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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Handgun by your nightstand?

Each night before I go to bed I look in spot where I keep within arms reach, a semi-automatic handgun in the tried and true .45 caliber. Right next to it rests a Stinger rechargeable flashlight - always charged should the event arise that I need it. There is no question in my mind that I will use them if I have to - but I pray I will never need them.

Some time ago I hired a young man who was a Jehovah's Witness. He advised me that he would never kill anyone - not even in the defense of his life or that of his wife. He said that if it is God's will that he or his wife should die at the hands of another it is just a part of God's big plan. Now I can't relate to that. I believe that the Lord helps those who help themselves. How can anyone stand idly by and watch someone kill their wife/husband or child? I don't get it.

Anyway, I believe that there are those within our govt. who are pushing harder and harder to render us totally dependent on the govt. for our safety. This is a job they will never be able to perform.

I have a few questions for everyone.

How many of you would be able to kill someone else who was trying to take the life of your spouse or child?

How many of you think the govt. is up to the task of being responsible for the safety of every American?

How many of you support "shall issue" laws for concealed carry of firearms following background checks and proper training?

How many of you are willing to give up your firearms when the govt. comes to take them?


Anonymous said...

further, to do deal with a different religion who believes killing off the infidels is what god wants them to do

Anonymous said...

I'd have no problem taking a life in the defense of my family, myself, or my country. I don't, however, own a handgun. I think that my family would be safer without on in the house.

I also don't have a problem with the private ownership of handguns, but I do believe that gun ownership should be well regulated. Handgun owners should pass background checks, have short waiting periods to purchase, should be trained and licensed before they can own a handgun, and I also believe that handgun owners should have to carry an insurance policy (much like an automobile liability insurance policy).

I don't believe the same level of regulation should be required for the ownership of long guns.

Keep in mind that the 1st amendment was written before the nation and states had standing militias or police forces.

Anonymous said...

If every eligible person carried a gun as in Texas, crime would drop. Who would knowingly piss an armed person off?

I keep several guns through the house and would not be afraid to use them. If you come into my house uninvited, God help you.

As for the govt taking my guns, I will be happy to demonstrate my firearms skills should they try.

Anonymous said...

I would protect my family at all cost if taking a life to protect their welfare is the only way then so be it. Can the government protect us? I believe this question has been answered over and over - HELL NO - would I turn over my right to bear arms to the government - sure when they pry my cold dead fingers from them after we have one hell of a fire fight. Any idiot that thinks police agency's can protect them needs to wake up and look at the stats of countries who have taken arms away from their people. Any time you take the peoples right to defend themselves away you open the doors for criminals because they do not care about the laws to begin with. If they did they would not be a criminal.Kick in my door in the middle of the night and you'll be on the wrong end of the 45 mentioned in the post. I believe if the right to carry was practiced more crime would go down because you would never know who had protection on them. Proper training and practice with fire arms creates the most effective gun control there is.

Anonymous said...

my .44...out of my cold dead hands...

Daddio said...

I believe that our Constitution was drafted and implemented by wise men who were placed on the earth by God at that time for that very purpose.

I consider the existence of this country to be God's handiwork. When I salute the flag, or cast a ballot, I am only acknowledging a loving God who created this free land for us to enjoy and prosper in.

The freedoms afforded us in that document allow us to protect ourselves from the tyranny of others --- whether it be from government or not.

We are given the right -- and responsibility -- for our protection and welfare, and I have no problem using deadly force against someone whose expressed intent is the unjust taking of the life of another.

It is also our responsibility to make a stand for good, and to elect good people to represent us in our government.

In those states where the right to carry laws exist, violent crime rates are statistically lower. If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have them, and they are not afraid to use them against you.

I, for one am not willing to "give up" my firearms or personal protection while our Constitution remains our principal document of government.

Anonymous said...

I too keep a loaded handgun in my bedroom, and a shotgun nearby. I could not, and would not shoot someone stealing a "possession" from me. "Things" can be replaced. But if someone comes into my home, that is another story. I would not hesitate to "shoot to kill" anyone entering my home to do harm to me or my family. I like to tell people that we don't call 911. With 10 acres of woods and marsh here on the farm, (and use of a backhoe), why bother the police with such things.

farm boy

Anonymous said...

