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Thursday, October 02, 2008


Remember when I said I wanted a Candidate to make me stand up and make me proud to be an American? Sarah Palin did just that.


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ.

I found her to be the deer in headlights.
I do not feel she really answered some of the questions posed to her.
She appeared to come prepared with talking points and memorized topic answers.
This debate drove me nuts.

Sara Palin lost me tonight.

From an UNDECIDED voter btw.

Anonymous said...

Go Sarah, Go Sarah!!! I can't wait to bathe in the Liberal tears on November 4th!!!
Is it me, or did Katie "my face lift messed up my face" Couric seem angry after the debate??? Look out...the John/Sarah train is coming through!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe..agree 100%. She was back in true form and looked great against that dinosaur.

Bob said...

I agree. Biden was same old, same old - Dems VS. Repubs. Palin was ...let's go. let's fix things. let's quit arguing and get to doing the work of the people. She is a breath of fresh air. Biden forced her into being aggressive at which time she handed him his a**. She painted him into a corner several times by pointing out how he harshly criticized O'bama's inexperience and bad voting record as a senator during the primaries and how he now supports the very things he criticized. Even the host thought it was noteworthy to mention the statement he made that he would never run as VP.

They both returned to questions after a new question was posed....I didn't like that.

I think she scored a decisive victory over Biden.

Anonymous said...

Then - Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Now - Barbie goes to Washington

Anonymous said...

What did she say that made you proud to be an American?

Anonymous said...

you guys REALLY cannot be serious... if this hahhhckey mahhmm was on the other side of the fence, you would be having an abs field day with her... its unreal, you CANNOT really have in mind that having her as VP would be good for this country. you cant. impossible.

go fernando!

Anonymous said...

She looked small and petty. She didn't answer the questions, and sounded like a broken record. Biden was a statesman, and Palin was the woman at the PTA reminding everyone the date of the brownie bake off.


Anonymous said...

i agree 100% also. She has that pick yourself up by the boot straps attitude. This lady is amazing to be so young and savvy is unheard of. I loved it when she said say it ain't so Joe. I could tell he was on the ropes just like Fernando's opponent tomorrow night.
Americans have a lot to look forward to. Palin, Fernando and Sheriff Lewis. Now that would be a tag team.

Anonymous said...

I guarantee a 2 point bump for Obama next week.

Anonymous said...

pop polls are coming in. 46-21 in favor of Biden. Looks like more of America thinks Biden makes them "proud to be an American".

Anonymous said...

Did we all watch the same debate?

Anonymous said...

She's such a maverick!

Anonymous said...

A clear Biden Victory!

Anonymous said...

wow, completely disagree, and I'm a conservative. She could have whacked him so many times, but she avoided answer any questions...She wouldn't answer on deregulation, McCain's slip with Spain, and number of other issues....She was too focused on being "cute" and "folksy". I don't want a folksy president, we've had that already and look where we're at. I want a smart president. I'm still voting for McCain but he's pushing it by putting this rookie on his ticket...what a joke

Anonymous said...

Palin is an idiot! No clue on what the vice president does. She gave stock answers and when she did not know the answer she just skipped it.

Chimera said...

She did GREAT!I was just laughing while she "served" Joe Biden.A victory for women everywhere!LOL

Anonymous said...

It was nice to see someone who did not act like a career politician. She is definitely not the best at the debate thing (or she was holding herself back) as she never pointed out Biden's contradicting himself. It is scary to think that there is a possibility of ODUMBA$$ winning this election because he is not Bush(DubyaDumba$$). God help us if he does because half the country will be scrambling to france where it is more conservative.

Anonymous said...

Dream On!

I was waiting for her to say:

"Now, Joe, just one cotton-pickin second . . ." but then it occurred to me that she may not know how cotton is produced.

However, she is a cute chatterbox, to say the least.

Anonymous said...

All the pop polls that have come out since the end of the debate have both candidates doing well, Palin did not pick up any ground tonight.

Mardela said...

She was great!

Let's remebmer that they sent more reporters to Alaska than there are troops in the war to dig up dirt on her and what did they find? Absolutely nothing. Everyone loves her and thinks she has done a wonderful job as Alaska's govenor.

The Dems like to attack Bush on his low approval rating of around 23%. I think Palin needs to remind Biden and Barrak that congress is at 13%, which means the people think they are doing worse than Bush. But what it really says is that people are fed up with all politicians, except for Gov Palin, she's at 80%.

steveangell said...

