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Thursday, October 02, 2008

I Told You So

Remember the article I did Tuesday September 23rd called, My View? I tried to tell everyone that our Federal Government not only drained us once during the Dot Com crap and the fall of the Stock Market then, now we're in yet another jam and YOUR Congressmen and YOUR President are about to take whatever you and I have left and screw us once again for the sake of bailing out their crooked thieving friends on Wall Street.

Quite frankly Folks, we're in a War in Iraq based on our President flat out lying about weapons of mass destruction and if this guy hasn't lied to us enough and taken more lives because of such lies, I don't know what to tell you any more.

This is NOT America. Not the America I grew up in and was forced to pledge to each and every day. I cannot blame Obama for not pledging the Flag of the Unites States of America because we now live in a Country in which lying, cheating and stealing is a way of life and completely acceptable. "I did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinski." I've had enough, I've seen enough!

My Grandmother got upset with me a few years ago because I challenged the Twin Towers, oh, that's right, most of you fell for that BS too. Nevertheless, she said, this is our America and it's all we've got. I disagree. This is no longer OUR America and it's not all we've got. I have the choice of packing my bags and taking all of my money and moving somewhere else. So does the rest of America. The funny part is, pretty much everyone here has family members that moved here from other Countries.

$700 billion is a total load of crap and I say 100% of the Americans "I" know said hell no, we don't accept this Bailout! Yet MSM Polls state most Americans are for it. We've lost complete control. We have a Mayor locally who is out of control and nothing is being done about her as well. We need $700 billion to bail out Wall Street, yet we're getting ready to spend millions in Wicomico County for a Park we don't need.

Yeah, sandy beaches and no taxes elsewhere is starting to sound really nice to me any more. Think about this for just one second. Joe Albero leaves the United States of America and sits back watching CNN or any other news channel watching just how you people live every day. Robots to and from work daily, just to pay the increased taxes to pay for bail outs or because the Governor in Maryland screwed everyone financially and had to raise taxes. I'd be watching from the outside watching the soldier ants, (YOU) working to create a bigger government. Oh, that's right, you're supposed to be so proud of your government too.

America is becoming a huge joke and I'm not one of it's worker ants. If things continue down this path I truly will consider relocating like my ancestors did. Can you tell I'm pissed off?

Before you close this page, think about this. Each and every one of you are against the $700 billion Bailout, that's a fact. Each and every one of you know for a fact we do NOT need another Park in Wicomico County. Each and every one of you know you were against a $14 million TIF. Each and every one of you know we do NOT need a $840,000.00 Fire Boat in Salisbury. Just how much more crap are you going to take. I ask this before you slam me with comments.


Anonymous said...

I quit reading this post as soon as I read that the president flat out lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. If he lied so did all the intelligence agencies from the rest of the free world. There is a difference between being wrong and lying. For Gods sake even the dub a$$ French thought Iraq had these weapons. That sentence sounds just like the stupid Move On type crap. Was he wrong? Yes. Did he lie? No way

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should become a legislator and help clean things up, or take the other option and move out of the country.

joe albero said...

Has YOUR President come to you on camera and said, you know what, I was lied to by our intelligence agencies about weapons of mass destruction? NO!

Don't tell me this President isn't a liar, he is. The Bush Family comes from what background, OIL! Use your head, will ya.

Oh, that's right. We're on the Eastern Shore where there's more than enough sand for everyone to bury their heads in.

Anonymous said...

I think the greed and no accountabilty is the problem. Wall Street can do as they please. I believe I read Paulson received 30 million as a BONUS in 2005! If thats true that is absurd. They are using our money. I'm a teacher. I could have been anything else that I wanted to be. I feel my salary is appropriate. I will never complain about what I make-although many of my coleagues do on a daily basis. I teach because I love children, as most teachers do. I don't understand why the wall street types don't have a passion for helping people-not screwing them. I agree with Joe our great country -of which my father and others in his generation- WWII fought so hard for, is going downhill quick. Yeah I would agree to a bailout- only if you throw the persons responsible in jail. So I'm sure that won't happen.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the war Joe.

Anonymous said...

The senate took a big shit right in the American tax-payers face last night. They dont care about us, all they care about is how much they can get for themselves. At what point is this considered "crimes against the state". Ever-one stop filing your income taxes.

Anonymous said...

No slams from me. I agree with you all the way. Unfortunately, most of us do not have the resources to pick up and move to another country, and I will never, never leave my family. They need me too much, and I need them. All of us need to go to work each day like those soldier ants just to survive. We'd never be able to leave and move to Canada, let alone some exotic location. We're stuck.

