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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bumper Sticker


Anonymous said...

Keep fanning the flames of hate. You should be ashamed of yourself. Did you get to pick the name that you were born with.

Please remember that the good ole' USA supported Hussein's rise to power in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

American versus AmerACORN

Anonymous said...

We need more fanning of the flames
and more wood on the fire.Open your
eyes 7:52AM!!

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight 752, it is perfectly okay for the Obama supporters to denigrate Sarah Palin, wear t shirts that say she is a C---, suggest she should have aborted her baby, suggest her husband fathered her daughters unborn baby and smear her intimate details of her entire life all over the MSM but we can't use his middle name? Welcome to Marxism.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:12- When did I ever suggest that any of that is OK?

BTW, I haven't heard any of the Palin references you point out referenced in the "MSM". Perhaps the MSM believes that that type of hateful speech has no place in the public discourse. If liberals were truly in charge of the media I think that the Hussein talk and ties to terrorists would be getting less attention, not more.

Anonymous said...

752 you can't seriously think that the MSM has been reporting anything of substance that is negative about Obama do you?

Anonymous said...

752-I guess you odn't consider Fox News MSM, pictures of those repugnant t shirt wearer were shown,
as well as reports about the Palin smears like the cover of "US" etc. Just because Liberal billionaires own the rest of the media there is no reporting about Tony Rezko, Farrkhan,Ayers,Dorhn,ACORN, etc. of any consequence. Just ask yourself why it is off limits to state a person's middle name and categorise it as fanning the flames of hate? And answer this--why doesn't Obama produce his medical records, birth certificate, his records from college and early career etc.? Why should we vote for someone who knowingly allowed a frauduelnt birth certificate to be published on official Obama websites? Instead the MSM invesitigates a tanning bed that Palin bought with her own money? If you can't understand that the whole goal is to weaken America and promote socialism and Islam you are not paying attention.

Anonymous said...

10:12 a.m. No, it's not okay to do those things to Palin, although details of her entire life are part of the territory at that level of govt.

So, do two wrongs make a right?

Let me get THIS's okay with Palin for her husband to be a member of an America-hating secessionist group in Alaska for seven years, and for her to send greetings to their convention, but I'M "anti-American" because I don't live in a town of less than 10,000 people?

Kiss my grits.

How are those Republican "n****r" robocalls working for ya?

Anonymous said...

2 p.m., those things are not reported by the MSM other than that EVERY SINGLE ONE of those crank Internet fantasies has been disputed and the record set straight.

Sorry the truth pisses you off so.

Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO! The "liberal" media? Oh, like the Salt Lake City Trib?

***The Salt Lake Tribune, which supported George W. Bush in 2004, commented that "out of nowhere, and without proper vetting, the impetuous McCain picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. She quickly proved grievously under-equipped to step into the presidency should McCain, at 72 and with a history of health problems, die in office. More than any single factor, McCain's bad judgment in choosing the inarticulate, insular and ethically challenged Palin disqualifies him for the presidency."***

Conservative paper after conservative paper is endorsing Obama. Same with the conservative talk show boys.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
American versus AmerACORN

8:58 AM

America vs. AmerACORNHOLE

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Conservative paper after conservative paper is endorsing Obama. Same with the conservative talk show boys.

8:13 PM

What conservative papers? Can you cite your sources you Kool Aide drinking Liberal Moron?

Anonymous said...


I have never heard or seen any hate coming from Obama crowds, nor have I ever seen evidence of this "shirt".

Put up or shut up.