She was Qualed in the other interviews. She did fine but it is amazing what you can do in a cutting room. I wonder if they just asked the same question a little differently many times till they got something they wanted.

Remember the first debate when Leher just ignored that McCain answered that he would freeze spending and then asked the same question two more times. Never acknowledging McCain was answering it and Obama wasn't. McCains third attempt didn't sound too good.

But that is all you heard with Sarah.

Anonymous said...

I wish the choice in November was to be between these two rather than what we have.

Anonymous said...

Talk about drinking the kool-aid....

She did better than anyone expected, but give me a break. She got owned last night.

Anonymous said...

I thought she fell into the same trap of not answering the questions point blank. She is very good at sidestepping questions she just cannot answer.

Anonymous said...

The only thing it did was make me wish it was Biden/Obama 2008 with Biden running for Pres. I think he did a good job and answering the questions.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden knows what is causing "Global Warming" but is clueless when it comes to figuring out the cause of the financial crises!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, guys. She barely didn't suck. That's such a low threshold of performance, you'd be having a stroke if the Dem had tried to get by with just being "folksy".
Amazing...of all the rigid standards should apply to whoever is going to be running our country.
(BTW, I'm both registered republican and female.)

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that she "shined" last night and the Democrats were running scared. It seems like the Moderator always gave Biden the last word - even at the end He had the last word. He is not what we need to be part of our country's leadership. He forgets that he did not support in the very beginning - kind of like talking out of both sides of his mouth!
My vote still goes to McCain/Palin!
BTW, where can I get signs and decals for McCain/Palin. I am not sure where the Republican office is.

Anonymous said...

Debates really are less challenging if you don't answer the questions. Just giving a rehearsed mini-speech about whatever you please, whether it's the topic of the question or not, takes the pressure off. You don't have to think quickly to form a response when you don't intend to address what was asked. For example, when asked about her Achilles heel (weakness), she ignored the question and talked about her strengths, her record, a shining city on the hill and Ronald Reagan. When asked what would be the condition or event that would justify the use of nuclear weapons, she gave a little speech about something else. She told all of us she might not answer the moderator's questions so she could just talk to the people. Well, that's called giving a political speech in primetime so her campaign should pay for the time. I'm an independent, have not decided how to vote, but cannot see why anyone would be proud of Palin's evasive performance.

Tim Chaney said...

It did prove she couuld stand toe to toe with ole "EarmarK Biden.

Most of my sister's family have lived in Northern Delaware all their lives, some Democrats some Republican. One thing they all have in common is they have never liked Biden.

Anonymous said...

She did her job, supported the candidate. Gave all the standard conservative lines, defined their differences.

Anonymous said...

It's the job of the VP nominee to bash the presidential nominee, first & foremost. They both did well on that score, but Biden did more Bush bashing than McCain bashing.
If you were to view the Palin interviews in their "whole day with Palin", you'd be quite surprised at what remained on the cutting room floor (as another commenter stated)and we wouldn't be sharing these opinions. How Palin was "painted" by msm was purposely to color your view. It's always surprising ... how many don't see that.

Anonymous said...

Just want to point out that the polls being used to justify this view or that view are not so reliable. After both debates, I watched various networks to see their coverage of how the candidates did. If you are conservatie and watch fox, you will think the republican smoked the democrat, if you are liberal and watch cnn, you'll hear that the democrat clearly won. I would say we should less on the polls and more on our own reactions. I for one think Palin did a great job but this could be tained by my complete disgust with Joe Biden. Of the four, i think he is by far the worst.

Anonymous said...

You Obama supporters wanted CHANGE. Well guess what, Palin is the epitome of change. Biden represented the same ole crap that does nothing. You see a fresh face on the right and you can’t handle it. In the beginning I thought Obama was going to be a great contender and I considered voting for him. After a review his policies and voting record; I believe he will hurt this country.

Anonymous said...

