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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

F.O.P Loses In Court Against Wicomico County

The F.O.P. and Collective Bargaining took a major hit this week as the Judge dropped all three counts against the County. I'm told the F.O.P. is considering an appeal.

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Anonymous said...

Being from Delmar, who just went through this..and being AGAINST it..I can tell you...they WILL file an appeal.

I believe the purpose of the FOP is to get as much money and other perks for their good ol' boys as they can.
In some municipalities where they have won, they have even dictated to the local governments where the officers will work and not work and how much OT they will have and exactly what the officers will be doing with their time on the clock.

FOP takes ALL control away from the governing body that the taxpayers voted in other words, the citizens have no say either as to how their tax dollars are spend inside the police agency..the FOP does.

To do this...they need to keep the municipalities and counties involved tied up in court spending hundreds of thousands of dollars defending themselves until they get to the point that they give in.
They want to break the budgets to get what they want.

The FOP does not give a crap about citizens, the protection of those same citizens they don't give a crap about or anything else besides getting police whatever they want at whatever cost.
They are not a UNION. They are a GROUP....but they have a lot of clout.

They are BAD news for the communities they enter to throw their weight around in.

Anonymous said...

With this post I tell all the other members out there that remember who you are representing.

This is only a small hurdle to over come. We achieved a vote from the citizens of Wicomico County 70-30. The citizens of this county voted for what they thought was fair and what would work for all those parties involved.

As for the County Council, They have soon forgotten how they got elected into office. Those persons are there to represent the citizens in there district. They have again let down the 70 percent that voted for the referendum.

All the deputies want is to be treated fairly. The deputies do not want to be treated like every other county employee. The deputies are not like every other county employee. They work seven days a week. All day and all night. When the citizens of Wicomico County are in bed sleeping or spending Christmas with their loved ones, there are deputies patrolling this county. On the weekend, when you are sitting watching football there are deputies answering calls. The Collective Bargaining does not just include pay. The collective Bargaining also includes the benefits of the deputies such as retirement and disability.

In closing, I would like to say we all need to remember that the fight is not over. We need to stand together and show that we are strong and stand our ground. Collective Bargaining works. It works in Ocean City and on the Western Shore of Maryland.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't represent anyone.

And I believe that most of the citizens who vote "for" collective bargaining do so with only one side of the story...the FOP side.

They don't bother to get all of the information to make a truly informed decision. With that, I know some people might still vote for it..but I believe that most would not...if they really understood the impact it would have on them.

I would like everyone to get fair pay and fair benefits...heck...who doesn't want that for themselves as well.
But fair pay and benefits is not all the FOP gets involved in...that's where people are misled.

When you choose to work for the City, County or State, you should know that the budget will only allow for a certain amount of expenditures. When the revenues are down, expenditures must go down. Now, I'm not saying that maybe some cuts can't be made here and there, due to stuff already being in the budget that can be put off, but in these financial times, most are not lean enough to put in even more expenditures.

Times are tough all around but FOP wants their officers to get more, more, more. They could care less what the economy is like.
Now, that's "protecting" the citizens they "serve" isn't it?

Anonymous said...

You are about a total freaking idiot. The FOP is sorta like a union. Do you complain about unions when they stand up for a steelworker or pipefitter???? "NO"

You are only complaining because these guys are police officers. Police officers trying there best to keep you, me, your family and mine safe and out of harms way. The FOP is doing the same thing. They keep their family, the police officers, safe from people like you. THey basically protect the cops from being screwed over.

Maybe for once in your life, instead of complaining about something, you would read about the topic and stop your damn complaining.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, want another take on this? Look at the alarming number of officers that have left the area in favor of agencies that offer better pay and benefits. Something needs to be done to keep quality, not just qualified, officers here. Collective bargaining is just one step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

IDIOT???? I don't think so....
look in the mirror.

They are NOT a UNION....there's no SORTA to it.

Do your own research...I did.

Anonymous said...

"The honorable judge Mitchell is a democrat i take it.

Anonymous said...

Not all of the citizens are home in bed asleep. Some of them work all day and night 7 days a week too. Why do you think your so much better than the other County employees?

Anonymous said...

in response to 5:22. i am not a deputy and i am sure that the deputies dont think they are better than other county employees but the deputies will run towards the sound of danger while other county employees run away from it that is the difference.

Anonymous said...

The deputies should have pushed harder for disability and retirement before they pushed for the big salary increases up front. This county has given them raise after raise and they are actually overpaid for what they do. They want their cake and eat it too. They get paid about the same as MSP and much better than SPD. They have gravy overtime assignments that include standing around at the airport and checking on railroad tracks as part of "homeland security". SPD has a better retirement, but gets paid much less. Cry me a river. Don't let the Wicomico Sheriff's Office fool you - 75% of them do nothing all day. They are not that busy, and collective bargaining is not an apple that I as a taxpayer want a bite out of. It's pandora's box. Be careful.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
3:14 PM

Cough! Cough!... Honorable??

Anonymous said...

Anon 1208,

The deputies need to unite and do everything in there power to vote out the current county executive and council. Do it with friends and family. Just do it. Now is the time to start looking for candidates to support.

Bob said...

Anon 7:08,

you are entitled to your opinion but the fact is that it has already gone to a vote of the people. The people voted in favor of collective bargaining for the deputies 70/30. The sad part is that democracy has been trumped by power hungry politicians. Because you disagree with the results of the referendum you are willing to stand by and support the politicians who override the will of the majority. What's next? Do we override the next election because some politicians disagree with the results? We should all look past our personal opinion on the issue and carry the will of the people forward in order to preserve the foundation on which this nation was built. It MUST be about what the people want....not a few politicians who obviously do not represent their constituents accurately.

Anonymous said...

well said grand dad.

Anonymous said...

In responce to 6:32. I would hope they would run toward the problem. That's what their paid to do.

Anonymous said...

12:08 it does not work in Ocean City, it has cost the taxpayers millions, thats a fact. I respect the police, but THEY forgot who they work for. It was a crime, thats right a CRIME, when the cops misrepresent the facts about what they want, it's all about THE MONEY, and doing less work. I know, you risk your life, check just how far your up the ladder as far as risk before you start that crap.

Anonymous said...

12:08 If you spent 1/2 the time doing your job, instead of "fighting", bet you wouldn't have to fight 1/2 as hard. Leave the donut shop and coffee table round bitch sesson and do your job

Anonymous said...

in response to 9:40am who responded to my initial post at 6:32pm. They are paid to run towards the problem and they gladly do it, which is why they need adequate disability to protect them and teir families if they get hurt doing the job they are paid to do.

Anonymous said...

If they don't like the pay and benefits, They can do what I was told years ago. Go get another job.