
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I'm A Republican Because........


Anonymous said...

I have to get me one of those!!!
That is too funny!

Anonymous said...

I bet I make more money than 90% of the people who read this blog, and I am a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

How About This:


tedh said...

anon 11:10 I think you missed the point here. Try to think about a socialist society where money is taxed from the rich and given to the deadbeats. Personally I would only work as much as I needed before they took my hard earned money and gave it to someone with no ambition because they don't need to because they get free money someone else worked for. It encourages welfare.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to social responsibility? It kills me that the same people busting on social programs for the less fortunate are the first to complain about crime and the cost of preventing it. The same folks who bust on the right for a woman to chose want no part in supporting the child the woman couldn't afford in the first place. The same folks that complain about people in need of medical care who can't afford it are the first ones with their hands out to the government to help with their child with disabilities or dependent elder parent. Come on folks we're all in this together, we have a social and moral responsibility to our fellow citizens that need help. By being born an American we are lucky in it self.

What would Jesus do?

Anonymous said...

When welfare, as it is known today was started, during the depression of the 30's it was known as relief. It was meant to offer relief to those that lost everything when the banks and wall street failed. Now in the 21st century we're giving relief to wall street and the banks. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. Let Wall Street crash and burn. It won't kill people to have to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. The only ones that will die from it are the ultra rich that don't know how to make it without their GREEN GOD. Hank Williams, Jr said it best when he said A COUNTRY BOY WILL SURVIVE. I'll survive, screw the rest. While they are sitting high on the hog, I'll be cooking and eating that hog.

xploded said...

Anon- 11:10
And I bet more than 90% of the people on welfare are democrats.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Depends on what you consider welfare! How about the AIG guys who spent $440,000 on a spa trip? I bet most of them are Republicans! How about the farmers in the Midwest who get tax dollars to not farm? Republicans. How about the owners of the oil companies who get millions and millions of dollars of tax breaks? Republicans. If you called all that slopping at the gov't trough welfare, you might not begrudge the single mom with the food stamps. Corporate welfare is the biggest scam going, you just don't call it welfare.

Anonymous said...

That will offend someone and he'll have to replace that tail gate. Bit insensitive to me.

Anonymous said...

ANNON 11:10 I bet my dog is meaner than 90% of the peoplwe who owns dogs and read this blog, and I am a Democrat.
Whoo-who... You obviously missed the point...

Anonymous said...

Im not a republican or a democrat because your all a bunch of wackos. Im an AMERICAN.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some of you cannot be cant' read or write!

Anonymous said... gave me a "shout out" (you betcha') a couple days ago for being on point regarding the downtown plaza situation..let me return the favor; Great point my man; peace!!!!

Anonymous said...

Reading both the 11:55s gives me strength to carry on. To carry out an old "Family Tradition", the beer and Skynard/David Allen Coe jams are on me!!! Great stuff!!

Anonymous said...

11:10--You may make more money then most people who read this blog, but if you live in the Salisbury area then you are far from being wealthy. It's good that you are employed and making money, so could you please get your fat, lazy, toothless, stinking, welfare recipient friends off their Democratic butts and help them find a JOB!

Chimera said...

What DOES the sticker say?I cant see it too clearly but I know it says something about being a Republican.

Chimera said...

Oh another thing-when are they going to start drug-testing people on "relief"?I have to pass random drug tests to keep my job-they should have to pass them to get PAID.

Anonymous said...

How about:

"I'm a Republican because I have a ridiculously narrow worldview and I'm frightened of things I don't understand."

Anonymous said...

Sticker basically says "I am a Republican because EVERYONE can't be on welfare." I just saw a 1995 Nissan Sentra (family of four) with a sticker that said "I am Democrat because EVERYONE cant get an $850 billion federal bail-out." Look folks, pity money is pity money-and I am more comfortable with it going to places like Habitat For Humanity, the local library or Diakonia/Joseph House. True dat on the drug screens to get entitlement money though!

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing about this sticker is that the Republican parts of this country (red states) are supported by the Democratic states (blue states). That's the way the money flows.

And Wicomico pulls out a lot more money from the state budget than it puts in. Liberal counties like Montgomery are paying the bulk of the bills, and more conservative Wicomico is basically on welfare.

Simply put, the Republican party IS the party of welfare!! They are the takers. The liberals are paying the bills...

Anonymous said...

A country boy can survive, yes.....But the democrats want to take away your guns!

And I agree with blutojthetotmom- when ARE the welfare recipients going to get piss tested? You want welfare? Pee clean!