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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Quote of the Day

"We don't have time for on-the-job training, my friend."



Anonymous said...

My friends, I could kill Bin Laden with my bare hands, my friends. But that one over there, my friends, can't do it, my friends. I have been in the federal government for more than 20 years, my friends, but I am an agent of change. Have I mentioned that you are my friends?

Anonymous said...

It's time to stick a fork in Johnny Mac -- he's done.

So long, Sassy Sarah (North, to Alaska, before it's ice-covered for the winter).

Anonymous said...

I know. McCain has had 26 years and still hasn't figured things out.

tedh said...

I love when things are blown out of proportion. Latch on to this Osama thing all you want and we will keep ringing the ACORN bell. What does this really have to do with the REAL issues. The on job training was a great line as it truly reflect Obama's lack of experience in foreign policy. Take as the one liner as it is but BHO does not have the experience. I hope if we get stuck with him he will have good advisors or we will be attacked on our home soil as we were as a result of the Clinton administration.

Anonymous said...

Well McCain has said multiple times that he doesn't know much about will he suddenly know all there is to know before the election?

Anonymous said...

If you seriously think that the ACORN business is more important than McCain's claim, more than once, that he knew how to kill Bin Laden, you know--the guy responsible for killing thousands of Americans--but for some reason hasn't shared that knowledge with our military, then you are nuts. My friend.

Anonymous said...

McCain has been in DC a long time, and he hasn't accomplished everything he has wanted to, because it doesn't work that way! He has been one man in Congress, he has not had a position to change everything himself, he has gone against his own party, worked with those in the Democratic party and tried to institute change but it's not like he's had control over everything. He takes his role very seriously and is quite active and because of this, has the knowledge and experience to be president. It's absurd to think Obama is ready to be The President of the United States of America, not because he's black (by the way, wouldn't it be more appropriate to call him bi-racial or multi-racial if that's the case), not because he's liberal, but because he just doesn't have enough experience or working knowledge. No one questions his intelligence, but working knowledge is a different thing.

Anonymous said...

Intelligence can take you a long way, especially if you are intelligent enough to surround yourself with experienced advisors. How many of you people who are criticizing Obama's experience voted for Bush? That was a classic example of someone with little experience (outside of positions his dad got him) and average (at best) intelligence, who therefore essentially caved in to Cheney's plans. Obama has something Bush doesn't: wisdom. It is hard to measure, but the guy just has the charisma, intelligence, and presence necessary to be a solid president. He has been more presidential than McCain in these debates and in the campaign. I wasn't even an Obama supporter until about a month ago, but now I am really enthusiastic about the guy.

tedh said...

Gee thanks, Nuts...ACORN thats not a bad attempt at a funny. I watched the debate and what I got out of it is, McCain said he feels with the tactics that General David Petraeus will implement we will find Osama. We haven't done it before because Petraeus wasn't in charge and we have never used the surge tactics in that manner. Yes he said I will find Osama and he may just do so with the help of a hero like General Petraeus.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to measure, but the guy just has the charisma, intelligence, and presence necessary

As did Hitler.

Anonymous said...

Yes I voted for Bush, and would do so again as I believe he has been a good president and had our best interests at heart. But for the record, Obama isn't running against Bush. I don't see the relevance in comparing Bush and Obama. And do you honestly think we have ever had a president who has had "average" intelligence. That's just ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Bush has, at best average intelligence, and I stand by that. And comparing Obama to Hitler is just dumb--it is the refuge of those without an argument to compare their opponent to Hitler. Well, uh, gee, McCain is just like Hitler, too! So there! Top that!

Anonymous said...

12:06. Considering the economic and international status currently, your claim that you would vote for Bush again frightens the living guano out of me.

Anonymous said...

Harvard and yale don't accept "average" intelligence. And as for our economic state, I blame that on our democratic congress for excessive frivolous spending. The republicans were in control of congress until 2004 and we, at that time, had the highest dow jones industrial average ever under their planning and leadership. After the democrats took control in 2004 and started their spend, spend, spend mentality to support freeloaders, our economy took a free fall. Internationally, we have defended our country against threats, stood up to a dangerous Russia, disarmed Libya, stopped nuclear production in North Korea, worked with the Iraqi people to help free them from a violent dictator and disrupted terrorist networks throughout the world. Doing what is right is always the same as doing what is popular.