I thought the debate was hard to watch at some times. Both individuals are talented and smart. Neither of them answered all the questions straight up. Gov. Palin did not hurt herself or the ticket. Sen. Biden did speak with authority on some matters. But I believe he was very wrong on his opinion concerning global warming – he stated that humans are 95% responsible for the situation. There are not hard scientific facts to hold that statement up as truthful. Is there really global warming or is there just enough limited data to allow “experts” to create hysteria? If global warming is occurring how much and the manner in which humans contribute to it is still not understood. Senator Biden just spouted the same old jive former VP Al Gore likes to hype. It was clear that Obama/Biden want to link McCain/Palin to the current administration but we should keep in mind that they also need to be linked to Gore/Edwards. How do you think we would doing after 4 years of that administration?

Anonymous said...

Well...she looked great!

She seemed like a nice person.

I heard/saw ZERO that gave me confidence in her as a leader of my great nation, however.

Biden is exactly the substance we need. A vision towards the future, with solid knowledge of the past so its mistakes can't be repeated. Obama's fresh vision and wisdom on the national and international policy is ever sharper, and supporter with the foundation of Biden's statesmanship - they are the PERFECT ticket.

I mean honestly, people.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? She dodged every question, you betcha! She winked at the camera repeatedly, and offered nothing new. You seriously think she displayed the qualities of a commander in chief? Wow.

Anonymous said...

What did she actually say? Get over her "folksiness" and look at what she said--McCain and I will continue the same policies as the last 8 years. That was it! Did you count all the times she used the word "maverick?" You can call yourself a maverick all you want, but when you keep voting for Bush's awful policies, I'm not voting for you.

Anonymous said...

I for one am a little tired of being treated like an idiot for supporting McCain/Palin. I respect everyone's right to have their own opinion on the election and try to be respectful but am sick of comments insinuating that all mccain/palin supporters walk on all fours and communicate through grunting. We are no less intelligent than you, we just have different opinions and it's about time we start showing a little tolerance.

I know it's off topic but I'm getting more and more frustrated by this.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone say Sara Palin is the epitome of change when she says the same exact things every time she speaks?
Last night during the debate, I got so sick of hearing "Well let me tell you what I did in Alaska".
We're not interviewing you for a job in ALASKA! We're interviewing you for a job representing ALL OF AMERICA!
And another thing that really bothered me was her speaking as though she knew John McCain soooo well. They only met for the first time several weeks ago. Give me a break.
I was an undecided voter before this debate. I would love to see a woman in one of the top spots but this particular woman I don't believe is what I'm looking for in the first female. She is the Republican's talking point robot. She is following the old school of offense, which in some ways can be good, but answer the questions. We've had a number of years with people in the White House refusing to answer questions. I've had enough of that. Answer the questions now and be prepared to answer to the American people!
I'm still undecided at this point but I feel I'm leaning towards Obama/Biden.

Anonymous said...

What she did in Alaska is important. Everyone wants to know who she is/what she stands for. What better way than to discuss what she has actually done in her public service positions. That is the best indicator as to who she is/what she stands for. It is no different than discussing voting records for the other candidates. If she didn't discuss it, you'd be complaining that we don't know her and she won't discuss her past decisions. You can't have it both ways!

Chimera said...

So,Sarah Palin is "the woman at the PTA reminding everyone the date of the brownie bake off."What a sexist remark.Theres male politicians OLDER than Palin with young kids too,but does anyone ever say "He oughtta stay home and a be a REAL Dad?" NO!If men do not like the way things are being run in the US they can blame themselves because up until the last century they ruled everything and everyone.A female VP cannot be any worse than say,Dan Quayle.

Anonymous said...

I gotta' be honest. I am an independent. Going into this debate, I thought I was 100%certain to vote for McCain (I do not believe I can cast a vote for Obama based on what I am about to say about Palin). But you really have to drop your partisan filter to appreciate what happened last night. That woman was flat out dominated by Senator Biden. The wife and I were playing a bit of a drinking game.....while Biden was using specific numbers and names to back up his salient points, Palin was trapped on using emotion and soundbytes, and refusing to answer the question asked. I can not stand a "wiggler." We tried to drink for everytime Palin said the word "Maverick," but we actually ran out of beer. I can not in good conscience cast a vote to put that small fish in the biggest political pond we know, during the choppiest waters we have seen since Watergate. And quite frankly, the wife and I were really pissed off when she brought her infant out that late at night at the debate's conclusion in those conditions when that little fellow needed a blankey, a binkie and a nice crib instead. I am now looking at my absentee ballot thinking I owe my country a third-party vote here-just to send a message that we are getting tired of the two lame choices we always seem to get lately. Your government really believes we are all idiots.

