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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Pittance Of Time

This is a video EVERYONE in the entire World should see. God Bless America! Get out the tissues Ladies!


Anonymous said...

This puts it in "PERSPECTIVE" doesnt it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that Joe. Perspective? YES.

Anonymous said...

This makes me cry everytime I see it. Numerous generations of my family have fought in and some died in the many wars this nation has fought. They fought for my freedoms that I never take for granted. I respect their service to this country, just as I hope others will respect my service to my country as I continue to fight for equality for everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, and abilities.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for taking the time you spend keeping your Blog site up to date and timely with all the news.

The posting of very poignant pieces such as this, alone, make your blog with viewing. A majority of us would never have seen this if you had not made it available.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely outstanding, Joe. A ni ce tribute to all the vets who were killed in the various wars we fought over the past 233 years.

Anonymous said...

Joe her is the background on that song

On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a drug store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the store’s PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.

Terry was impressed with the store’s leadership role in adopting the Legion’s “two minutes of silence” initiative. He felt that the store’s contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.
When eleven o’clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the “two minutes of silence” to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.

Terry’s anger towards the father for trying to engage the store’s clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, “A Pittance of Time”. Terry later recorded “A Pittance of Time” and included it on his full-length music CD, “The Power of the Dream”.

In the interest of creating a greater awareness of the sacrifices that have been made and are still being made on our behalf, “A Pittance of Time” has been adapted to the French language and titled “C’est si peu de temps”. Music videos for both audio tracks too were produced in support of the campaign and a musical/theatrical concert production, “Two Minutes of Silence – A Pittance of Time”, was written for the stage.

“Two Minutes of Silence - A Pittance of Time” combines music and theatre in an emotional production that looks at the folly of war. The inspirational songs and dramatic monologues evoke memories both tinged with sadness and joy that ultimately underscore the need for hope and faith in the goodness of humankind.

A relationship - set in World War One – unfolds as a young Canadian soldier fighting in the trenches attempts to bring some sanity to his horrific situation by corresponding with his new bride back home.

Anonymous said...

Many times I have busted your chops here in this blog site. As a disabled Vietnam Veteran, son of a disabled veteran, brother to a disabled veteran, I want you to know that I appreciate this post. I have one suggestion if you will. On veterans day, at 11:00, maybe the entire school system in Wicomico County, could view this, and spend those two min. showing the respect that vets who died for us deserve. Maybe we could honor Staff Sgt. Tommy Latham, a wicomico student killed in Iraq, and the other students who have gone to die for our country, Maybe we could honor the vets that are in the county system, public works, maint. all of the county vets. Better yet lets make it a county wide thing, Rick Pollit could make the announcement that we would have two min of reflection for these men and women. Teachers could use it as a teaching moment, supervisors as a way of saying thank you, then as all of us always do we will return to our daily lives, but the thought will be with us for many days. Thnak you for this video clip.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great one, Joe! In this election, there was a lot of hate and charges that the 'other side' was not as patriotic as "my side" - regardless of affiainst lliation. The bottom line is that we're all Americans and we all love this country - through and through. My 'guy' won in this go round but I will stand and fight side-by-side with ANY American regardless of race, creed, orientation, pimples on his ass, whatever as I would my blood brother/sister against tyranny and persecution...that's a fact, Jack.

Anonymous said...

A big thank you Joe, I knew I liked this blog and you are the reason. You tell it like it is and your opinion we sometimes think a bit overbearing, but you are truly a kind person and we appreciate this so much. I say this, because I know you and Jennifer. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Joe, today is a city, county and federal holiday and the offices are closed, but the county schools are still in session. Am I missing something here? Don't they teach us the importance of our veterans anymore?

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am VERY proud of my fellow bloggers here today. Not ONE negative comment about a posting of Mr. Joe's! I want to thank any and all Vet's for fighting for my freedom and this great country! May God bless you and yours!