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Monday, November 24, 2008


Fruitland Residents, Businesses and others who may be interested in helping out:

As the holidays are approaching, we would like to invite everyone to participate in our 2nd Annual Adopt-A-Family project which provides clothing, toys and food items for those families in need during the Christmas season.

Contribution boxes will be placed in the lobbies of City Hall, PNC Bank and Apple Drug. Monetary contributions are also accepted. Everyone – including Santa – had a wonderful time delivering items to families last year and we look forward to another generous season.


Anonymous said...

That would be the entire middle class on the eastern shore, wouldnt it?

Anonymous said...

doug... seriously?? There are people out there who can't afford to eat and buy the bare minimum.... somehow i don't think the entire middle class counts. Things are tough for everyone all across the board, yes but just think there are thousands of people how are a whole lot worse than you.. afterall you do seem to have the luxury of the internet.

Anonymous said...

You have no ideal how close i am to the ABYSS, but i will give you that i am not there yet. Waiting on the enevitable weakens a man both body and soul. I believe the American middle class is there it is just not apparent yet to the masses, there hiding it, the ABYSS is coming for all of us.

Anonymous said...

This time of year I give thanks for all that I have. I may not be rich and I do live from pay day to pay day but I am warm at night and I never go hungry. I look forward to helping out these families. The children didn't ask to come into this world at times like we're all suffering through now a days.