1. I know I could and would shoot to kill, without hesitation. The government taught me to do so and awarded me medals for accuracy on the firing range.

2. You can rely on no one but yourself for your own personal safety. It's like calling the police after someone breaks in, by the time they get there, it's all over. Only thing left to do is clean up the mess.

3. Shall issue laws is just another way of keeping track of who is doing what or who has what.

4. Give up what? I don't have no steenkin guns.

Anonymous said...

We need to protect ourselves precisely because of the ineptitude of our local city government.

Anonymous said...

I have a gun, and no way will I give it up. If my husband's or one of my children's or grandchildren's lives were being threatened, I would not hesitate to shoot first and ask questions later. In fact, to hell with the questions.

As I manage a retail store and take deposits to the bank after dark, I am considering getting a permit to carry.

They don't call me grannydragon for nothing.

Anonymous said...

I also keep a loaded weapon on hand at home. I have no doubt in my mind, if someone is in my home, before I let them hurt me they are going down. I bet it slows down home invasions, if nothing else at least at this house.

Take my gun? From my cold dead hands

Anonymous said...

I believe we need guns to protect ourselves FROM THE GOVERNMENT.

I also don't need the government's permission to protect myself.

I give myself permission.

It is good to be King.

Anonymous said...

I will not give up my fire arms!!
I will take the life of anyone who threatens myself or my family.

Anonymous said...

I'm a firm believer in "Shall Carry Laws" with proper background checks and training. I agree with most of your post granddad except the following.

I'm not a big believer in using handguns as home defense for two main reasons.

One depending on the round chamber, if you miss its going to go through the walls of your house and may injure someone in another bedroom. Or go through an exterior wall and hit a bystander, maybe even in another house if your packed together in a newer development.

Secondly unless you've had extensive law enforcement, or military training, you will not know how your going to function in a situation like that. You may freeze up, your hand may shake, you most likely will not be able to take the shot with a handgun. In my opinion the best home defense fire arm for your average person is a pump action shotgun. You will not miss even if your adrenaline is running and you can't keep a steady hand, and we don't have to worry about stray high powered rounds going who knows where.

I just felt the need to post this before someone feels a handgun is there best protection in their home.

Lastly a question for Joe. I'm still undecided on the vote for Senate. I was wondering if you could give us Mr. Harris's view on "Shall Carry Laws". Considering Maryland law being one of the most stringent in the nation, and Maryland having some of the highest crime rates in the nation. Honestly I've thought many times about leaving this state due to the fact, I cannot get a Conceal Carry Permit, even with a clean background check, massive training, and spending 15 years in the Army.

Anonymous said...

grannydragon: You'll never get the permit, been there done that. The state police will not enforce the real law. I've attempted three times using things like that as my reasoning and have been denied. Last time the trooper doing the interview told me the only way you can really get a permit in this state is if you've physically had someone try to kill you in the last five years, or have an active restraining order against someone who has intent to kill you. And intent to kill you means he has to have verbally stated this to you, and a third party witness had to hear you.

This state's law for concealed carry is far to liberal. I'd like to see it changed to something like Florida's or Penn. Law. I feel with proper training, and a clean background check, you should be allowed to carry. I bet criminal would think twice in the State of Maryland if they knew it Law Abiding citizens were also carrying, and not just the police and criminals.

Anonymous said...

7:51 and 8:13 I agree ,however if the government decides to raid your home for any reason , such as the mayor on the other side of the bay , remember when they even killed his dogs.
They will kill you the same way.
Then go to there local watering hole and say it was justified.
Then your cute little saying will come true.
They will take from your cold dead hands.
It most likely will come from the police state that we live in. NOt someone breaking into your home.

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way.
IN maryland there is no self defense law.
If you shoot anyone even in your own house you will be tried in a court of law for it.
This is not texas.
I know you will say you dont mind going to jail.
But let me tell you.
You do mind .
Because the very ones you fear are there...

Anonymous said...