Bush may have been misled into believing in the whole Iraq-WMD thing, but even so it was shortly very obvious that the "intelligence" he was given was flawed. (Oh dear, did I use the words "intelligence" and "Bush" in the same sentence? My bad.)

Yes, our so-called president lies to us, 8:41. He will go out of office with our country ruined because of his and his admnistration's lies, secrecy and blatant grabs for power.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Ya know we live in a Democracy. If you want to be heard, use the ballot box. Too many conflicting issues to give a coherent comprehensive comment on. I do agree though that Dubya is a lying sack of shit. I do not believe that this country is lost. We have alot to be thankful for here.

Anonymous said...

Great Video Joe

Anonymous said...

Damn Joe I thought he was our president, the president of all the people. No he didnt go on T.V and call the intelligence agencies liars ,what good would that do. If the intelligence agencies from around the world were wrong could it not just be a mistake. And if the Eastern SHORE IS SO BAD WHY DONT YOU MOVE BACK TO New Jersey. And what the hell does the Bush family being oil people have to do with lying about Iraq. We get less oil from there now than we did before.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you seem very negitive today, like a little kid saying he is going to take all his toys and play by himself. As to your mindless threat to move to Mexico, Go ahead and don't let the door slam your butt. You then pick on the Prez of SU, Get a life and a sense of humor. Yes we all know of the problems our great country faces and hearing you whine about everything is not the solution.
I hope someday you achive mental stability.

Anonymous said...

grannydragon quotes "All of us need to go to work each day like those soldier ants just to survive. We'd never be able to leave and move to Canada, let alone some exotic location. We're stuck." Well what do you think the Democrat/Socialist government will lead us to? All will be stuck paying for the high price of big government. The American way will be a thing of the past.

Anonymous said...

Don't you want a police presence in your town to keep away gang activity? Good. Now picture that on a global scale.

The bigger picture is, the military is trying to keep al Quaida from re-establishing a stronghold in what remains a vulnerable part of the world.

Bush (and don't forget to include senior members of his administration) absolutely misled the media, and in turn the public. But it doesn't mean there aren't boys in the sandbox putting their life on the line out there for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

Are your bags packed yet?
Unlike you, some of us don't shit ten's and wipe with twenty's.

joe albero said...

Don't twist my words 11:45!

I never disrespected any one of our Soldiers.

Anonymous said...

11:45. It is very easy to wrap a flag around your eyes and buy the "party line"/"sell your soul"/drink the partisan "kool-aid" because we must protect our soldiers (remember Uncle Sugar makes his best progress when you are afraid and feeling guilty). We ALL want to protect our soldiers; Were you even alive during...Oh, what did those crazy kids used to call it...Oh, yes F'IN VIETNAM. What ever happened to that lovely city, Saigon, that over 50K gave their lives for over a decade-What? Ho Chi Minh City? You mean we LOST? It is infinitely more difficult to take the position that you love and respect these guys SO much that you would risk looking like a "ferret face" in an open public forum pointing out how misguided and wasteful Georgie Boy has been with money, troops and international good will. Are you even reading about the border flare-ups/confrontations in Pakistan lately as Bush risks further destabilization of our economy and security by violating sovereign borders to get in one last frenzied push to add Bin Laden to the grill of his pick-em up truck before he is sent packing? Maybe get your mind off putting so much "lipstick on pigs" and pay closer attention to current WORLD events.

Mardela said...

I hope everyone feels beter now that they vented. Please try to keep things in perspective. The main thing that each and every one of us has to do is to make sure we are saved. If youare truly saved and know you are going to heaven, then nothing that happens here matters. After all, according to the Bible, America isn't even in the final chapter.

Let's go back to the years 1992 to 2000. During these eight years, the world was fairly united about Iraq and U.N. had agreed on many restrictions and sanctions for Iraq. After all, they invaded a neighbor for the reason of getting their oil. Now that we defeated them, they were made to live with certain rules that the U.N. had agreed to. Over time, Iraq stopped complying with all the sanctions and restricitions and would occasionaly make a roar. Sometimes we sent missles in. Some times we would seek further sanctions. But all the time they were hiding what they were doing as far as nuclear and weapons were concerned. Please don't forget that prior to the first gulf war, they had the 4th largest military in the world. That is nothing to turn away from.

Since Iraq wasn't letting inspectors in, we pleaded with the U.N. to do something but they were reluctant. Military intelligence from around the world thought that Iraq was up to something. Iraq acted like it was hiding something.

