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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just How Many Increases Can Salisbury Taxpayers Take?

It has recently been released the City of Salisbury Public Works wants to improve their water and sewer infrastructure in the amount of an additional $85,000,000.00 .

They also are talking about a 43% increase in their rates this year or very early into the new year.

While everyone saw the economy folding over the past three years, the Mayor, (Barrie Tilghman) continued to present packages to the Council that cost taxpayers millions of dollars, hence the new Fire Station 16 and even new Fire Trucks that weren't necessary.

It's bad enough they spent more than $80,000,000.00 on a new Waste Water Treatment Plant that might not be able to handle the volume the City currently needs, now they want another $80,000,000.00+ for larger lines because the system they created can't handle what's being delivered.

It's the typical Government style of screwing the Public. Oh look, we have a brand new WWTP but we FORGOT to tell you that once it's done we'll need to spend another $80 mil to make it work. Once you're tied in there's no turning back.

This is why you need true business people in Office. I'll just wait until the election is over and decide if I want to keep doing this any more. IF the public doesn't get out there and make changes, I'm outta here, seriously.

I look at Ocean City demanding every Department Head cut their budget like there's no tomorrow and Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegys just keep spending. No one wants to buy and build in the City any more, (as I mentioned Monday night at the City Council Meeting). We'll see what happens in time but think about it. Are YOU spending MORE at home right now or are you cutting back in every possible way? The Country IS in FACT going bankrupt and admits they're simply printing new money for yet ANOTHER false economy. Why aren't you people demanding this STOP?


Wymzie said...

Why would they care about this if they aren't even calling for Congressional Hearings to see if this guy is legally able to preside over our country?
I have never in my entire life felt such a feeling of hopelessness for our precious country.
It is overwhelming how heavy the APATHY is.

Anonymous said...

Were way past words now. Im waiting to fight.

Anonymous said...

Joe. You didn't read the article. Not a 43% increase in rates. A 43% increase in hook-up fees for developers. Rates won't be increased again until 2009 (they already were 13% and 15% this year). Still a big increase, but just thought I'd point out that it IS NOT a 43% increase in rates.

joe albero said...

Thanks for the update. Not sure what article your talking about but thanks anyway.

joe albero said...

I just looked at the article again and I didn't say a 43% increase to taxpayers.

Untimately, however, NO ONE is developing so it will come back on the taxpayers. Just take a look at the decrease in building permits. It's down something like 95%.

Anonymous said...

"IF the public doesn't get out there and make changes, I'm outta here, seriously." - I'm holding you to it!!!

Anonymous said...

Well if there is no building permits being sought, the City should approve the brewery - it would create jobs.

Anonymous said...

The free spending and careless attitude toward the current economic crisi is why people visit Ocean City. They come here to steal, rob, sell drugs and get the hell out ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Im buying a house in the county and leave city limits in 3 weeks.

Anonymous said...

What I dont understand is why the mayor is allowed to fratinize with other council members during the meetings,interjecting her thoughts and frigging Louise Smith says nothing.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that Bubba Comegys was Barrie's puppet in creating this outrageous situation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Joe. You didn't read the article. Not a 43% increase in rates. A 43% increase in hook-up fees for developers. Rates won't be increased again until 2009 (they already were 13% and 15% this year). Still a big increase, but just thought I'd point out that it IS NOT a 43% increase in rates.

12:55 PM

If it is a 43% increase to the developer they will pass it on to the consumer so we all lose. Again, like Joe said no one wants to build in Salisbury.

This city is on large Ghetto with crumbling sidewalks and disentigrating roads and it looks disgusting. Trash everywhere and cars up on blocks in many of the yards. The second highest crime rate in the state and one of the worst in the country.

Get Real!

Anonymous said...

Louise and Shanie both surprised me the other night when they all voted against Gary, leaving him sitting all alone. Looked like he wanted his football and go home.

Anonymous said...

9:03, The Mare wasn't there to slip Louise a note. Shanie is starting to change her votes out of political survival instinct.

I cracked up about the fawning. Glad someone else picked up on it like I did when I watched.

I expect to see more of this agreement with Campbell and Cohen as those three see the political handwriting on the wall.

Too damn late for this fella.