Come get some...!! (Bring a bag lunch though)--(and some friends, we'll make it a party! WOOOO HOOOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would not hesitate to shoot someone in defense of my wife or children's lives.

Anonymous said...

i did not say i would not defend myself
I will give up my life for my loved ones.
However i do not live in fear as you do.
anyone carrying a 45 or 12gauge shot gun in fear of someone else is truly afraid.
And please do be scared, because gun registration means gun confiscation by your elected government that is the first thing to go in a police state and when all these people loosing there jobs and have no money and get hungry enough they will rebell.
Then comes police state , then they will take your guns and kill you.
You dont live in texas and you aint matt dillon

Anonymous said...

Forget about the dog, BEWARE of owner!

Anonymous said...

There are laws you know.
Carrying a hand gun in NYC in your car,as you say to protect your self, will get you 10 years in the ny state prison.
Have you heard of wicomico exile, could it be implimented on your so called self defense.
News to you, it already has.

Anonymous said...

No problem, would sleep like a baby afterwards.

Anonymous said...

The constitution was drafted to protect us from an over taxing government! Thats why so many dems constantly try to take honest citisens guns. Go to the NRA web site and see what Obama is going to do to your rights if he is Pres., he sent a sease & desist order to NRA to stop this info from getting out...there will be another civil war, history has proven this.

Anonymous said...

The pric of ammunition has nearly tripled since obama's nomination to run as President, all the manufactors know his plan. their going to sell it all before he stops any more manufactoring. He's vowd to raise tax on ammo 500% there by eliminating purchase.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:24 might I suggest you do your own reloads. It's not hard.

Anonymous said...

In case some of you haven't noticed, most web browsers have built in spell check. Your arguments might be taken a bit more seriously if you'd at least take a moment to spell your words correctly.

Kris said...

if anyone reads the opinion of District of Columbia v. Heller, you would see that there really is NO issue of the gov't taking away our Constitutional right to own a firearm. Both candidates support this ruling, so either way I don't think we have to fear the inability to not be able to own a handgun. State's decide the concealed weapons issue, so look to your state leaders and see where they stand.

Also, keep in mind that while the 2nd amendment does exist for us to use self defense, there are statutes of limitations on this. However, we are allowed this NATURAL right and it is protected. I do not see this going away anytime soon.

It is just up to the individual on whether or not they wish to own a gun and use it in self defense of individuals in the home and/or of their property.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:46, are you really that stupid and still able to type a comment? What in the hell does the 1st amendment have to do with guns and why do you want to infringe on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms?

Our founding fathers also intended the 2nd as a way for citizens to stand up to their own government should it become an oppressor of the people instead of their servant. "God forbid that we should ever be 20 years without such a revolution. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and of tyrants."
Any form of gun control is an infringement of a RIGHT as clearly stated in the constitution, "the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be INFRINGED."

Has the constitution been amended to change this? No, it has been the courts that have severely diluted this right of the people.
A supreme court dominated by Obama appointees will do away with this right for all practical purposes.
It is worth voting for McCain just to maintain some respect for the constitution by the Supreme Court. I wouldn't be surpised if a supreme court with ultra liberal Obama nominees declared flying our flag at government buildings offensive to some and, therefore, unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent question, considering 99 percent of us have never shot at a person with the intent to kill.

You can log hours on the range, and you can shoot from a deer stand all day, but until you point your weapon at a living, breathing person, you'll never really know. Even what you imagine would happen will most likely be wrong.

Even most police officers, many with 10-20 years in the dept, have never so much as taken their firearm from its holster on duty.

Anonymous said...

Why is it the same people that want all these retrictions, regulations, locks, training and gun-ownership lists are the same people do not want any of the same for abortion?

It's all about power. They don't want you to have any unless it fits their agenda.

Bob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob said...


What would the purpose be for requiring insurance.....aside from having more regulation of a constitutional right? The fact that the constitution was written before police and militia existed is of no consequence. The police cannot protect you at 3:30 a.m. when a bad guy breaks into your home - nor can any militia. If you think the 2nd amendment right should be watered down or repealed due to the creation of law enforcement, you are disregarding another important reason for the right to keep and bear arms. From a founding father.....