Military planners were planning for another round with Iraq. The actions by Saddam and the lack of further action by the U.N. had us on gaurd for further military action.

Sept. 11 came and we had been attacked. The next day, every American was thankful that George Bush was our President. He was strong. He was our leader and he was going to take action. We were united.

During the planning for Iraq, it was known that logistically it wouldn't be as easy as it was the first time. Saudi Arabia and Turkey were under pressure to not let us use their countries to launch our attacks. This meant that we had to launch from Italy and other places not close enough to be effective. After 9/11, not only were we pursuing further action against Iraq, but now we had to go into Afghanistan to pursue Al Quaida. We had some help from some surrounding countries, but not much. Launching attacks and giving support for troops in Afghanistan was going to be difficult.

While the planning and intelligence for Al Quaida was going on, Iraq was dancing around with joy, much like most of the Islamic states about our losses on 9/11. The combinatiopn of all of this was indeed in our nations interest. Instability in this region would destabilize one of our most precious commodities, oil.

After the first gulf war, oil for America had stabilized for about ten years. We paid about a dollar a gallon for gas for that period and it only varied by ten cents or so.

With military action getting reay to happen, and Iraq not following the rules and hiding things, we had to make a decision. If the U.N. wasn't going to stand up for themselves, then America would get as many countries together as it could to change the leadership in Iraq.

America, while planning for this action against Iraq was given more bad information. We were told by some outcasts of Saddam, now living in the US that once we over threw Saddam, the people would be overwhelmed with joy and would be very much on our side. They would welcome our military and they would welcome the new government. This information was false and probably the worst thing that went wrong.

All the planners in Washington thought that Iraq would take 2-4 months to complete. Once saddam was removed, we would be able to stay in Iraq and use this area as our base of operations for getting Al Qaida in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iran. Iraq was right in the middle of them all. It was strategically the perfect place.

The war started and everything was going well. Of course the liberals were against it and so was the media. The media started dividing our country by not reporting accurately. They didn't report the facts. They only wanted us to fail miserably, because if we had won easily, converted this nation to a democracy, then cleaned up Al Quaida in the surrounding countries, George Bush and all the republicans would be heros and it would be very hard to beat them in any election. But if there was turmoil, if the media could change the bias of the people, then the democrats would still have a chance.

We rolled through Iraq, and soon removed Saddam from office. Our troops did a wonderful job. We had won the war and now everyone could come out of there homes and celebrate. But where were all the people? We were told this would be a revelution. We were given bad information.

Instead, the surrounding Islamic states felt threatened to the presence of America. They formed cell after cell of terrorists and Al Qaida. They came from Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries. They were not going to let Iraq fall into America's hands. The people living in Iraq were scared. They heard trhough the media that we weren't going to stay and help them. They were afraid about what would happen when we left.

This is why we are still in Iraq. Bush wasn't a liar. He was doing what any President would do. If was patriotic. He was standing up for us. He was going to next get Bin Laden.

The terrorists came at us from all sides. They have been helped by very big countries with deep ties to terror. This was more than just losing some land. This was about losing their religion and their way of life. This is a fight to the death.

If the media wouldn't have polarized the country so much, this would be over. If our allies helped us more, this would be over. If our Congress supported the effort across party lines, this would be over. If we would have had a draft, this would be over.

The reason we have financial troubles is because of the war. Not because it was wrong, but because we didn't fight together as one nation. We are fighting with ourselves more than we are fighting in Iraq. We are crumbling from within.

The media wanted us to lose. That's why we aren't hearing about the success of the surge. But the silence speaks louder than anything. They aren't saying whata failure it was. They aren't saying we never should have done it. They aren't gloating over it's failure because it has been a huge success.

Bush wasn't a liar. He is a patriot who was lied to about how the Iraqi's would respond. He was there for oil, but not for personal greed, he was there to secure our oil futures.

The government relaxed lending standards before Bush. Bush let them slip because it helped pay for the war. The amount of revenues that have been taken in by our government are record setting. But this war is expensive. It wasn't suppose to last this long. If we all would have supported our President, if we all would have stopped the inner fighting, if we all would have stopped pointing fingers and instead done everything we could to make sure this was a success in as short of time as possible, Iraq would be stable, Bin Laden would be dead, Iran would be a whinning little dog, most of our troops would be home, presperity would be high and we could get back to the big debates that really mattered, who was going to win the game.

Anonymous said...

Mardela...appears to be nice, comprehensive article here....but you lost me at "According to the Bible" me crazy-But I am going to be guided by The Constitution. Those Islamic guys that blow our troops up without remorse have "their own version" of a bible too...and it really sucks.