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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back In The Day

Don’t Worry, Salisbury Public Works Is On It
Posted by Publius
February 17, 2006

Shame on you John Jacobs. Shame on you for allowing the waste water treatment plant (WWTP) to get in the shape that it’s in. Shame on you for blaming the messenger rather than solving the problem.

The Daily Times reports that Mr. Jacobs (Salisbury Director of Public Works) will be “sending (Joe) Albero a letter warning him not to trespass on the sewage plant’s grounds.” Mr. Albero is the individual responsible for the recent public and media attention on the WWTP. I see that Mr. Jacobs has memorized the “Barrie Tilghman Playbook”.

Mr. Albero also reported illegal discharge into the river from the zoo. Jacobs said, ’small ponds within a tropical bird cage and the alligators exhibit drain into the river, but those flows have since been turned off.” Unfortunately, Mr. Albero’s photos on Justice for All? contradict this. It has also been reported that the MDE had to come and cap the discharge pipe themselves.

Telling tales doesn’t work with us when it’s coming from the Mayor, do you think that we’ll believe you any more Mr. Jacobs?


Anonymous said...

Joe, you should see if someone could check into their quality reports for the drinking water. I had a friend that used to work there for years and he said that if anyone realized how bad the drinking water was in Salisbury and how contaminated past what they allow, it would be shut down immediately because you wouldn't be able to drink it. Who know, maybe not even get a bath in it. Said they were always made to 'fudge' reports so it wasn't shut down.

Anonymous said...

Anon 420 if this is true your friend is just as guilty as the ones at the top. To knowingly fudge anything putting the health of others at risk is reprehensible. I hope his kids aren't drinking or bathing in city water. There is the whistle blower laws to protect people that have info such as this and can prove it. There is nothing I despise more than a coward.

Anonymous said...

You got that right. What is this whistle blower number cause i'll be sure to call it. Interesting no one knew about this number until now.