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Friday, October 24, 2008

Anti Albero Bloggers Are REALLY Pissed Off Today

Boy, I really pissed those guys and gals off today along with the Daily Times Staff. I think they can all smell the burnt rubber as Salisbury News keeps blowing right past them each and every day and burnt rubber leaves a nasty smell, doesn't it?

You should see some of these nasty comments. Heck, there was even another death threat today. Oooooh, I'm so scared. Oh well, just another day at Salisbury News. Bunch of racists. ;-)


Anonymous said...


WTF are you talking about?

joe albero said...

The people I want this to reach know exactly what I'm talking about and that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are some really pissed off people, particularly, among The Daily Times officios.

I do not think it is just coincidental that their stock value keeps declining while SBYnews experiences record growth in hits. And I believe this may be why they are fuming.

In short, I believe SBYnews has really gotton to them.

Anonymous said...

As an avid reader of SBYnews and former avid reader of The Daily Times, I can tell you this much.

I prefer to rely on the information being disseminated by SBYnews as opposed to The Daily Times. The main point being that SBYnews is more factual, cogent, and depicts reality as opposed to ILLUSION.

SBYnews, I wish to Thank you for a job well done.

joe albero said...

No doubt about it!

I mention the name JOE CARMEAN and my God, you should see the nasty comments. Now either there are several people in love with this guy or he's pretty outraged himself.

The fact is though, the guy is wel known for butchering articles and puting his own twist to another reporters work. Some have even left the DT's because he refused to allow reporters to publish their own work, creating problems with Council Members the next time that reporter went to a meeting.

They have even told me first hand about Joe butchering up articles. Some would say, nothing you're reading in todays article is my work and they were the reporter on the scene, NOT JOE CARMEAN.

As for the Anti Albero Bloggers, we have some news coming out in the next few days that is REALLY going to piss them off! Hell, it's going to piss off the Mayor, Senators, Congressmen and yes, even Obama. I'll even bet Michael blows his stack over this one but that's just to bad.

STOP buying the Daily Times, I am. November 4th is my last day, if not sooner. My old Credit Card expires at the end of this month and I'm refusing to renew and give them the new expiration date. They, (they Daily Times) have been calling daily to get the new date and I refuse to give it to them. I'm done with them. I have wasted too much money on that rag of a paper and what am I reading anyway, Salisbury News two to three days later.

The paper is so thin and loaded with ads and associated press articles, I'm done with them. D-Day is November 4th Daily Times, you'll see.

Anonymous said...

Who reads them... They are a bunch of loosers.

Anonymous said...

I went there once and it reminded me of the fire department people all over again. I've never been back.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed their diminished presence also. Part of their strategy is to regionalize news to help offset operational cost. Joe is right on point in that their news is two, three, four days old.

Between their slant, regionalization, I have dropped my subscription also.

Funny thing though, nobody in their upper management seems to recognize their problem.

Anonymous said...

I heard one of the guys was a station 16 firefighter.

joe albero said...

He is but don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch.

joe albero said...

Oh, they're feeling it. Greg Bassett hasn't returned my calls in months. They know they are dead in the water the moment I start advertising. There are so many companies asking me when we're going to start because they're sick of the DT's prices. We can reach more people on a daily basis than the Daily Times anyway and look, they even tried the Blog thing and they failed miserably! Nothing they can do can catch up to our audience and unless they come to me with a huge offer, tey're going under locally. I told all of you a long time ago, it's going to be a very slow and painful Italian death for the Daily Times. Where have I been wrong so far?

Anonymous said...

I truly believe The Daily Times is going under also.

When you start selling assets like they have done- real estate - declining stock prices, substantial reduction in personel, cost containment through reduced services, 'the hand writing is on the wall'.

Classifieds are down, advertising is down, outsourcing drying up, its not a good scenario.

Anonymous said...

I only read it to see my horiscope and the obits.

Anonymous said...

So when does the new Congress Person get sworn in?
That is the day the Bassett hound and his unemployed bride will be on the tar and feathered train headed out of town.
Defeated by the very folks they both so despised, red neck Eastern Shore persons. Bassett when you depart this little gig, you will not be so fortunate the next time. Failure has a way of haunting a man, and if there was ever a person who deserves haunting it is you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I heard one of the guys was a station 16 firefighter.

8:35 PM

Well name names so we all know who this deadbeat is.

Anonymous said...

Joe Carmean was one of the worst people Daily Times could have put on their staff.
He has threatened to "investigate" Delmar before just because some people wouldn't tell him what he wanted to know.
They wouldn't talk to him because it seems that every story he does from Delmar, he misquotes people and tells the story wrong just to create an uproar.
I hope this guy gets what's coming to him.
What goes around comes around Carmean!

Anonymous said...

I used to look at those blogs now and again, just to read what the mental midgets were complaining about. It was somewhat good for a laugh, talk about no lives, talk about obsessive.

I deleted all those links, I just have better and more productive things to do wasting my time on their drivel.

Anonymous said...

Shanie is one of the idiots that's pissed , I used to see that tub of
crap when I walked into the reception area!

Anonymous said...

They have been going down hill for long time.If you know who they employ then you will understand. The entire group are a bunch of losers. They lost their subscribers
because of one thing "interest".
Nothing they print gives you a kick
or hits you as being interesting.
It's like reading a whole paper of obituaries. "Sorry Shanie" NOT-NOT

Anonymous said...

Joe, If you figure out how to give us the coupons and sale papers on Sunday then my Sunday only subscription is history. Thats the only day we have the paper delivered and it's just for those two things.

Anonymous said...

The coupon things is really pretty easy. Joe, I know that you don't like links, but as an example here's the Giant Food circular and coupons

Anonymous said...

You can print coupons from the website

Anonymous said...

8:22, Joe
Lotsa luck with ending the Daily Times delivery! We pay by check and refused to send a new check when our subscription ended. We wrote two notes (one on the bill and the other on the bill reminder) that we were not renewing our subscription. The paper continued to come after our "last day." Not wanting something I hadn't paid for, I called the Times. Someone in the circulation department told me that when I refused to renew, my account went into a group called, "collection by carrier." The carrier had then become responsible for collecting from me. How unfair can you get? I said the carrier could not be made responsible for collecting a debt for something I had told the Times I did not want. I said that was illegal. OK, the Times stopped for about two weeks. Then I got a paper in the mailbox and a phone call, "This is the Times. Our computer tells us you just got back from your vacation and wanted your paper to start up again today. I'm calling to make sure your paper arrived." Of course, I had not been on vacation, had never said I wanted service to resume. So I explained for the tenth time that we did not want the paper but left it that I will not pay for another DT, and I advised them not to leave any more. Guess what? The paper still comes on a sporadic basis; I got one today.