Anonymous said...

doing what is right is not always the same as doing what is popular (sorry :)

Anonymous said...

1:22. Instead of drinking the party "Kool-Aid" like that while "Rome burns" around us, why don't you let me buy you a "Budweiser of reality" sometime. I would debate you on this, but it is far too nice a day and I am going to see if I can set a hook into a nice, non-partisan bass. It is one of the few recreational activities I can still enjoy considering the economy.

Anonymous said...

"As did Hitler."

Funny you should make that correlation.
I was watching the debate and drawing parallels between the economic train wreck of Germany in the early 30's combined with the German people's hunger for a messiah with today's US fiscal crisis and what seems to be a hunger for a great savior.
Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it. Socialism did not work then and it will not work now.

Anonymous said...

The only true power the president has is MILITARY. Now weigh the
experience you bunch of dummies.

Anonymous said...

1:56. I can't let that slide-I got in A in constitutional about yourself?

Anonymous said...

I probably wouldn't catch a fish anyway, so I may as well go "all-in." You guys obviously have computers or you wouldn't be able to read this. I have verified the complete text of the Constitution is on-line if you just Google it. I would recommend you take time to read it all very thoroughly. To get to the specific issue here on this thread today, the president's powers are outlined in Article II (Article I describes Legislative powers/Article III Judicial powers). Check out some of the cooler presidential features you will be seeing very soon regarding pardons, appointments of Supreme court justices, appointing ambassadors, and selecting cabinet members. Commander-In-Chief is a big ticket item, but far from exclusive. BTW....catch the gigs where the President has the power to sign into law, or veto bills (do you know how much taxpayers spend on the plethora of pens used to sign a bill into law that are then given as souveneirs). If you don't want to read the Constitution, at least watch Disney's "Schoolhouse Rock," where the timeless musical classic "I'm Just A Bill" even allows elementary school kids to understand more than some of the totally uneducated comments I see from adults all across America less than a month prior to possibly the most important election in our history. Joe's blog IS very important to this community because knowledge is, in fact, power. But for Buddha's sake-OBTAIN YOUR KNOWLEDGE FROM PROPER SOURCES!!!

Anonymous said...


You really are the dummy here. How about you go grab a copy of the Constitution, then come back here and report? You don't vote, do you?

Anonymous said...

How do you know what sources we obtain our information from? I read this blog, watch local news, have watched all of the debates and watch the after debate shows on various networks to gain a different perspective, not to mention reading articles on many websites. It is a little presumtuous to assume a conservative sits around watching fox news all day and reads only

Anonymous said...

3:25. Those are very pretty (useless)resources, but why don't you read the actual Constitution that our Minutemen gave their lives for. If someone on Fox news offered to sell you the 6th floor of PRMC because they sell it as "the American thing to do" would you hand him a shoebox full of cash? Are you really that dense that you would allow a "talking head" to spin you into the lemming pit. I am far from an Obama fan, and ultimately may end up voting Libertarian, but there is no way on God's green earth that I am voting for a guy who is almost 80 with a history of cancer (I would have voted for him 8 or 12years ago maybe)and has Edith Bunker as his VP candidate? I will never ever ever ever support someone that close to the presidency who supports book banning, makes women pay for rape kits/evaluations and has healing ceremonies to drive away her witches/demons. Do you know what would happen in a court of law if you cited Wikipedia, a random blog or even a national newspaper? Your case is dismissed-with prejudice....really, get your head out of the sand.

Anonymous said...

my point is that i use many sources to form my opinions, not just foxnews. I guess you missed that... I respect your right to a differing opinion and have no intention of getting into a "who has better sources" argument as it really seems useless.

Anonymous said...

Well, my friends, if there isn't time for on-the-job training, then what exactly will our friend Sarah Palin get if she becomes the person a heart attack away from the Oval Office? My friends, she will be getting...on-the-job training.

