Between the lack of customers and then somewhat shady customers walking through the doors, this business owner has had enough and is packing her bags and relocating.
Kristy Grasso has at times been scared to death in some cases when some undesirable customers walk through her door and just stand around. I have actually been there and had to ask one of them to leave. There's no real security for these women in small businesses to rely on and after one year, Kristy has had enough and is moving join forces with the Grape & Vine business at 927 Mt. Hermon Road.
Granted, Kristy hasn't had her doors open on a consistent basis and has even had to bring in her German Shepard whenever possible. There just seems to be no real answers toward success for any businesses on the Downtown Plaza. It's a real shame.
Where exactly is the Joe-cam pointing? It would actually be useful directed toward this door rather than yours, right Joe?
Another local business that I know of has elected not to relocate on the Plaza for largely the same reasons. What a shame.
How proud the Chief and the Mayor must be.
If you all would jump in the "Family Trucksters" and take a day-trip to Annapolis (grab a bite to eat at The Federal House on the docks-or just Google it where you are now and check the image on their webpage), you would possibly immediately reach the conclusion that Salisbury's downtown IS IN FACT AN OVERWHELMING TREASURE and YOUR LOCAL CITY GOVERNMENT has done everything in its powers during the last decade or two to kill off every one of these wonderful, unique vendors so they can draw everyone out where the deer live to buy an overpriced developer profitted McMansion. I look at the photo of this wonderful downtown brick building (if you are looking at the Federal House Restaurant-it does not look nearly as cool as this local treasure)and read the story of another local displaced vendor and it makes me want to wretch. Do not get so lost in the national political morass that you forget your city elections early next year. Salisbury can rage against the "Dying of the Light", but YOU VOTERS must first rage against the dying of pride and dignity that your local leaders have stolen from you. Joe-How much does this building cost? And can we set up an English-style Pub (Fish and Chips/Shepherds Pie/dart boards/Lotsa Pints) together? C'mon Salisbury....get up off the mat and throw some quality punches!!!
This is why we need tax incentives for new plaza businesses. Also, we need to fine rental companies for vacant stores. If you can't rent it, sell it to someone who will do something with it. I used to live on the plaza and loved it.
That is such a shame! I wish her the best and hope that her new location is very prosperous! It is not any better down here past the other end of the plaza either. We have a business where you place orders and pick up orders, we are not a retail store and people walk in and when we ask if we can help them, they say "I'm just looking". Looking at what?! It is very unnerving and I know just how she feels.
I've been in there and they are very polite. It goes a long way. I wish them the best of luck.
anon 12:44 is one of the few bloggers on here that actually has a clue. Good job! The downtown has soooo much potential it's sickening. Unfortunately everybody in this town just likes to bitch about the problems without doing anything to solve them!!!!! You are either a part of the problem or you are part of the solution. The people in Salisbury need to realize that this is not the 1950's and there could be so much more to offer than Walmart and Mcdonalds.
2:09. I have been such a TRUE, HATED "Maverick...or is it Goose...or is it Iceman" for so long around here, I am pretty sure your positive feedback is sending me out like Fred Sanford today...."Oh, Elizabeth, this is the biggest one yet...I'm comin' to join you honey!!" {Right after I press Esther's face in some dough to make "Gorilla Cookies."}
I used to live and work on the plaza - and you know what? There is little traffic to support a business, and at night, it's noisy, full of drunks and homeless people, and unsafe. The parking sucks. Once the banks close at 3, the cops disappear. The downtown plaza is pretty, but there will never be enough traffic to support businesses there. I think they should shut the drive through and make the entire thing into a gated community of high-end condos and apartments. The buildings are great for living in, but the area is too unsafe at night.
Darn! I love her shop! I stopped by this weekend, early Sat. afternoon and she wasn't open. I wondered why. Well, I'll follow her to her new location. *sigh* BTW, I like her German Shepherd. I felt more secure with the dog in the shop. Also, we have a business near the downtown plaza and keep our doors locked at all times. Delivery people and clients know to knock or phone for us to come open the door. Sad state of affairs in town.
2:50. You should see what MY security staff would look like (or just ME)...emphasized MY (paid for by ME). I think Johnny Homeless Troublemaker will quickly go back to his cardboard refrigerator box under the drawbridge before he picks up a gimp in his giddy-up..You are dealing with animal's here-treat them as such. Didn't your local police invest in CAMERAS that they pay no attention to? How is that working out for you? Enough is enough!!
It is a true shame. We also own a business downtown and have the worst time with the Shore Transit riders. Many of them do not have enough respect for themselves let alone someone else's property. We continually have people urinating on our building, windows and doors....WHEN WE ARE OPEN! We keep our doors locked at all times. It is not fair that we open a business to bring life to the downtown and do not even receive protection from the police...many of whom are being paid from the taxes we pay!
3:22. There is another issue that absolutely burns my balls (Joe, slide me an e-mail if I am working "too blue" today). If you go to many places in Amsterdam/London/Hamburg, etc. the community provides on-the-street urinal kiosks, which provide both adequate privacy and sanitation. This is a local failure of leadership vision and oversight. Quite frankly, if you install those cameras and don't see a noticable reduction in crime (based on reports I hear today, crime is actually INCREASING down there), your mayor and chief of police should go live in shame....BIG TIME. It is absolutely unexcusable and unforgivable....and you know what Salisbury-YOU ARE POWERFUL AND WORTHY OF BETTER!!! Fight this battle for your very community as Fernando fights tonight...because there is no middle ground around here anymore; Salisbury has a chance to win, or lose, forever..and each of YOU has the power to make that decision next Spring.
OMG,try getting into a law office on the plaza during a regular working day-you have to be buzzed in.
The Shore Transit people need to provide toilets for their riders NOT the city.People urinating and defecating in an urban area like that is not just unsightly,but pretty unhealthy too.
Also,on Shore Transit:Have you ever seen a full bus?I know it serves alot of people who use it as it was meant,but I have a theory alot of "mules" ride it too,and not the four-legged type if you get my drift.
So sad. For well over 10 years there has been talk of revitalizing the downtown, and there appears to have been no progress at all. I too dreamed of opening my own boutique type gift gallery in this very location. I wanted to offer hand crafted jewelry, pottery, glassware, photography and artistic items across all spectrums. It broke my heart to realize that this venture would probably not succeed in this location, even though the rent was cheap. Unfortunately, I was unable to afford the rent in a more visible location with more traffic. Besides all this, with the economy tanking, retail is very risky---even for those with deep pockets.
I wish you luck.
As for me, I am considering something that doesn't require quite as much capitol, but may still be able to incorporate my orignial vision in a smaller way. We will see what the future holds.
Salisbury's Downtown is no differant than any other towns "downtown". They're done. Why are people wasting their money trying to revitalize. It's a shame but it's a losing battle and huge waste of dollars that could be spent elsewhere.
What is on the PLAZA? NOTHING interesting, that is for sure. Most of the business's there have junk in them! Why would anyone go there? I am telling you if they put six or seven primitive or country shops in there it would pick up traffic you would not believe.
Why is there a Shore Transit stop on the Plaza? Which riders live on the Plaza or shop there? Move the stop where the riders live.
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