--Salisbury-- In today's edition of The Daily Times, the paper listed the Top 10 Reasons to Vote Jim Ireton for Mayor. The "Help Is On The Way" Tour has decided to give 10 more reasons. The "Help Is On The Way" Tour will continue to provide a weekly Top 1O list...and we look forward to it! Here is the Thanksgiving Edition of our Top 10:
10. Guaranteed! - Impassioned speeches about cleaning up the Wicomico River!
9. Guaranteed! - Impassioned speeches about how community policing works!
8. Guaranteed! - More officers on the streets of Salisbury!
7. Guaranteed! - Uniting of renters, university students, and homeowners to move Salisbury forward!
6. Guaranteed! - Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance - Growth can pay for growth, so lets stop giving our water and sewer away while the city raises
our rates!
5. Guaranteed! - Tennis! The Official Sport of Salisbury!
4. Guaranteed! - A Mayor from the Neighborhood - from Druid Hill to Moss Hill to Lemmon Hill to Oak Hill...from Schumaker Woods to Canal Woods...from the East Side to the West Side!
3. Guaranteed! - Jim knows what a "Legal Non-Conforming Use" is!
2. Guaranteed! - Huge 80's Dance Party on the Downtown Plaza!
1. Guaranteed! - "Help Is On The Way"
#11 Get rid of incompetence - Chief Baldy. That should be first.
You got to love Jim, he certainly has my vote!ph
The Daily Times seems to be in the tank for Comegys. Unbelievable! How about we do a "10 Reasons Not to vote for Comegys"?
10. Seriously, do we want to look at that?
9. Mayor should be able to speak English, at least a little bit.
8. Mayor's IQ should be bigger than his waistline.
7. Must must know the difference between "mayor" and "mayo."
6. Mayor cannot believe that taking the "graveyard shift" means hiding his car in the graveyard while he goes to sleep.
5. Mayor must not think Mike Dunn is cute.
4. The picture of Gary and Lynn Cathcart kissing. Yech.
3. Mayor's wife should not be a compulsive pen waver.
2. Gary rhymes with Barrie.
1. [Drumroll] . . . I think I just threw up in my mouth.
Anonymous said...
#11 Get rid of incompetence - Chief Baldy. That should be first.
12:06 PM
Is that Chief Baldy the Troll from the Fire Department or the asshole from the Police Department?
I vote is for both to be terminated and I don't mean retire.
I am not going to support Mr. Ireton unless I am confident he will fire David See (not deserving of the title Chief).
Anon 6:16 PM,
I'm with you as long as Bill Gordy and Richard Hoppes is gone as well.
I think the Daily Times is disgusting for this. Obviously, Mr. Ireton has a better sense of humor than my wife and I do. We found this very offensive and plan on finding out more about Mr. Ireton's positions. Neither of us will vote for Comegys or Tilghman, but we hadn't planned to settle on anyone until later in the campaign.
I hope everyone will write a letter to the editor about this immature smear fest on that nasty paper's part.
And they talk about the blogs! Hypocrites.
Is there a link to this on the website? I couldn't find it and I resfuse to spend a nickel on their paper.
8:26. try this:
I think the Daily Times just ROTS for this. They are NOT David Letterman, that's for damn sure! They can't do news, so I guess they'll try comedy.
Laugh is on them! Glad I don't take that rag, either.
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