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Friday, October 24, 2008

If You've Got It, Flaunt It! Nice Lunch!

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Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting to see the "Bag Ladies" walking down the street in those $2500 suits being donated to chairity!

Anonymous said...

She has that Angela Davis look in her eyes. She could be more dangerous.

Anonymous said...

A good example of how BHO and his wife will be spending other people's money.

Anonymous said...

The election is a con and your all fools for falling for it. Were way past words and politics people.

Anonymous said...

her taste for champagne leaves a lot to be desired...don't forget this was at 4 in the afternoon...

Anonymous said...

It's been told that despite her comments , she is extremely racist!!

Anonymous said...

I knew that Nancy (I'm only a mayor's daughter)Pelosi is the richest of all
congressional men & women, and I thot her pant suit at the convention was
the ugliest I'd ever seen. It pisses me off that every day there's some new
attempt to discredit Palin, who should become the new role model for young
women & girls all across America. ENOUGH of this "American idol" worshiping!
Besides, she needed NEW jackets to cover her "have to wear 'em, flak
jackets". Well if Wanda Sykes wants a receipt for bailout expenditures, I'd
like to see receipts from bho's campaign.(another story)
I also knew hil's suits were a thou and up and did wonder about bho's
suits. You never hear anything about how he spends his campaign money. Bet
his shirts are costly and probably thrown away. I did hear last week that
michelle ordered lobster appetizers, champagne, 2 large steamed lobsters and
caviar from IRAN at 4 in the afternoon while they stayed in the Presidential
suite at the Waldorf Astoria in New York. Now I don't care what they eat,
but at 4 in the afternoon??? A little OPULENT, don't you think? Wonder how
much got "tossed". Yet we're supposed to believe they can relate to us
"ordinaries"? Bet he'd never carry his own bags at the airport like McCain
was doing this time last year. Wonder which room McCain had at the Waldorf?
I guessed the reason for A-Q's backing we wouldn't vote for
him. My friends, all are mad at me, get their news about candidates from
"good morning America". IDIOTS, all!!! I got MAD, yesterday. We can't have
signs in our yard for the vandalism. My car has been keyed and small
children chant o-bam-a as they walk down the street...SMALL children who
don't have the slightest idea who he is. Change is right, alright. I've
never been afraid to openly support my candidate ever before.

Vote smart or don't bother.
If you're just watching the news to get your knowledge, you're not informed
enough to vote.
I think you oughtta have to pass a test to vote! At the very least KNOW
who's running with whom & what they stand for! (did you hear the harlem
residents supporting the obama/Palin ticket?)


Anonymous said...

I didn't like the IRANian caviar, either.

Anonymous said...

There is so much outrage here (the Iranian caviar makes me want to smash things right now-that she would order it and the Hiltons would offer it)that I can only counter by offering that if elected, I promise to eat only the room service bacon-cheeseburger with waffle fries for a snack and I will take the remainder to the nearest local club where I can fairly redistribute the wealth among "the working people". Now comes the hard part-who has 400 $1 bills for four Franklins?

Anonymous said...

This woman just looks like she has a chip on her shoulder. And judging by the way she looked at the last debate she should cut back on eating, because it looked like the back of her dress was going to explode. It would have been worse that an I.E.D. in Iraq if that thing had broke loose

Anonymous said...

A hate filled woman with an accute complex of inferiority. That's dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Well, why not? When your taking in $200 million in a month, whats a few hundred dollars for a lunch?
I'm sure that's the thinking behind this. I would love to know who or what and where did these $200 million come from? Could some of it be from the Middle East?
Inquiring minds want to know.

joe albero said...

Let me explain something to ALL of you.
Several years ago a plane flying over NYC was blown out of the air. A Coast Guard Commender on Governors Island saw a missle head towards the plane and blew a commercial flight out of the air.
I personally watched the news that day and saw this report. Hours later the media was denying it was blown out of the air and to this date, even though their were witnesses who saw if get shot down, the government shut it up.

Don't even tel me for a single second that this has all been cleared up. I don't believe it for a single second. I wouldn't trust the MSM, period. They're whores and will sell out to the highest bidder every time.

Anonymous said...

Iranian Caviar???


Just like a muslim

Anonymous said...

I'll take the F'ers on Wall Street who walked away with multi-million dollar golden parachutes and bonuses as the ones to give up a piece of the pie.

You put all those SOB's together and you've got a tidy sum for healthcare or education.

Anonymous said...

9:03 PM,

I can't wait to see the look on your bigoted faces when you have to call him "President Obama".