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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9-11


Mardela said...

May we never forget the innocent victims, men, women and children, of all races, religions, and ethnic backgrounds.
The heros who sacrificed with the ultimate price, their lives. And the ones who live on, this day will never leave their memory.
Please put out your flags, take a minute to say a prayer, and forget for just one day about what political party you are affiliated with.


Anonymous said...

72 virgins...sounds more like hell to me.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mardlea, sorry TAL there could not comply with your wishes...

Anonymous said...

thomas augustus littleton ---AMEN!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Thomas A Littleton--you are just trying to stir up some sh*t, right? You can't really believe that "our mortal enemy is the RELIGION..." As for me I would rather have one really goodlookin' hottie with a lot of experience than 72 virgins anyday !!

thomas augustus littleton said...

Anon 2:38
Yes, I'm afraid Islam has been our mortal enemy for hundreds of years dating back to the Crusades and even much longer than that if one wants to carry the investigation back to Abraham & Sarah, and forward to Armagedon.
Yes, if I ever perform a service that is deemed worthy of reward, and that reward is to be sex, I, too, would prefer only one woman who knew what she was doing. I have no wish to defile a virgin:) But then, again, I'm NOT a Muslim who thinks a woman is my property, must obey me, cover her face, and is only here for my pleasure! But come on you terrorist devils...72 virgins to defile! That's quite a religion you have there:) TAL

thomas augustus littleton said...


Make no apologies for me, grasshopper, some of us with ears must remain constantly awake and aware of the enemy! The spirit of "political party" has been with us since the beginning of our nation, and is as American as it gets.
Grope around in the darkness, Grasshopper, and apologize for your willingness to accept the abomination of political correctness.
As one with ears, on the anniversary of this atrocity perpetrated by Muslim Terrorists, in the name of Islam, I would be almost criminally neglegent not to remind patriotic Americans that they, their children and grandchildren will be safer with the right president and vice president.

Anonymous said...

I remember how our country changed after this terrible tragedy. I lost very close friends in the fire service when the towers collapsed. I feel for the thousands of men and women went to work that morning, and never came home, both civilians and public safety employees. Let us remember the men and women that protect our country, and give us the freedom that alot of other countries aren't able to enjoy. Gob Bless America!

Anonymous said...

TAL you are such a bigoted fool. You do realize that the worlds largest religion is Islam and that the overwhelming majority are anti-extremist. You, TAL, are the reason why the world hates America. You preach your "Christian" values as if any other religion is nonesense.

I don't understand how you republicans tout 9/11 for political purposes. It was a tragic event that all of us, democrat and republican, will never forget. Somehow, the republicans have gotten it in their heads that they will keep us safe and the Dems won't. This is a disgrace. 9/11 occurred 20% into Bush's first term. Bush ignored major intelligence that predicted the attacks. He lost focus on the war in Afghanistan and now that remains the front on the war on terror. He lied about Iraq. over 4000 soldiers are dead because of his lies. How is that "country first"

TAL, you are just another war mongering fool. You believe everything you read on the internet about Barack Obama because you are scared that a black man is smarter than you will ever be. Despite the fact that Obama has been raised a Christian and raises his family as Christians has no importance to you. Obama has been and will continue to be nothing but a patriotic American who will keep us safe. McCain's only defense is using the military -- bomb, bomb, bomb, drill, drill, drill -- the chants of morons. As you say, without proof, the "muslim world wants, so desperately" for Obama to be our president. Maybe some of the reason is that for one thing, Obama wants our troops out of harms way in Iraq, and McCain does not. Perhaps it is because Obama actually understands the difference between Sunni and Shia, knows that Iraq does not border Pakistan, and has understood from the beginning that Iraq was not a central focus in the war on terror. Maybe it is because Obama has the diplomatic skills to talk to foreign leaders -- yes talk (like we did with the terrible Kim Jong Il a few months ago). Maybe as many americans are, with Obama as president we can have peace in the world and not have to use our military for every dispute.

So, I am sure that TAL will continue his unfounded attacks on Obama's religion. And he can start taking the W'00 and W'04 stickers off and put his McCain/Palin sticker on his pick-up right next to the confederate flag...

thomas augustus littleton said...

My poor blind, deaf Grasshoppers,
I have but one flag, the American Flag, the one Obama doesn't know many stars it has:)


Michael Swartz said...

I love it when people make these rambling anti-Bush, anti-GOP comments anonymously.

You seem to have an issue with drilling for domestic oil and not negotiating with terrorist-supporting states unless there are preconditions. I can tell you that the former is likely to create a number of good jobs that Americans can use and the latter is a policy we should follow - after all, the best negotiations we've done were when we overwhelmed a country militarily (think World War II.) We turned our sworn enemies into friends and helped rebuild both from the ruin we created.