Anonymous said...

I think Palin suprized everyone and did a creditable job on the "good old boy from the earmark groupees". And her performance will no doubt enhance the McCain/Palin ticket.

Anonymous said...

No, you are incorrect. I'm would not be asking about what she did in Alaska, because I've heard it already every time she opens her mouth.
I and everyone else who cares about the election knows what she's done in Alaska. If you don't, then you're not following the election at all.

Anonymous said...

"A victory for women everywhere!"

How is that? Because she's a woman on the Republican ticket? As a woman, I don't want just any woman to be nominated as v-p, as a mechanism to lure votes or to prove that one is a "maverick". And, just because she's a woman doesn't mean she's going to push for legislation that is pro-woman.

"A female VP cannot be any worse than say,Dan Quayle."

As a woman, surely you know that the stakes are higher for a woman in this position. She is going to be held to a higher standard than any man. A screw up by her will have far more implications than those by Dan Quayle. And, since when is that the measure for how to vote?

For what it's worth, I am a female, undecided voter.

joe albero said...

For what its worth, you keep commenting all over this Blog claiming you're a female undecided voter. Because you don't use your name, I don't believe you.

Anonymous said...

12:51. I don't know which woman it is, but as a long-time married man; it DEFINITELY argues like a woman ("undecided" is a whole different issue!). At least she didn't try to wink at us because she has a nervous tick when she can't answer a question properly.

Anonymous said...

Palin did rather well, but not well enough to move the poll numbers more than a point or two.

Biden pulled down a few women votes with his choked-up tearful remembrance of his family. That was his high point in the debate. He came off looking like a real person...

McCain needed more from this debate and time is running out for him. His next two debates are in Obama's home court (i.e. not foreign policy). Expectations are low.

Unless there's some dramatic news, it looks like this race could be over.

Anonymous said...

Someone new in Washington that doesn't know all the ropes is just what we need. Palin can shake things up! It still blows my mind that Obama got this far. I will never and I mean never vote for a Terrorist's friend who's a muslin, who has a wife that isn't proud to be an american and who's middle name is Hussein. WTF? how did he even get this far. I'm ashamed the Obamas are american, wish they'd move to another country! I'm angry that americans have bent over backwards to enable this *sshole to even be in politics. It makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

Pssst (2:52)... Your racism is showing. Please cover it up better. It's more palatable that way.

Anonymous said...


No wonder you feel the way you do. You're an ignorant POS.

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you, Joe. I never really understood you. But, now I will. Palin!

Anonymous said...

to 3:08 PM & 3:36 PM

Wake up and look around you. This is not the only person that feels this way. Barack Hussein Obama is only in this campain "because" of his race. He has no experience, unless you count his "community organizer" job. What is that anyway? A socialist position?
Don't forget also, He received money from the companies that put this country where it's at.
Hey Barack are you going to give those contributions back. Don't think so.
A lot of People are angry, we pay taxes, and people like Oboma, want to give it to people who don't, by there own choice.
It has nothing to do with race, I wanted Colin Powell to run against Clinton. He would have won. It's about Standing up for the American way. And thats not the Socailist, everyone gets there's part wheather they work for it or not, government that Barack(wait for it)Hussein Obama wants.
Remember, That is his name.
Tom Sawyer

Anonymous said...

3:08. Then are we to assume the reason you're voting for bho is the color of his skin?


Anonymous said...

Tom Sawyer,

Fine. Obama has his negatives (don't we all),
but these pale in comparison with McCain's obvious negatives.

At this point, what we most need is to RECOVER from the Bush years. This recovery needs to be multifaceted.

Mcain won't do it. He won't even try. Obama will try, but he's been dealt a very difficult hand. I do expect the next few years for the USA to be the most difficult of my lifetime.

Put your base anger aside, and give Obama the support he needs to make a real difference for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 7:36, Not even close.

I have true respect for bho's accomplishments. I have respect for his education (I too am Harvard educated), and I have respect for his intellect, and diligence. I have respect for his collected manner, and his intellectual approach to problems.

Do these seem like matters pertaining to race??? No. But if he does lose, it will be abject racists like you who bring him down... of that I'm sure.

And sorry... my respect does not extend to McCain in this manner. I see his as a puppet for the lobbyists behind him. The real McCain we saw in 2000 is no more.