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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

In God We STILL Trust


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! What an awesome song and video. This nation needs to turn back towards God!!

Anonymous said...

In another month, unless people wake the hell up, it looks like we'll have to say there is no God but Allah, and Mohamed is his messenger. (This may take a 3 or 4 of years to become the law of the land.)

Yeah, I know, you liberal sheep, the fact that polls show EVERY Muslim in across the globe is hoping and praying for Obama to be our next president means nothing at all! Stupid, BLIND sheep!

With Kenya, just yesterday, arresting the author of an anti-Obama book for being critical of their son and Muslim brother, what the hell do you think "the One, the Messiah, President Obama" has in store for critics here in a couple of years? Think Germany in the 1930's! Economic disaster in Germany led to the election of "the One, the Messiah, Chancellor Hitler!" Looks like history repeating itself!
But Obama says he's a Christian! So did Hitler!
Yeah, sheep, every Muslim in the WORLD wants Obama to be our president, (check it out if you don't believe me)! I guess you've never heard of subterfuge, a Trojan Horse or a wolf in sheep's clothing? Let the adoring Muslim masses bear witness to the truth about Obama!
Black Americans, brown Americans, white Americans, do you wish to be a Christian, or athiest and have separation of church and state like we've enjoyed? Too bad!
Get ready to face Mecca and put your face on the ground, sheep!
Then blame no one but yourself for not voting McCain!

Anonymous said...

I like the first amendment better.

8:26, One religion is pretty much the same as the next. None of them make any real sense.

Mardela said...


We as followers of the Lord our savior know that only God puts our leaders in place. If Obama wins the election, it will be both good and bad. Good that God is in control, Bad that the end is near. You still have time. Make sure you and your family are saved. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and turn your life and your spirit over to him. Be baptised and secure your place in heaven. If you do that, then it doesn't matter who wins, you'll be a winner and your salvation will be secured.

Anonymous said...

WOW. Would your God condone your obvious hatred and intolerance of others that are so prevalent in the messages of 8:26 and 11:26?

Don't tell me that WWJD is merely a bumper sticker slogan and not your way of life as a believer????

Say it isn't so!!!

Anonymous said...

BTW - GOD is not mentioned in the Constitution at all.

The "creator" is mentioned in the Declaration of Independance only once.