I swear, I told my husband last night that if McCain said "my friend(s)" (he is NOT my friend) one more time, I was going to go find him and put my foot up his butt. Hubby said he's be glad to videotape me doing that...

Anonymous said...

I didn't miss a confounded thing-why don't you read the Constitution like i suggested...why don't you just cite Jerry Springer or Family Feud(survey says!! dismissed) is about the same. You probably also think Comegys would be a breath of fresh air. C'mon Fernando's great spirit.....fight the power dammit!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well folks, there you have it. We have an expert in our midst, someone who read the constitution and passed constitutional law. wow. I maxed out on constitutional law, AND I work for (gasp) the government :o. I also get my information from multiple sources, like foreign media, domestic media, opinions (blogs), candidate voting records, including what else was attached to a specific bill they may have voted for/against, etc. If you believe that just because you passed a class in school that somehow makes you better than someone else, you're someone whom most people would consider a moron, similar to the reasons you yourself state you won't vote for McCain. You are self centered, which you claim (indirectly) as a reason for not voting for McCain. You "took a class" so now you think you're better. wow. I'm so impressed I think I'll just heed to your almighty wisdom. Whatever. Go back and drink your own party's wine, sounds like you need some. (Not in the philosophical sense)

Anonymous said...

Why should I read the constitution? I never said anything about it, my point was that there are many sources to gather information from. I don't even get where you are coming from!

Anonymous said...

The comments about reading the Constitution are referring to not knowing what the powers of the president are. And i have to agree with grannydragon--I was going to start a drinking game each time McCain said "my friends," but then I quickly realized I would be comatose, and thus more likely to vote for Palin.

Anonymous said...

"Why should I read the Constitution." I can't believe someone actually wrote that. Enjoy the Comegys reign. That is why Salisbury is a ghetto, too. 'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I never discussed the constitution, what's in it or what the executive powers are. This is why I was questioning why I was being told to read the constitution and not sure why I was told my head was in the sand. I wasn't implying that people shouldn't read the constitution, just didn't know why it was being referenced here. And for the record, i'm not even from Salisbury nor do I live there now so get off your high horse and either debate or don't debate, but quit putting people down just because they disagree with you. It's gotten very old.

Anonymous said...

So you think you're better than me? It's go time!!!! Owwwww, my back; someone call an ambulance...

Anonymous said...

If you live in America the ULTIMATE source of democratic powers comes from the Constitution. Even if you live in Fargo/Compton (all my homis are from here)/Brooklyn/or Nashville, our nation revolves around a set of rules similar to what you would find on a monopoly board. You need to be aware of where authoritarian powers are derived from. This arguement never gets old unless you are willing to quit and hide under a duck and cover blanket. The reason why I keep citing the Constitution (my friend-does this help?) is because everyone from Amanpour Hussein to Rabid bat just bit me O'Reilly seem to think we are so stupid that we don't know where our executive, legislative and judicial powers are derived from. To quote Pulp Fiction (you are obviously not going to understand this analogy either), but the truth is YOU are the weak, and I am the tyranny of evil man, but I'm trying really f'in hard to be your shepherd here. The rest is up to you. And by the way, I didn't just take and pass Con. Law, I made it my bitch!!

Anonymous said...

"We don't have time for on-the-job sucking, you old fart."

- America

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself! The evidence is clear: McCain is too old, worn out, tired, and bitter to be our president. He's the guy in the neighborhood who keeps the kids' balls that roll into his yard! Now he and Palin are running around spreading the most awful lies about Obama, losing any last shred of dignity he had. It is sad to see a guy who had integrity completely throw it away in a selfish, desperate atttempt tp be president. He is not putting country first, he is putting himself first. We don't need that kind of "leadership" in a crisis.

Anonymous said...

maybe you should suggest Biden read the Constitution....he seems unclear about it also

Anonymous said...

Maybe he can get it from Palin, who obviously has no idea what the constitutional duties of a vice president are.

Anonymous said...

actually, palin was the one who got it right, showing that she clearly understands better than Biden. If you don't think so, google it, it was all over various networks and websites with the exact quotes from both of them and discussing how Biden was wrong and Palin was right.