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Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Bailout Bill Explained In Detail


Now you tell me if this should be passed?


Anonymous said...

Love that "Bailout ATM" pic!

You ought to put it in the post.

Anonymous said...

Don't panic , it won't pass.

Anonymous said...

This must pass. Get your head out of the sand. We will not get a second try at this.

joe albero said...

anonymous 11:38, I mean, WAYNE GILCHREST,

Welcome to my Blog.

Anonymous said...

When the market lost some 700 points and then gained half of them back the next day I thought that maybe we really don't need this bill, but then I thought that before the market crashed in 1929 that it showed a very high gain the previous 5 years before its collapse. I feel like the points we gained back were the result of buyers getting there hands on these lower priced stocks and giving us a false positive gain. I fear what a depression era crash would do to our nation in a time that we are at war on two different fronts. However I don't believe that you can just pull a bill out of your @$$, and expect it to be the best possible solution to an already messed up deregulated system. The bill needs alot more work, and not a last minute decision type effort! It needs to pass, but not now not like this. Just my opinion!

Anonymous said...

It doesnt really matter because with the home prices devalued as much as they are not very many people will be getting loans anyway. This is not a bail-out for main street, its a sell-out to all those wall street corporate power devils that have run the american country into the ground. With all this no candidate has figured out its about JOBS, living wage jobs. I think it is more responsible and more petriotic to let it all crash now, instead of on my childrens and grand childrens watch, i would rather watch everything i have worked for go down the drain and fix this problem at its root, then band-aid it up and leave it for the next generation to have to deal with. This the cowards way out.

Anonymous said...

anyone see tis as the equivalent to plugging a hole in the hoover dam with a piece of bubble gum?

Anonymous said... should not pass.The Senate has loaded it up with provisions and spending that have NOTHING to do with the mortgage crisis....this is just one more example of why most of the incumbent Senators and members of the House should be voted out of office....they just do not understand why they are elected.

I hope the House votes it down and that the electorate makes it crystal clear to these clown that stabilzing the financial markets is the task at has nothing to do with rum manufacturers. wood arrow manufacturers...big company health plans etc etc etc...thes epeople remind me a a confessed serial murderer proclaiming his righteuosness as he is strapped to the gurney.....maddening idiots!