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

Thomas Jefferson

I believe that the recent U.S. Supreme court ruling in "Heller V D.C.", which recognized that gun ownership is and individual RIGHT rather than a local militia issue, had the intents of our founding fathers in mind.

As far as I'm concerned, my handgun IS an insurance policy.

3:42 PM

Anonymous said...

"As far as I'm concerned, my handgun IS an insurance policy."

LOL that has be the line of the year Joe, I hoep you keep track of these tings.

Anonymous said...

How many of you would be able to kill someone else who was trying to take the life of your spouse or child?
I would shoot to kill someone treatening to do bodily harm to my child or grand child!!

How many of you think the govt. is up to the task of being responsible for the safety of every American?
It is not up to the government to be responsible for the safety of every individual within it's borders. This is not a task that the government is capable of nor should it be.

How many of you support "shall issue" laws for concealed carry of firearms following background checks and proper training?
I support the "shall issue" laws providing there is an age requirement, background checks and training as well as convictions for those not complying with the requirements.

How many of you are willing to give up your firearms when the govt. comes to take them?
Before the government can take the guns I have, they have to find them. Give them up willingly? No way in h&ll!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:00

You don't think that having a firearm in your home provides some type of insurance against becoming an innocent victim of crime in your own home?

Anonymous said...

maybe that's why many policemen have never had to draw their weapons, they can openly carry one? ever heard of deterent?

make no mistake about it, if someone is in my home threating me bodily harm, i could shoot them and sit down and eat while waiting on authorities.

Anonymous said...

who needs a gun , just smoke some pot and run em down. As I have experienced it , you won't be charged with anything but a 140.00 fine. But seriously , I know of a man who shot a intruder and because he didn't shoot the person in a vital area he was not charged for his own self defense. But remember this.....a dead man tells no tales .

Anonymous said...

After working for about three and a half years on a local police department, I will say that I have had to draw down on people about four maybe five times so far. I also had a lot of military training and if the need arises will not think twice if it comes down to a choice of me vs. you. My goal every shift is to go home in one piece at the end of my shift. The same goes for me defending my family at home.

As far as protecting yourself in your own home, consider this: somebody is trying to break into your house at say 3:30 am, once you realize what's going find a phone, dial 911, have your call answered by Central Dispatch, tell them what's wrong, they forward you to the correct police agency, tell the dispatcher what's wrong again, the dispatcher relays this information to a police officer or deputy, who then drives to your house, locate the appropriate house (because most of you don't have numbers that are easily read from the street) then search the property and house for the bad guy. By that time a good five maybe ten minutes minutes has gone by since you first discovered someone is breaking into your house. Once I get there I will do all I can to protect you and your family, but until I do get there your safety and your family's safety is in your hands. If you don't want the responsibility of protecting yourself and them, you're basically allowing yourself to become a victim. If you do become a burglary or home invasion victim, how do you respond to your son or daughter when they ask you why didn't you stop them?


Chimera said...

Ditto on concealed weapon permit comment-They Almost NEVER allow it in Maryland.Meanwhile my sister in Virginia is trained in the use of a Walther PPK and has a permit.
And unlike Colorado or Texas,there is no protection for self-defense in Maryland so heres my suggestion.If you ever have to shoot an intruder ask for a jury trial!A jury of your peers,especially good ole Eastern Shoremen,would NEVER convict you for shooting or even killing someone who invaded your home and intended to hurt YOU.
I wouldn't know my ass from a handgun but the way the world is I am considering taking a firearms course.Until then I have no business having a gun.

Anonymous said...

i grew up in a hunting family, i know how to shoot to kill. i've had a gun since I was 14. i didn't like killing things so i gave up hunting but not shooting, target practice is a good stress reliever.

home protection is a must, homeowners insurance will cover cleaning up the mess : /

Moon Willow said...

Guess I'll be geting that pump-action shotgun, then. If I can't defend myself in public, I'm sure as heck gonna make sure I can defend myself at home. Plus, I'd have a better chance of actually hitting my target...