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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Hard Losing A Friend


A very dear friend of our family is in the hospital and in their last days on Earth. The sad thing is this all could have been avoided. However, Alcohol addiction took over their life years ago. This person is in their 40’s, young by any standard, and someone who has every reason in the world to thrive and succeed. We all think we are so strong, that we have everything under control, but let’s not be naïve. Addictions take over your life and will destroy anyone who thinks they are above it. Addictions rob you of your job, family, friends, self-respect and eventually your life.

I share this with you all for one reason. Hopefully, my friend’s battle will open the eyes of someone else. To the young people of today, I’d like to tell you Alcoholism, Drug addiction, Smoking, etc. are not inherited diseases or traits. However, “Addictive Behavior” can be. Does that mean because my father was an Alcoholic I will be? No! But it does mean I may have inherited “Addictive Behavior”. So I have to ask myself, do I want to take that chance? Is this short term “fun” really worth the risk. I can tell you it’s not! But I was young and thought I knew it all once too. Smoking, drinking, drugs, etc. all can take the life of anyone with “Addictive behavior”, and do it silently in the background. Once under “it’s spell”, it cannot be easily cured. So I say to you get "high on life!" Laughter is the best drug known to man! Nothing on Earth can make you feel better than doing something good for someone in need. Choose these types of avenues for satisfaction and if you find yourself addicted to helping others….. That’s an addiction we can all survive with on Earth.

My friend thought they were having fun in the beginning. Then they knew they didn’t have a problem, it was everyone one else who had the problem. Ironically, now things have come to the point where it is everyone else with the problem…… How will we all deal with the loss of our friend?

Please share this with those you care about!



Anonymous said...

My wife's son was a lying drug and booze weasel for years until he finally went to rehab. DUIs, car accidents, ODs, other hospital visits, court, accidental pregnancies, pleas for money, frequent job changes and lots of other M.F.B.S. were just part of his normal existence. Copping a good buzz was THE most important thing. I used to say that lying came as naturally to Alex as breathing - and why not? Both were equally necessary for his continued survival!

Anonymous said...

People with obsessive compulsive disorder choose many ways to kill themselves. It's not always drugs and alcohol, for some people it's something that will always be legal, food, they eat theirselves to death.

Anonymous said...

obsessive compulsive disorder ?
What does OCD have to do with suicide or addiction? If you don't know what you're talking about...don't say anything.

Anonymous said...

Its No Hard Drugs. Beer instead of liquor. Pot in moderation. I can live with these.

Anonymous said...

Richard, so sorry to hear about your friend. How to deal with the loss? Seems like you lost your true friend long ago.

To 2:14, you obviously have no clue about addiction. Beer is no safer for an alcoholic than liquor. There is no such thing as moderation for an addict or alcoholic.