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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Thing Of Beauty


Anonymous said...

Run, Forest, run.

Anonymous said...

Pretty yes, but looks Photoshop'd to me

Anonymous said...

Is that the rez road in New Mexico or the one going through the Nations in AZ?

BossHogg said...

It's from the Arizona side coming down from the Red Rocks.

Wymzie said...

No, it is heading south out of Utah into Monument Valley.
It does look photoshopped doesn't it?
The entire valley does.
I rode through with my head hanging out of the window like a dog.
It is magnificent!
It is in the absolute middle of NO WHERE and you have go waaaaaaaaaaay out of your way to get there, but it is worth every cent and minute you spend getting there. My only regret...I didn't spend more time.
There is no where to stay anywhere nearby. It is the middle of a reservation and the abject poverty is overwhelming.
People live in trailers in front of some these lesser formations with every tire they have ever owned and then some on top of their trailers holding the roofs down.
The stark contrast is incredible.
Put it on your short list of places you must go before you die.
You will thank me.
Also your just about four hours from the Grand Canyon. If you do want to stay, look in Utah as the reservation doesn't cross the state line and there are actually business' there.

Anonymous said...

I lived in Mexico for 6 months, there were stretches like that across baren valley's and deserts. You'd better have a full tank of gas because in some places you can drive 100 miles and not see a gas station.

Once even got pulled over by a Mexican policeman for speeding in a school zone LoL there wasn't a building for 50 miles. He was going to give me ticket (pocket money) until I showed him my passport and he saw that we had the same name and we were just like Bro's. No ticket. I gave him enough peso's to by some breakfast.