of years ago a pedophiles used their posted ‘techniques’ to kidnapped, rape, and murder a little boy. This man admitted he learned this from NAMBLA. The parents attempted to sue NAMBLA and the ACLU defended the group pro bono and the parents lost. This is just one example and I have plenty more; this group does more harm than good.

I firmly believe the ACLU has become a terrorist enabling group set out to destroy the American way.

Anonymous said...

6:54, you make a lot of excellent points and I must frankly say I agree with you. It's not a popular position to take but a truthfull one. I also agree with 8:31 in not donating to the ACLU. They are committed to destroying this country.

Anonymous said...

I am glad someone else sees through these homeless people. This is rediculous. There are enough people on this blog feeling sorry for them, maybe you all should each take one of them in and see how many of you are successful in helping these homeless people. Hey, I have no problem giving them a blanket so they can keep warm, but they need to start helping themselves. Many of them want to live that way. They made that choice. Sorry Joe, you can't blame the Mayor or the Police Chief for the homeless. I guess it is their fault there are so many in Baltimore City huh?

P.S. If I were going to be homeless I would at least save enough money to get a ticket to Hawaii.

joe albero said...

anonymous 5:09,

This Post was about the Mayor and Chief stealing their belongings. You're a very ignorant individual and you should be very careful of karma.

Anonymous said...

And just how big is this karma guy? Does he have any martial arts training ? Does he work or is he a free loader too?

Anonymous said...

The homeless are here all year round. The fact that they took everything they owned just before Christmas is not what Jesus would have done.

Chimera said...

Ummm..wasn't Mary and Joseph considered "homeless" when they took shelter in a manger to await the birth of Jesus? If they are going to take their blankets and tents they could at least put them in an empty cell for the night-it IS Christmas.
And please do not EVER donate to the ACLU! They are Godless, and heartless and would NOT care one iota for the homeless if they could make no money or get any press for their efforts to "help" them.

Anonymous said...

At least in Salisbury you know who is responsible for the problem. In Elkton its see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. No one has any recollection of who ordered what. (Not the Police Chief, the Mayor or Commissioners) The A.C.L.U. has the whole town running afraid to enforce even obvious violations of the law. I am sure the settlement has only enticed others to move into the area.

Believe it or not the mess under the bridge is still here after two weeks and we have not seen a word about it in the press. Keep up the good work.