My prediction based on the experience of living through several Democrat administrations is that under President Obama we would still entangle ourselves militarily, but for the wrong reasons:

LBJ escalated Vietnam to a point where America turned against the war and we eventually withdrew in defeat under Presidents Nixon and Ford.

Carter watched as the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and made a failed half-hearted attempt to rescue the Iranian hostages which were captured under his watch (the first of many Islamofascist strikes against America and its interests.)

Bill Clinton didn't inhale but he got involved in Kosovo and Somalia without winning either. Remember Black Hawk Down?

America will always have its interests challenged - if you think the Obama/Biden team will be able to manage America's strengths I can't help but disagree.

And I'm not afraid to sign my name to this statement.

Anonymous said...

Grasshoppers? Are you high?

thomas augustus littleton said...

anon 5:01
I do feel you give me far more importance than deserved when you say "I am the reason the world hates America." I doubt that,"the world will little note or long rememeber," anything I say,or write. But thank you, anyway:)

You, 5:01, are the blind, deaf racist. I KNOW Barak Obama is much, MUCH smarter than I will ever be, as are plenty of people from every race. I am certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, once again, it is not Obama's color or intelligence that I am against. It is his message combined with his racist & un-American associations:)
I like Rice, Powell and Steele who are black and, also, "much, MUCH smarter than I will ever be." I would vote for Rice or Powell for president above anyone else. So, how do ye call me a racist when it is clearly the person, not the person's color that offends me?
I can see from your liberal talking points that you have not studied nor have any understanding of history, Islam or anything that's going on today. Everybody can quote facts to support their opinion. Only study and divine revelation gives The Ones with ears the understanding that you so clearly lack:)
Since I like 3 out of 4 black American political heavyweights and you call that racist, I proclaim you too stupid to learn and cannot accept you as my Grasshopper when there are others who are capable of learning. TAL

thomas augustus littleton said...

anon 8:17,
No, I do not use drugs:)

Do you not remember when the blind Master PO asked young Kwai Chang Cain about the grasshopper at his feet. Qwai Chang was astonished as he hadn't noticed the grasshopper. "How is it, Master PO, that you know the grasshopper is at my feet?) Master Po smiled and patiently replied, "How is it that you do not? Do you not have EYES and ears?"
From then on, Master PO always fondly called Kwai Chang Cain
I, patiently & fondly, use the name, Grasshopper, for those I encounter who aren't stupid but don't yet have ears:)
Don't use drugs, and go in peace, Grasshopper:)

Anonymous said...

Please tell us of Obama's racist and un-american associations that you repeatedly quote.

I am sure that you will bring up the reverend wright, ayers nonesense again. Should we start talking about the Keating 5 again? Should we talk about McCain and Hagee? We should be focusing on the issues at hand and the fact that McCain is nothing but a continuation of Bush policy.

You failed to respond to anon 5:01's issues with the republican leadership and 9/11.

You fail to discuss how McCain is different than Bush.

You fail to talk about how Obama's tax plans will CUT taxes for anyone making less than 250K

What you do discuss is an ignorant view of the islamic faith. You are trying to use fear to promote your candidate. You mock a religion that the majority of the world subscribes to. You don't seem to have the intelligence to comprehend that most Muslim's are good and generous people and to lump an entire group based on the extreme actions of a small minority is at its core -- racism. So, I, like anon 5:01 am calling you what you are -- a small minded racist.

Anonymous said...

All the above posts (with the exception of the 1st one by mardela) make me sick. How can one turn a post about remembering this tragic day into a bunch of mud-slinging about current political issues? Can't this post be JM/BO free? Can't we put politics aside FOR ONE POST?! We are all Americans, we were all affected, and we were all changed forever by the events of this day seven years ago. I fear our children will not realize the gravity of this day if this is what "remembering" has become...

thomas augustus littleton said...

r haddad,
VOTE MCCAIN/PALIN FOR A SAFER AMERICA for your children & grandchildren:) How's that for an issue, jerk?
And you give Hagee's endorsement the same weight as Obama's 20 year membership in Wright's racist church? What a quintessential FOOL you are! That is too stooopid for anyone with above child like understanding! Of course there are many, many good people of every religion, including Islam, But the goals of the religion itself, as practised by ALL the Middle Eastern nations who embrace it, is evil, anti-freedom, anti-American and anti-Israel. By being anti-Israel they are ANTI-BIBLE.
AND YOU didn't address why the Mulsim world so desperately wants Barak Houssein Obama to be OUR president:):):):):)
I pronounce you, like 5:01, too stooopid for further instruction from The One with ears, so you cannot be my Grasshopper!
But go in peace, grope around in the fog and darkness, and pray that in your next incarnation you may be born an ubermensch with ears:) TAL
McCain will get close to 60% of the vote:)

Anonymous said...

Even on the day we are suppose to set aside our differences and remember those who died TAL is still lying.
