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Monday, November 24, 2008

PAC-14 and Global Warming – Part I

Last July we outlined a plan by a group led by some folk at Salisbury University to seize our community television station – PAC-14.  The public reaction was sufficient that the group ran for cover.  Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that the battle is over.

No, they're back with a vengeance.  They've just changed the rhetoric a little in hopes that they can persuade some of our elected officials to hand over $200,000 (and raise your cable rates) with NO ACCOUNTABILITY.

What has any of this to do with global warming?  Nothing with the weather and a whole lot with rhetoric.

Have you noticed that none of the chicken littles who want you all peddling to work on bicycles talk about “GLOBAL WARMING” anymore?  Instead, we hear about “CLIMATE CHANGE”.  That way, they can can still try to cripple our economy despite the fact that “GLOBAL WARMING” has been discredited.  It's harder to argue with “CLIMATE CHANGE” since weather patterns have always moved in both long and short term cycles.

The same with PAC-14.  Their argument is the same.  The players are basically the same.  They have just changed the rhetoric in hopes that they can get what they want this time.  They claim:

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